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EDuke32 Scripting  "CON coding help"


For the crosshair http://wiki.eduke32.com/wiki/Crosshair Use this to disable it via CON. Once it is disabled, display a custom texture on the screen with a screen drawing command. http://wiki.eduke32.com/wiki/Scripting try and look at the bottom ;)

User is offline   Mblackwell 

  • Evil Overlord


View PostBiturbo, on 07 August 2012 - 05:25 AM, said:

cant you show me exactly i how can do it?

gamevar thunder_count 0 0

gamevar runonce 0 2
gamevar default_cshade 0 2  // to store the original sector shade
gamevar default_fshade 0 2 // to store the original sector shade
gamevar new_cshade 0 2
gamevar new_fshade 0 2

useractor notenemy LIGHTING_ICON

    cstat 32768
    ifvare runonce 0 // we only want to store the shade at its default value
        getsector[THISACTOR].floorshade default_fshade
        getsector[THISACTOR].ceilingshade default_cshade
        setvar runonce 1

    ifvarg thunder_count 30 // if the counter is above a good value
        setvarvar new_cshade default_cshade
        setvarvar new_fshade default_fshade
        subvar new_cshade 10 // subtract! lower numbers are brighter numbers
        subvar new_fshade 10
        ifvarg thunder_count 35 // I made two stages of brightness for the heck of it
            subvar new_cshade 10
            subvar new_fshade 10
        setsector[sector_pos].floorshade new_fshade
        setsector[sector_pos].ceilingshade new_cshade
    else // otherwise just keep the default/original sector shade
        setsector[THISACTOR].floorshade default_fshade
        setsector[THISACTOR].ceilingshade default_cshade


    ifvare thunder_count 0 ifrnd 16 // we only start counting sometimes
        setvar thunder_count 1
    else ifvarg thunder_count 0 // count as long as the var is more than 0
        addvar thunder_count 1
        ifvarg thunder_count 40 // reset it when it goes over the max value we want
            setvar thunder_count 0
    // rest of player code


User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


View Postrasmus thorup, on 07 August 2012 - 11:27 AM, said:

For the crosshair http://wiki.eduke32.com/wiki/Crosshair Use this to disable it via CON. Once it is disabled, display a custom texture on the screen with a screen drawing command. http://wiki.eduke32.com/wiki/Scripting try and look at the bottom ;)

That is circuitous. Use getuserdef[THISACTOR].crosshair only to see if the user has enabled or disabled the crosshair in their options. You should not change it because that would alter their preference.

Instead, utilize EVENT_DISPLAYCROSSHAIR. If you want to forcefully disable the crosshair, in that event, "setvar RETURN -1". If you only want to change the crosshair image, I added functionality so that all you have to do is set RETURN to the tilenum of the image you want to use. If you are doing anything more fancy than that, such as color palette or positioning changes, let me know and I will help you with that.

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


View PostHendricks266, on 26 July 2012 - 06:21 PM, said:

That's a serious problem for mutators, and unfortunately I can't think of a simple solution. Perhaps a second EVENT_GAME should be added before the actor block executes, but that seems like overkill for a corner case like this.

Do you know of any other instances where there is something you cannot do in EVENT_GAME that you can effectively only do in actor code?

So hey, now that you've got your new computer, any chance of this happening soonish? I'm sort of bedridden post-surgery for the next couple of days, I'd love to be able to finish up that mutator I was working on. ;)

User is offline   Biturbo 


Its possible to delete or disable some weapons or cheat codes?
or i need to edit eduke32.exe ?

This post has been edited by Biturbo: 02 September 2012 - 02:16 AM


User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


EVENT_PREGAME doesn't seem to cooperate with non-hitscan weapons. I used the following code:

	ifvarn sprite[THISACTOR].htextra -1
		redefinequote 254 Actor (%d) Extra (%d) Htextra (%d) Owner (%d)
		qsprintf 254 254 THISACTOR sprite[THISACTOR].extra sprite[THISACTOR].htextra player[THISACTOR].i
		echo 254

Shooting something with a hitscan weapon works fine:

Actor (448) Extra (24) Htextra (9) Owner (644)

But shooting them with anything else (freezer, RPG, etc.) only seems to output for spawned debris, gibs, and other effects. The original actor doesn't show up in the output.

Is this a bug, or am I doing things wrong?


Just a quick question about stretching images on the screen. I made this code to display the background image of the menu in widescreen.

myospal 160 100 3281 0 1024 0

This works perfectly.

Now, I want to do this for the loadingscreen and the screen where Duke Nukem 3D pops up (#2493)
I already searched in the wiki for events but all I can find is EVENT_LOGO and EVENT_DISPLAYLOADINGSCREEN, but these are used to draw sprites on the background. So no luck with that.
Are there other events or are there some other tricks I can use.

Thanks in advance

User is offline   CruX 


Tile 2493 is when the main menu is being displayed, so you're fine with that block of code. The other one you're looking for is GETLOADTILE.
*EDIT* My mistake about the first part. You're probably going to have to just replace that tile in the art files.

This post has been edited by EmericaSkater: 17 September 2012 - 08:00 AM



View PostEmericaSkater, on 17 September 2012 - 07:50 AM, said:

Tile 2493 is when the main menu is being displayed, so you're fine with that block of code. The other one you're looking for is GETLOADTILE.
*EDIT* My mistake about the first part. You're probably going to have to just replace that tile in the art files.

Already replaced the tiles, even with widescreen ones. But he automaticly scales them to 4:3 size. I can't add the myospal or rotatesprite command to GETLOADTILE? Or am I wrong...

User is offline   Mblackwell 

  • Evil Overlord


http://wiki.eduke32....ENT_GETLOADTILE is for the background tile itself.

http://wiki.eduke32....AYLOADINGSCREEN can be used to draw on top of everything else. You could make everything blank and then draw whatever you wanted.


View PostMblackwell, on 17 September 2012 - 08:25 AM, said:

http://wiki.eduke32....ENT_GETLOADTILE is for the background tile itself.

http://wiki.eduke32....AYLOADINGSCREEN can be used to draw on top of everything else. You could make everything blank and then draw whatever you wanted.

Yeah, I knew that, but I have some idea's ;) Thanks for helping out!


How to make a piercing projectile (rpg-workslike) like the cannon ball in DukePlus ?

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


Feature request: Variants of dist / ldist which accept arbitrary X/Y/Z positions.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


Should be simple. What should the names of these commands be? {l,}distxyz?

I've been thinking of incorporating some of the math commands added in EDuke 2.1.1, though obviously not the dumb ones like finddist2d. Thoughts?

User is offline   Mikko 

  • Honored Donor


What's the code for making an actor permanently blocked (hittable) whether or not the corresponding sprite is blocked in Build?

User is offline   CruX 


^^ cstat 257.

User is offline   Mikko 

  • Honored Donor


Cool, that gave me a place to start and I found out 256 is what I need.

User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


Actually a cstat of 1 prevents other sprites of passing through it, while a cstat of 256 makes it shootable. Theorically it's possible to make an sprite which you can pass through and still hit it with bullets. And even with cstat 0 the sprite still takes damage from explosions.

This post has been edited by Fox: 19 September 2012 - 05:51 AM


User is offline   Mikko 

  • Honored Donor


Nah, I have no experience with cons so I assumed a blocked object blocks automatically both bullets and players but now I know they can be separated.

User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


Additionally, I should tell the mappers that the source code automatically makes blocked objects shootables when they are loaded.

But using CON you can force them to remain only blocked. So you can have objects like Doom, which block your passage but let projectiles fly across it.

User is offline   Mikko 

  • Honored Donor


View PostFox, on 19 September 2012 - 06:18 AM, said:

Additionally, I should tell the mappers that the source code automatically makes blocked objects shootables when they are loaded.

Maybe that's why I assumed they (blocking players & blocking bullets) are one and the same.

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


View PostHendricks266, on 18 September 2012 - 11:53 PM, said:

Should be simple. What should the names of these commands be? {l,}distxyz?

Adding these seems sensible, since what we have now with dist and ldist can lead to kind of API-inverted code ("set sprite positions, call dist, reset positions." Ugh.)
By the way, they compute pretty crude approximations to the hypotenuse length, for example ldist is
125/128 * max(x,y) + 53/128 * min(x,y).
See the second answer for this question on stackoverflow for the idea behind it (53/128 = 0.41406, sqrt(2)-1 = 0.41421, approximately).


I've been thinking of incorporating some of the math commands added in EDuke 2.1.1, though obviously not the dumb ones like finddist2d. Thoughts?

I'm less sure about those ones being useful. The composite ones like "sin(a - b)" can make sense in a floating point setting, where computing them in a special fashion may significantly increase accuracy, but with integers being the only numeric type in CON, there's not much to be gained. For the hypotenuse length, we have calchypotenuse (unwieldy long name for fear of name collisions). I'm not very happy with the way it turned out though, it currently has a discontinuity at the squared hypotenuse equalling INT32_MAX. X raised to the Yth power is something that CON is missing, but again, with only integers there doesn't seem to be much use for it, since you'd most often use Y=2 or Y=3. Mod and abs would not add anything really new. This leaves the tangent and the logarithm: the first can be calculated by a ratio of the sine to the cosine (with appropriate scaling), and a base-2 log could be useful (but possible to code as loop currently[*]), the natural one looking out of place again.

[*]edit: I'm thinking about the rounded variety here, like "log2(9)=3".


Is the FOV accessible through CON?

If not, would this be at all possible to implement? I can see several potential uses for this.

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


I was thinking distpos/ldistpos but distxyz/ldistxyz would be fine (though it should probably be ldistxy since it only calculates 2D distances, right?).

As far as adding math commands, I think the more coding features into the engine is always better. The "power" or exponent math would be very attractive for some stuff I'm doing (expvar and expvarvar?). I think having better trig functions would be awesome, but exactly which ones or how they're implemented I'll leave guessing up to people more involved.

This post has been edited by Reaper_Man: 19 September 2012 - 12:25 PM


User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


View PostReaper_Man, on 19 September 2012 - 11:41 AM, said:

The "power" or exponent math would be very attractive for some stuff I'm doing (expvar and expvarvar?).

Do you need the ability to pass fractional bases or exponents? In that case, we'd need to decide where to place the implicit binary point. (Or pass numerator and denominator separately, but I guess that would be just as confusing.)


I think having better trig functions would be awesome, but exactly which ones or how they're implemented I'll leave guessing up to people more involved.

In which way "better"? CON's sine and cosine have 15 bits of precision. Approximate arctangent is there (getangle), tangent can be calculated as mentioned previously. Is there anything practical missing?

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


In my code specifically I just need something like var1 ^ var2.

I'm sorry I meant "more" and not "better". I also can't think of anything off hand, I haven't had to do trig math in eduke in a while, so hopefully someone else can field that better.

An absolute value command would be useful too (absvar).

This post has been edited by Reaper_Man: 19 September 2012 - 02:21 PM



I think you could use a whilevarn loop to emulate the exponential function (it works only with integers) and a line like this:
 ifvarl X 0 mulvar X -1 

for the "absvar" function.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


View PostReaper_Man, on 19 September 2012 - 11:41 AM, said:

I was thinking distpos/ldistpos but distxyz/ldistxyz would be fine (though it should probably be ldistxy since it only calculates 2D distances, right?).

I like yours better.

View PostReaper_Man, on 19 September 2012 - 11:41 AM, said:

The "power" or exponent math would be very attractive for some stuff I'm doing (expvar and expvarvar?).

I used to think this but then I realized I only wanted it for ^0.5 to do a square root and then I discovered the sqrt command. Generally you'll only want a square or cube, so you can mulvarvar 2-3 times. Much more and the int32s could overflow.

View PostHelixhorned, on 19 September 2012 - 12:38 PM, said:

Do you need the ability to pass fractional bases or exponents? In that case, we'd need to decide where to place the implicit binary point. (Or pass numerator and denominator separately, but I guess that would be just as confusing.)

This reminds me: there are two things I have promised to add that will have to involve integer <--> float conversion for use in CON. One is a "rotatemodel" command which will be rotatesprite with additional model parameters such as pitch and roll added. The other is a userdef control for the ambient light level. Should I use the same mulscale implementation as the trig commands, use a numerator/denominator style, or something different? I like the fraction myself.

User is offline   Mblackwell 

  • Evil Overlord


View PostRichardStorm, on 19 September 2012 - 03:15 PM, said:

I think you could use a whilevarn loop to emulate the exponential function (it works only with integers) and a line like this:
 ifvarl X 0 mulvar X -1 

for the "absvar" function.

Yes it works. My code is littered with things like that. It's not only a wasted cycle/computation it's longer code. It's stupid to run If-Then when you don't need to.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


View PostMblackwell, on 19 September 2012 - 05:36 PM, said:

Yes it works. My code is littered with things like that. It's not only a wasted cycle/computation it's longer code. It's stupid to run If-Then when you don't need to.

Unless there is a measurable impact of that you can show me, implementing expvar and absvar commands would only perform those instructions on the source side. It would by far be the most optimal way to implement them. Anything else (including going through C math.h functions) would be even slower, which is still only a relative term.

The execution of the CON VM is nowhere close to being a bottleneck. With a constant, maximum 30 game states per second performance requirement, some simple math doesn't have much impact.

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