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What are you working on for Duke right now?  "Post about whatever Duke related stuff you're doing"

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Added slayers for boss 2 and boss 3.
Also did lots of things / coding etc.
Made a freaken nice CAFE. Should post new pics soon,

User is offline   zykov eddy 


Get ready for a short pixelated horror adventure.

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This post has been edited by zykov eddy: 02 February 2014 - 07:52 AM


User is offline   Steambull 


Nice, nice. Visuals look promising, I hope you can make it play in a way that supports the idea.

User is online   Hendricks266 

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View PostHelixhorned, on 02 February 2014 - 06:52 AM, said:

Actually, that wouldn't be too hard to implement. There's no dependency on the assumption that there's only one such table anywhere. If there's interest in this feature, I'll bump that item up my TODO list a bit; you'd have something like .pal for ceiling/floor/wall/sprite then, but indexing a blending table. Naturally, only the new internal map format could carry this information, and hence it would be exclusive to the Lunatic build.

While on the subject of alpha, Classic mode lacks proper support for alpha in spriteext and rotatespritea. (Currently I just hacked it to add the cstat bits at the 33% and 66% thresholds.)

The otherwise awful and misguided Doom Retro automatically does one of these two:

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the left being alpha blending, and the right being additive blending.

Would it be acceptable for EDuke32 to do the same thing, possibly with Lunatic overrides?

User is offline   DavoX 

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User is offline   Kyanos 


So, I pumped out a few quick Deathmatch maps then I decided I wanted to make a really good one. I researched what makes the best deathmatch maps, not just for Duke but for all games.
Then I saw this picture, from many lists of the best deathmatch maps ever, Deck 16 from UT2:
Attached Image: ScreenShot2.JPG
So here, I've started recreating Deck16 in build :( It's pretty much roughed out, with the sprite bridges weighing in at 500 sprites or so. Still a long way to go, but I wanted to share and get some input hopefully.
Attached Image: capt0003.png
Attached Image: capt0004.png

User is offline   Cage 


View Postzykov eddy, on 02 February 2014 - 07:52 AM, said:

Get ready for a short pixelated horror adventure.

I think this would work A LOT better with some actual pixel art graphics, but I still like it! Pixelart eats time too, so can't blame ya. :(

User is offline   Micky C 

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View PostDrek, on 02 February 2014 - 02:27 PM, said:

I wanted to share and get some input hopefully.

It's a bit early to tell tbh.

View PostHelixhorned, on 02 February 2014 - 06:52 AM, said:

Naturally, only the new internal map format could carry this information

So I'm wondering, if this upcoming map format will be able to support new information arbitrarily, will we be able to get new options such as designating surfaces as reflective (and adjust the level of reflectiveness in polymer? Maybe other polymer-specific things like the shininess of surfaces (i.e to make them look wet)?


View PostDrek, on 02 February 2014 - 02:27 PM, said:

So, I pumped out a few quick Deathmatch maps then I decided I wanted to make a really good one. I researched what makes the best deathmatch maps, not just for Duke but for all games.
Then I saw this picture, from many lists of the best deathmatch maps ever, Deck 16 from UT2:
Attachment ScreenShot2.JPG
So here, I've started recreating Deck16 in build :( It's pretty much roughed out, with the sprite bridges weighing in at 500 sprites or so. Still a long way to go, but I wanted to share and get some input hopefully.
Attachment capt0003.png
Attachment capt0004.png

Deck16 kicks ass man, definitely it would be hard to remake in Build, maybe TROR could be used for those slanted ramps, but sprite bridges do the thing as well. I advice you to maintain the original geometric configutation as close as possible, it's a huge deal seeing the success that map has had since the first Unreal. Also I strongly recommend you to use a teleporter to outer space or something instead of the green slime bottom, to force the player die immediately after falling there (green slime does little damage and doesn't affect mobility unlike Unreal). It would be nice if this map supported some kind of single-player mode as well. Good luck with this.

This post has been edited by CraigFatman: 02 February 2014 - 09:26 PM


User is offline   Kyanos 


Thanks for the input. I was worried about what to do there, it's completely different gameplay if one can just run back and forth across that slime pit. I was leaning towards a quicksand-ish effect with conveyors and water tags. Now I want to try to combine both to get really close to the same effect, not immediately deadly but don't get in too deep.

About the geometry. I agree it needs to be as close as possible to the original, except Duke has that crazy ability to jump 7 ft. So with that in mind, and the engines limits on aiming up and down, I have had to take a few liberties along the z-axis. As for the rest it is very very close to the same. Definitely flows the same.

I can see myself doing SP and CO-OP for this. I'm thinking timed spawns that sort of emulates invasion mode. I have an idea that will implement skill levels too.

Do you guys think I should put the jetpack down where the jump boots were. I want to, but I fear it may completely destroy gameplay... This one is going to need a lot of play testing.

User is offline   Kyanos 


Double posting :(
Here is a quick clip showing my automated elevator platforms, matching the ones from Unreals Deck 16.


User is offline   Micky C 

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That's looking pretty good Drek! Like the spritework going on there.

User is offline   Kyanos 


Thanks Micky, it's all still very early, took me a lot of attempts to get that sprite elevator to co-operate. I got some crates and such to throw in around there, a second floor too. Then there are rafters above all this mess, accessible to the player from a teleporter located above the elevators.

User is offline   Micky C 

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What kind of problems did you have with the sprite elevator?

And consider yourself lucky you're designing it for Megaton. Just a few weeks ago I did some somewhat complex spritework and sprite elevators moving through other sprites and it all had to be compatible with classic...

User is offline   Kyanos 


To start with it was a brand new effect for me, just getting the sprites to go up and return to the ground after a delay was tricky. It uses a sector door off the map to trigger the descent. Then I had issues with sprites clipping. It was a little bit of work to get small enough sectors that a second player can't drop down into the workings of the elevator, all while no sprites clip in and out of view, you can always see the elevator sector and sprites together.

It suffers from some jittery sprites in Megaton. They still have that really old bug that isn't in Eduke32 anymore.

This post has been edited by Drek: 04 February 2014 - 06:52 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

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Here's something a bit different.

It still needs some work, like a roof and other stuff, but this 3D watch tower is 99.95% glitch free in classic. Using a combination of masked walls, sprites, and masked TROR surfaces there's no clipping, HOM, or anything like that from any angle. You can put sprites in the tower, floor aligned or otherwise and you won't see the floor through them or vice versa, same with the columns holding the thing up.

Posted Image

User is offline   Steambull 


View PostMicky C, on 05 February 2014 - 04:29 AM, said:

Here's something a bit different.

It still needs some work, like a roof and other stuff, but this 3D watch tower is 99.95% glitch free in classic. Using a combination of masked walls, sprites, and masked TROR surfaces there's no clipping, HOM, or anything like that from any angle. You can put sprites in the tower, floor aligned or otherwise and you won't see the floor through them or vice versa, same with the columns holding the thing up.

I have no idea what exactly you have done but that sounds awesome, opens up a lot of design possibilities.

User is offline   Helixhorned 

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View PostHendricks266, on 02 February 2014 - 12:34 PM, said:

While on the subject of alpha, Classic mode lacks proper support for alpha in spriteext and rotatespritea. (Currently I just hacked it to add the cstat bits at the 33% and 66% thresholds.)

The otherwise awful and misguided Doom Retro automatically does one of these two:


the left being alpha blending, and the right being additive blending.

Would it be acceptable for EDuke32 to do the same thing, possibly with Lunatic overrides?

The idea is to extend the current functionality in a natural way: for every kind of plane, you'll have a .blend member that selects a blending table, like .pal does for shade (palookup) tables.

So, a user could calculate and install 128 blending tables for 255 levels of translucency: [1] would be 1/256 and 255/256, toggled with the 'reverse tranlucency' bit, [2] would be 2/256 and 254/256, and so on. Or, one could caluculate tables doing additive transparency, tables filtering out a particular color, whatever you come up with...

For on-screen game world sprites (as opposed to HUD "sprites"), it would only need a short piece of code stuck into EVENT_ANIMATESPRITES to translate a spriteext[].alpha value to the necessary .blend value and .cstat translucency bits.

View PostMicky C, on 02 February 2014 - 04:05 PM, said:

So I'm wondering, if this upcoming map format will be able to support new information arbitrarily, will we be able to get new options such as designating surfaces as reflective (and adjust the level of reflectiveness in polymer? Maybe other polymer-specific things like the shininess of surfaces (i.e to make them look wet)?

In principle that's doable, yes. It would need coordination with Plagman though, since I don't want to expose features he doesn't consider finalized.

User is online   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


In Classic, .alpha should provide a result as close as possible to OpenGL modes. That won't take anything away from ".blend".

This is because while .shade is an arbitrary darkening value (not at all like Value in HSV), .alpha is a defined RGBA construct.

User is offline   Fox 

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View PostHendricks266, on 05 February 2014 - 10:15 AM, said:

In Classic, .alpha should provide a result as close as possible to OpenGL modes.

That depends. For example, 0-33% would result in 33%, while technically the "close as possible" would be making 0-16% invisible while making 16-50% result in 33%... of course that difference depends on the purpose.

User is offline   Micky C 

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View PostSteambull, on 05 February 2014 - 06:29 AM, said:

I have no idea what exactly you have done but that sounds awesome, opens up a lot of design possibilities.

Yeah not only is TROR great for architecture, both practical and decorative, but it's also great to combine it with the vanilla effects to make things that weren't quite possible before, some difficult things easier, and some completely new and interesting things.

User is offline   Jblade 


View PostCage, on 02 February 2014 - 03:42 AM, said:

Fun with additive transparency:

This is cool, did I miss something or is this a new Eduke32 thing?


View PostJames, on 06 February 2014 - 02:05 AM, said:

This is cool, did I miss something or is this a new Eduke32 thing?

That's just a custom hack to replace the standard translucency in software mode.

User is offline   Jimmy 

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I like the translucency on the explosion sprite in particular, it's rather realistic in my opinion.

User is offline   Cage 


This might end up as a feature down the line:

View PostHelixhorned, on 02 February 2014 - 06:52 AM, said:

Actually, that wouldn't be too hard to implement. There's no dependency on the assumption that there's only one such table anywhere. If there's interest in this feature, I'll bump that item up my TODO list a bit; you'd have something like .pal for ceiling/floor/wall/sprite then, but indexing a blending table. Naturally, only the new internal map format could carry this information, and hence it would be exclusive to the Lunatic build.

As for other stuff.

  • Create a new palette from scratch along with a transparency and shade tables
  • Save it into .dat format to make it readable by the game
  • Create some quick textures for testing
  • Open mapster to build a test map.
  • ?????

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View PostCage, on 06 February 2014 - 01:56 PM, said:

  • Create a new palette from scratch along with a transparency and shade tables
  • Save it into .dat format to make it readable by the game
  • Create some quick textures for testing
  • Open mapster to build a test map.
  • ?????

The fun fact is that Mapster automatically selects appropriate colors for stuff like sprites and walls, but neither the grid nor the status bar what causes this bug when using alternative palettes. With my LNGA palette the grid becomes dark yellow, and the status bar is just messy color stripes.

This post has been edited by CraigFatman: 07 February 2014 - 05:03 AM



Dark Level: my first horror mod

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A protagonist apartaments
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TROR advanced usage
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This post has been edited by Mr. Alias Nameless: 07 February 2014 - 12:13 PM



That looks insane :( I love the model style and textures combining the polymer lights. I'd like to see where it is going.

User is online   Gambini 


I would have sweared you was DarkCaleb. Great shots!

User is offline   darkcaleb 


View PostGambini, on 07 February 2014 - 04:10 PM, said:

I would have sweared you was DarkCaleb. Great shots!

Ahahaha :D :(

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