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EDuke32 Scripting  "CON coding help"

User is offline   zazo 


 zazo, on 30 September 2012 - 03:14 PM, said:


possible to compare 2 variables :
for example: ifvarn variable1 variable2 { do stuff }
.. ?
seems not tp work

User is offline   Hendricks266 

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 blizzart, on 22 September 2012 - 01:41 PM, said:

Is there a way to make a sector with low-gravity? I'm currently working on a space map for our mod and at a specific point in the map, the gravity in several parts of the map is turned off/turned to low-gravity.
I mean something like when you move forward you more jump than actually walk. And when jumping you can jump higher than normal and sink slowly back to the ground.

Is something like this possible with EDuke32 and what do I have to look for?

Grab the values for posxv and posyv and divide them by 2 (for example). Slowing movement really is that simple (assuming you don't want to otherwise modify runningspeed). Also in EVENT_JUMP you can subtract from poszv to get a higher jump (there's a few ways of attacking that actually, but that might be the easiest).

User is online   Reaper_Man 

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 Reaper_Man, on 18 September 2012 - 09:59 PM, said:

Feature request: Variants of dist / ldist which accept arbitrary X/Y/Z positions.

Curious if these have been implemented yet (been following the svn changelog but wasn't sure if I missed it).

Also, EVENT_PREGAME still seems jacked with non-hitscan weapons.

User is offline   zazo 


is a noclip command exist in mapster32 that allow us to pass through walls in 3d mod ?

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'n (apostrophe and n)

User is offline   zazo 


My idea seems complex: I would like to create coins that duke can take to buy weapons in shops and drink.
How to implement a variable for all the maps of a gameplay, and display the inventory "number of coins" on the screen above the status bar ?...
command to write and draw on the screen ?...

User is offline   Hendricks266 

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1. Try using a per-player variable.

gamevar coins 0 1

2. This is where events come in handy. Try EVENT_DISPLAYREST and digitalnumber.

    digitalnumber DIGITALNUM 20 159 coins 0 0 8 0 0 xdim ydim


User is offline   zazo 


 Hendricks266, on 06 October 2012 - 11:29 AM, said:

1. Try using a per-player variable.

gamevar coins 0 1

2. This is where events come in handy. Try EVENT_DISPLAYREST and digitalnumber.

    digitalnumber DIGITALNUM 20 159 coins 0 0 8 0 0 xdim ydim

Is it possible to display a typo smaller: like the command "quote" (tiles 2837...) or possible to resize the digitalnum ?
I would also create two cool stuffs:
-a special item that reveals the whole map: the equivalent of the cheat code "dnshowmap"
-I'd like to know how to reproduce the effect of slow motion that exists in the tc "amc": action is slowed when the screen is full of action or killing a boss...
Thank you in advance

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


 zazo, on 07 October 2012 - 02:40 PM, said:

Is it possible to display a typo smaller: like the command "quote" (tiles 2837...) or possible to resize the digitalnum ?

digitalnumberz can resize the number. If you want to display text you can use gametext/gametextz or minitext. If you want to include numbers in the text, use qsprintf to assemble the quote.

 zazo, on 07 October 2012 - 02:40 PM, said:

-a special item that reveals the whole map: the equivalent of the cheat code "dnshowmap"

Copy the code for one of the items or pickups in the original CONs, like ATOMICHEALTH. Instead of adding health, have it:

setuserdef[THISACTOR].showallmap 1

 zazo, on 07 October 2012 - 02:40 PM, said:

-I'd like to know how to reproduce the effect of slow motion that exists in the tc "amc": action is slowed when the screen is full of action or killing a boss...

The command for this is inittimer.

 zazo, on 07 October 2012 - 02:40 PM, said:

Thank you in advance

No problem!

User is offline   zazo 


 Hendricks266, on 07 October 2012 - 02:53 PM, said:

digitalnumberz can resize the number. If you want to display text you can use gametext/gametextz or minitext. If you want to include numbers in the text, use qsprintf to assemble the quote.

Copy the code for one of the items or pickups in the original CONs, like ATOMICHEALTH. Instead of adding health, have it:

setuserdef[THISACTOR].showallmap 1

The command for this is inittimer.

No problem!

the bullet time effect is a very cool stuff !!

User is offline   zazo 


I looked at the command "define PROJECTILE_..." to create a new projectile but I do not see where to make a sprite with 5 sides to simulate a 3D appearance as the "rpg" proj ??
This new projectile would have the effect of paralyzing the player body:
for the time of paralysis :
setplayer[THISACTOR].posx x
setplayer[THISACTOR].posy y
getplayer[THISACTOR].posx x
getplayer[THISACTOR].posy y
but how to disable the firing key to prevent the player to shoot ?... ;)


Set the RETURN var to any non-zero value in EVENT_FIRE

onevent EVENT_FIRE
ifvare frozen_player 1 {
  setvar RETURN 1

Haven't tested mind, I'm just going by the entry on the Wiki. And of course, replace "frozen_player" with whatever you are using instead.

This post has been edited by High Treason: 09 October 2012 - 09:11 AM


User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


To make a projectile display sides you must use an action, like this:

action APROJFRAMES            0    1    5

useractor notenemy PROJ 0 APROJFRAMES enda



How can i get the id of the sprite hit by a knee-type projectile (just like "htg_t 8" for hitscan projectiles) ?

User is offline   Mblackwell 

  • Evil Overlord


ifhitweapon ifwasweapon KNEE ?

Otherwise I believe if it's a custom projectile you can just substitute that. And then work backwards?

I guess it's better if you say what you intend to do with it.

Edit: But isn't KNEE just a hitscan with a short range? So you should be able to use the same data structures.


Using htg_t(8) member actually does nothing, it always return 0.

I need to spawn some sprites and play sounds on certain conditions at the right position (like jibs or blood trails) . While the sound could be played by the enemy, the sprite needs to be spawned directly by the projectile.

I could (simply) solve the problem by transforming all knee-type into ranged hitscan-type, or by abandoning sprite effects, but i'm asking if there are some member structures or other tricks to know regard knee-type.

User is offline   Mblackwell 

  • Evil Overlord


I've always just used the spawn property to spawn an actor that does all of the fancy effects I want.

User is offline   zazo 


View PostMblackwell, on 09 October 2012 - 05:26 PM, said:

I've always just used the spawn property to spawn an actor that does all of the fancy effects I want.

how to compare the position x1,y1 of actor1 with the position x2,y2 of Actor2 ? to detect whether two actors are close to each other? these actors are not player...
ifvarvar x1 x2 ifvarvar y1 y2 seems not work ...

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism



For distance, use ldist or dist.

User is offline   zazo 


View PostHendricks266, on 10 October 2012 - 04:00 PM, said:


For distance, use ldist or dist.

in this case I would like to create an actor which is an ally of player and who can shoot the enemy of the player.
how an actor can detect a line of sight to another actor tagged as enemy ?...
Does it exist a few bits of code for that?

User is online   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


canseespr will handle the line of sight stuff. You will need to figure out exactly what differentiates an "enemy" from an "ally". Assuming your ally is a unique actor, then you could just have it check the picnum of actors it finds and match them to known enemies.

User is offline   zazo 


View PostReaper_Man, on 11 October 2012 - 12:35 PM, said:

canseespr will handle the line of sight stuff. You will need to figure out exactly what differentiates an "enemy" from an "ally". Assuming your ally is a unique actor, then you could just have it check the picnum of actors it finds and match them to known enemies.

im trying this code:
THISACTOR is the ally
GOBELIN is the enemy

subvar ZPOSITION 8192
canseespr THISACTOR GOBELIN allyseenemy
addvar ZPOSITION 8192
ifvare allyseenemy 1 ai ALLYSHOOT

but nothing appens ...
seems not to work yet


Ok, it's time to explain something about it. I don't know what you already know about CON coding, but i'll talk about all is needed.

You should know that sprites in the map have two parameters, the picnum and an #id (and many others things like x,y,z,spritepal etc )

The picnum is which type of sprite it is (BARREL, EXPLOSION2, GOBELIN, CHAINGUNSPRITE etc) , and it is the same thing when you write "define GOBELIN XX" : a GOBELIN sprite has picnum equal to XX.
The #id is an identification number in the map and is strictly different for each sprite, not depending by its picnum . For example in a map two GOBELIN have surely different id, and this is different from the player sprite, an explosion or another enemy.

Many command like set/getactor, or canseespr etc use the #id. Every time a sprite needs to do something with another sprite, it needs to know its id and store it into a number ( for example, declaring a per-actor variable called "enemyid", "myenemy", or "target" etc, ). THISACTOR always means the id of the sprite are you in.
That's how canseespr works, for example: canseespr (id1) (id2) (result) -> canseespr THISACTOR myenemy allyseenemy (within the ALLY)

So if you want an ALLY fires a GOBELIN , it needs to find a GOBELIN sprite in the map and get its ID.

Here is the hardest part.

To find a sprite with a certain picnum you could use the findnearactor function ( http://wiki.eduke32....i/Findnearactor ) , or using a cycle that checks EVERY sprite in the map by passing through all #ids sequencially and checking if its picnum is GOBELIN or XX ( whilevarn loop http://wiki.eduke32.com/wiki/Whilevarn ) , and there are also other methods from other modders here.
But everytime you acquire a GOBELIN or another enemy by finding its id, you should check many things, like if it's alive, if its visible ( here comes canseespr), is within a certain distance and so on.
If it fails, the actor checks for enemy again. Continuosly.
When all is right the actor (the ally) could stop to scan for enemies.
The enemy dies ? Check for enemy again.

I could post entire code segments and explains many other things (like other people could do), but i think you should understand all these things before.

This post has been edited by RichardStorm: 12 October 2012 - 03:50 AM


User is offline   m210® 


I remember that polymer lights was changed for user actors to statnum14. So, how to use it now?

User is offline   zazo 


View PostRichardStorm, on 12 October 2012 - 03:48 AM, said:

Ok, it's time to explain something about it. I don't know what you already know about CON coding, but i'll talk about all is needed.

You should know that sprites in the map have two parameters, the picnum and an #id (and many others things like x,y,z,spritepal etc )

The picnum is which type of sprite it is (BARREL, EXPLOSION2, GOBELIN, CHAINGUNSPRITE etc) , and it is the same thing when you write "define GOBELIN XX" : a GOBELIN sprite has picnum equal to XX.
The #id is an identification number in the map and is strictly different for each sprite, not depending by its picnum . For example in a map two GOBELIN have surely different id, and this is different from the player sprite, an explosion or another enemy.

Many command like set/getactor, or canseespr etc use the #id. Every time a sprite needs to do something with another sprite, it needs to know its id and store it into a number ( for example, declaring a per-actor variable called "enemyid", "myenemy", or "target" etc, ). THISACTOR always means the id of the sprite are you in.
That's how canseespr works, for example: canseespr (id1) (id2) (result) -> canseespr THISACTOR myenemy allyseenemy (within the ALLY)

So if you want an ALLY fires a GOBELIN , it needs to find a GOBELIN sprite in the map and get its ID.

Here is the hardest part.

To find a sprite with a certain picnum you could use the findnearactor function ( http://wiki.eduke32....i/Findnearactor ) , or using a cycle that checks EVERY sprite in the map by passing through all #ids sequencially and checking if its picnum is GOBELIN or XX ( whilevarn loop http://wiki.eduke32.com/wiki/Whilevarn ) , and there are also other methods from other modders here.
But everytime you acquire a GOBELIN or another enemy by finding its id, you should check many things, like if it's alive, if its visible ( here comes canseespr), is within a certain distance and so on.
If it fails, the actor checks for enemy again. Continuosly.
When all is right the actor (the ally) could stop to scan for enemies.
The enemy dies ? Check for enemy again.

I could post entire code segments and explains many other things (like other people could do), but i think you should understand all these things before.

I would like to save time so if you have a piece of code to dissect ... thanks again


Here is the scanning system i use in my project, it's based on a whilevarn loop which checks all sprites in the map.
You need to know that this method is not so light for pc and it could affect the fps ratio, is better to randomize it in some ways; there are also more efficient and lighter methods i know from other people.

You could also visit the wiki page for all descriptions/commands you need to learn...

gamevar gid 0 2               // i call it "general id"
gamevar targetdist 0 2    // this stores the shortest target distance
gamevar temp 0 2          // temporary variables
gamevar tempb 0 2
gamevar tempc 0 2 
gamevar mytarget 0 2      // self-explanatory
gamevar detectrange 0 2   // in build units, the maximum distance the sprite can see an enemy

state findnearenemy     // put in in your ALLY...

setvar detectrange 20000   // for example
setvar targetdist 500000   // initialize distance at a big value
setvar gid 0               // you need to start from 0, also because if gid is something different it could not work or make Eduke freeze...

whilevarn gid 16384           // here start the loop, it stops when gid reaches 16384

 switch sprite[gid].picnum                 // do this only with enemies; i use a switch
  case LIZTROOP    case LIZMAN     case OCTABRAIN  case PIGCOP  case NEWBEAST
  case BOSS1       case BOSS2      case BOSS3      case BOSS4   case TANK  
   case GOBELIN    //  EDIT  as mentioned in post #977
   ifvarn sprite[gid].statnum 1024              // if it's not "killed" 
     dist tempb gid THISACTOR                 // calculate distance between this sprite and the scanned enemy
     ifvarvarl tempb detectrange  ifvarvarl tempb targetdist      // if it's within the detectrange and near than the previous 
       canseespr THISACTOR gid tempc                     // if there is a line of sight and ...
       ifvarg sprite[gid].extra 0  ifvare tempc 1               // ... if its hit points are greater than 0
        { setvarvar owntargetid gid  setvarvar targetdist tempb }        // ok, set it as my enemy ... until i don't find the nearest
  break  // it refers to all enemy picnum cases
 addvar gid 1    //  next instance of the loop, for sprite #1, #2, 3#, ... 22# ... #1728 ...
 }   // end of the loop structure


This post has been edited by RichardStorm: 14 October 2012 - 12:52 AM


User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


Checking all sprite avaiables up to 16384 is the wrong way. You should check all sectors up to NUMSECTORS and use headspritesect.


In fact it needs optimization, but it works for now and i'm on other features and fixes to do, I'll improve it later.
Consider that i posted it for zazo and i think it's the "simplest" working version to understand, it's a modified version of which i really use, too.

@ zazo: I forgot to add a comment saying that you need to add "case GOBELIN" among all enemy types i wrote there (and you can remove them from there if you want).

This post has been edited by RichardStorm: 14 October 2012 - 12:51 AM


User is offline   zazo 


interesting to study...
I thought the canseespr was easier to use...

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