Duke Plus "feedback and general discussion of Duke Plus"
#1381 Posted 13 May 2013 - 11:12 PM
I'd like to ask if it is possible to have an alternativ option for guns to prevent flash lights from fireing guns?
In huge arenas it ruins all the atmosphere during fireing a gun when the whole area shines bright.
I've read in the eduke32 thread that this might be possible, if I understood it correctly.
#1382 Posted 16 May 2013 - 10:55 AM
If you wish, I can do it for you.
Just tell me what to do

#1383 Posted 16 May 2013 - 11:35 AM
Mia Max, on 16 May 2013 - 10:55 AM, said:
If you wish, I can do it for you.
Just tell me what to do

Adding a few lines of code to get rid of the flashing would be easy enough. But making it optional is a lot more work, because the code would have to be triggered only when the option is selected, it would need to be added to a menu, and saved with the player's preferences.
I would much prefer it if there were an option in EDuke32 itself (not DukePlus) to disable the flashing or make it localized (in the case of Polymer), since this is an issue for the game in general and not just this particular mod. So that is why I am not eager to do anything about it at this time.
#1384 Posted 16 May 2013 - 11:55 AM
Thanks anyway.
I will ask for it in the eduke32 thread then.
#1385 Posted 06 June 2013 - 03:16 AM
#1386 Posted 06 June 2013 - 04:34 AM
OctoBane, on 06 June 2013 - 03:16 AM, said:
#1387 Posted 06 June 2013 - 04:41 AM
#1388 Posted 06 June 2013 - 06:55 AM
Forge, on 06 June 2013 - 04:41 AM, said:
Disclaimer: the updates that Gambini made to the map included bug fixes and may also have been in response to changes in DukePlus, so using an old version of the map might result in things not working (e.g. the player getting stuck).
#1390 Posted 07 August 2013 - 05:38 AM
#1391 Posted 08 August 2013 - 03:01 AM
It is Beta, because no one else has tested it yet.
So please check it out and do some criticism.
There are 2 zip files that include the map, def and the textures.
and dukeplus.def there: \DukePlus\
Of course, you need the Dukeplus mod.
Attached File(s)
TEXTURES.zip (19.72MB)
Number of downloads: 354 -
frauenstein+def.zip (199.69K)
Number of downloads: 360
#1393 Posted 08 August 2013 - 11:54 PM
I want to upload a final version at the weekend.
#1394 Posted 10 August 2013 - 11:39 AM
Mia Max, on 08 August 2013 - 03:01 AM, said:
Nice work Mia Max! I see that you have penchant in building medieval/castle styled maps, because you also made Haunted Castle! map which is already included in DukePlus episode.

May I ask why is it named Fraunstein? Is it because castle is decorated with paintings of women (frauen in german), that means "Womens stone/rock"?

You didnt include any readme or .TXT file with it so I had to experiment with settings. From my experience this map definitely must be played in polymer (but I played with disabled dynamics lights to not diminish FPS) due to significant usage of TROR which causes excessive HOMs and visual glitches in polymost. But I sadly still encoutered some of them even in polymer. For example first stairs shows some visual glitches and enforcer that is right next to it is bit bugged - often he cant hit you, nor you can hit him. Also after you climb those first stairs and visit nearest tower next to first tower which iincludes health upgrade in its entrance hall, it also has visual glitches, as you can sometimes see trough through floor. I played at Come get some difficulty, but I see that you didnt implement any differences between skills so it didnt matter. During playing I had enabled all Weapon and Player (except Realistic running, sorry Dan but it sucks) DukePlus additional features and also enabled Advanced enemy AI and Supertroopers. I think that Advanced enemy AI feature caused first Battlelord to climb down all the way down to beginning (I retreated down after he spotted me), I take as this wasnt supposed to happen, right?

It has nice level design, art direction and mood (I like usage of blue mist). I like its vertical layout so enemies can attack player from different height levels. But I think some long corridors were too empty and would take good use of some added decorations. Also first courtyard was bit empty, maybe add some trees there? I think its sole purpose is to be sideway location unncesary to visit for progression, but I am "explorer" type of player so I appreciete it. Two buildings that were at end of bridge were very empty, almost felt unfinished, but this is beta so I dont worry. Can Alien queen leave lake? I tried to lure her out but she refused to leave it. I take it as it is intentional design to encourage player to take shelter/cover in nearby houses to heal and ressuply? But this poses problem: I found out that it is much better to confront her head-on from very beginning because she immediatelly starts to spam protector drones and once they unfortunately managed to surround and trap me in one of those houses. So I think maybe it would be good idea to make houses windows passable so players wont get stuck.
At end I found this map very enjoyable experince, so great piece of work!
I posted my impressions pretty late, heh? But better late then never, so I hope it will somehow help you. After you finish it, maybe you could ask Trooper Dan to release new version that would include it. Good luck with it!

#1395 Posted 10 August 2013 - 01:35 PM

That will help me to make the map complete.
May I ask why is it named Fraunstein?
It is a village nearby my home

But it doesn't mean anything. I could have named it Ramsau, Breitenau, Leonstein or anything else

I just wanted to give it an austrian name.
You didnt include any readme or .TXT file with it so I had to experiment with settings.
Ups, sorry

For example first stairs shows some visual glitches and enforcer that is right next to it is bit bugged - often he cant hit you, nor you can hit him.
Yes, this is a problem sometimes, but not always. I think, this is an TROR issue.
Also after you climb those first stairs and visit nearest tower next to first tower which iincludes health upgrade in its entrance hall, it also has visual glitches, as you can sometimes see trough through floor.
I don't have this glitch. I'll have a look on it.
I played at Come get some difficulty, but I see that you didnt implement any differences between skills so it didnt matter.
A difficult mode is planed

I think that Advanced enemy AI feature caused first Battlelord to climb down all the way down to beginning (I retreated down after he spotted me), I take as this wasnt supposed to happen, right?
No, this isn't supposed to happen.
Odd thing is that map stats mentions zero secrets but I found some hidden items that could theoretically count into secrets,
Okay, those places will be changed into secret areas.
I was missing shrinker/expander, RPG and pipebombs (got only one!), were they hidden in some secret place?
These weapons are missing. I can add some shrinker/expander and pipebombs, but no RPG, because it causes lots of lags when fireing.
But I think some long corridors were too empty and would take good use of some added decorations.
Thats true. I wanted to add much more enemies. But after building 2 years on this map with much and long pauses, I decided to release a Beta to get some critiques.
Can Alien queen leave lake? I tried to lure her out but she refused to leave it. I take it as it is intentional design to encourage player to take shelter/cover in nearby houses to heal and ressuply? But this poses problem: I found out that it is much better to confront her head-on from very beginning because she immediatelly starts to spam protector drones and once they unfortunately managed to surround and trap me in one of those houses. So I think maybe it would be good idea to make houses windows passable so players wont get stuck.
I have had the same thoughts. I'll add 'back doors' for the houses.
At end I found this map very enjoyable experince, so great piece of work!
Thank you

BTW, you mentioned that those chinese paintings would not match.
Well, I'll look for some old paintings that could match to austrian castles. I love such paintings

This post has been edited by Mia Max: 10 August 2013 - 01:43 PM
#1396 Posted 10 August 2013 - 07:54 PM
good architecture, layout, and trimming.
many under worked and barren areas. alot of the map just seems empty.
ambient sounds are needed
don't let using polymer make you lazy. walls and sectors still need shading
if you're going to leave all your enemy blue, add more ammo
seems like there's no gain to go out of your way to get the freezer, you actually waste all of its ammo and then some if you decide to fight the spawned baddies
nice cut scene
half the map doesn't need to be visited at this point
no puzzles and no locks may fly for an episode, but not really for a single player map
This post has been edited by Forge: 10 August 2013 - 08:19 PM
#1397 Posted 11 August 2013 - 02:46 AM
There is a problem with the hitscan of the tree models.
While it is correct for blocking the player and projectiles like rockets and firelaser, the clipdistance doesn't work correctly for pistol, shotgun and chaingun bullets. It is far to large, so you can't shot enemies behind trees.
#1398 Posted 11 August 2013 - 09:58 AM
Mia Max, on 11 August 2013 - 02:46 AM, said:
There is a problem with the hitscan of the tree models.
While it is correct for blocking the player and projectiles like rockets and firelaser, the clipdistance doesn't work correctly for pistol, shotgun and chaingun bullets. It is far to large, so you can't shot enemies behind trees.
It sounds like there is a mismatch between the model scale and the size of the sprites (or dummysprites) for the tree tiles. The sprite size determines how they block projectiles. If you were to disable models or run in software mode, I'll bet you would see that the tree sprites are actually huge.
Changing the model scale (in the defs) would be a bad idea at this point, since it would require shrinking the trees in all the maps they are in. What might work is adding or changing dummytile definitions for the models with smaller dimensions. IIRC, the trees have actual 8-bit sprites in the .art files, and it might be necessary to delete them to make that work :-(
#1399 Posted 11 August 2013 - 10:26 AM
But will be there a problem when the trees are displayed as sprite instead of model?
This post has been edited by Mia Max: 11 August 2013 - 10:26 AM
#1400 Posted 14 August 2013 - 11:41 AM
Can we have an option to turn off player dynamic lights spawn, please?
And can we make an Dukeplus update including my new map + textures when I've finished it?
#1401 Posted 14 August 2013 - 08:38 PM
Mia Max, on 14 August 2013 - 11:41 AM, said:
Can we have an option to turn off player dynamic lights spawn, please?
And can we make an Dukeplus update including my new map + textures when I've finished it?
Yes, certainly.
#1402 Posted 20 August 2013 - 01:23 AM
Mia Max, on 08 August 2013 - 03:01 AM, said:
It is Beta, because no one else has tested it yet.
So please check it out and do some criticism.
There are 2 zip files that include the map, def and the textures.
and dukeplus.def there: \DukePlus\
Of course, you need the Dukeplus mod.
So, here is the updated version.
Now, there are secret places and gameplay has changed + some ambient sound effects

Hope you like it, and please report bugs.
BTW, the map still needs Dukeplus, HRP, Ploymer and models turned on

It is defenitaly a map for faster computers.
Attached File(s)
TEXTURES.zip (19.76MB)
Number of downloads: 346 -
map+def.zip (213.6K)
Number of downloads: 364
This post has been edited by Mia Max: 20 August 2013 - 01:30 AM
#1403 Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:09 AM
#1404 Posted 20 August 2013 - 12:48 PM
Trooper Dan, on 20 August 2013 - 10:09 AM, said:
Yes, sure

I still want to wait for some criticism about this map and make some little changes if needed.
The texture pack is complete.
About the trees:
I've added dummytile to give them correct hitpoints, but now, they won't show up correctly when used as sprites.
I'll make a copy of the trees, so people can use them either as sprites or as models.
#1405 Posted 20 August 2013 - 07:37 PM
by the time i ran into the second supertroop i was almost out of ammo - being such an open floorplan it's hard to get ammo placement where the player needs it. so i ended up running away and luring it around to follow me so i could go back to places unvisited until i finally found a stash
by the time i got out of the back of the castle i was almost dead because of the way i encountered said supertroop, and couldn't get past the first mini-battelord on the platform overlooking the bridge - had to cheat at this point
still a severe lack of health through the rest of the map from that point on
getting back to the finish it was easier to just run than stand an fight (also lack of health didn't encourage taking on the tough encounters)
the wood planks on the first tower can be clipped through - so the player doesn't have to go to the second tower to use the canon to blow them up - i think it was a fluke that i jumped from the ladder in a certain direction at a certain angle and it let me go through - i doubt if there's anything that can be done to fix it without a complete rework, and it's probably not worth the effort anyway
the upper ladder on the first tower seems to have issues with being climbed
the wood gate doesn't open anymore (where the second cutscene kicks in)- intentional?
my rig is pretty mediocre and i had minimal problems using polymer lights (but i didn't use hrp)
This post has been edited by Forge: 20 August 2013 - 07:43 PM
#1406 Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:04 PM
The problem about the plain, unadorned, empty rooms/hallways is, that the map has already reached max walls limit and every change is difficult as I have to delate walls first.
So, there won't be any changes, because I'm getting tired of building on this map

I've thought that there's too much ammo and medi in this map

But there's generaly a problem, when the creator tests his own map, cause he knows exactly how to play the map.
"the wood gate doesn't open anymore (where the second cutscene kicks in)- intentional?"
No, that shouldn't be like that.
How did you get through the map if this gate didn't open?
"the wood planks on the first tower can be clipped through - so the player doesn't have to go to the second tower to use the canon to blow them up - i think it was a fluke that i jumped from the ladder in a certain direction at a certain angle and it let me go through - i doubt if there's anything that can be done to fix it without a complete rework, and it's probably not worth the effort anyway"
I think, I've managed to fix this

There was also a problem about the second tower. It was possible to get inside without breaking the door - got fixed.
"the upper ladder on the first tower seems to have issues with being climbed"
What kind of issues did you have there?
This post has been edited by Mia Max: 20 August 2013 - 10:57 PM
#1407 Posted 21 August 2013 - 04:53 AM
i jumped over the gate to progress
the upper ladder would let me climb a few lower rungs then i would stop climbing. had to jump a few times to get to the top
as far as the hallways, they wouldn't need much. just a few non-blocking wall sconces or some such decoration
This post has been edited by Forge: 21 August 2013 - 04:53 AM
#1408 Posted 21 August 2013 - 12:36 PM
You mean the very first gate? It won't open if you've activated second camera?
#1409 Posted 21 August 2013 - 02:56 PM
exit the tunnel at the start
cross the field to the tower
in the first version this is where the first cutscene was and then the gate would open
now the gate won't open, had to jump over it to go to the back of the tower and go either up or down a ramp
i basically ran into those supertroopers (red & green?) back to back. after the beat down i received i ended up walking out of the castle with 8 hp - managed to kill everything around that wooden bridge and immediate vicinity, but the mini-battlelord finally got me with some splash damage from mortar rounds.
This post has been edited by Forge: 21 August 2013 - 03:02 PM