Actually, i played everything of BLOOD, official maps on extra crispy 1life per map. (I suppose You played so much deathmatch with Blood so that's the reason of it

And i played with all the expansions and fan maps of blood freeminded (except for a few maps maybe and not Alone in the dark expansion) in Extra Crispy and 1life per map as well.
About pro stuff, you can check my run of Deaht Wish (version 1.3 who was harder than 1.4) here: 1life and extra crispy mode.
And i still think the multiplayer is not perfect (but still good) since the weapons were made for single player basically. I played deathmatch sometimes and people use the shotgun and napalmlauncher for the most, you can compensate it with the "no regen/shield item" option but compared to a game like Quake Live, BLOOD is far to be as balanced as it (Zippo is not useful where the alt of the shotgun do the job for the most) but maybe maps with less.
It' s like saying DOOM2 mp is balanced because you can handle stuff with taking the good weapons and that's it', too easy to say that. In a multiplayer game, you have to have all the weapons who are balanced compared to the others, even a pistol.
But Blood is not supposed to be like a Quake Live MP so i suppose it's not important, it can be helped with maps who don't have a ton of shotgun and shield where some weapons could have a lot of disadvantage (tommygun on megarmor, dynamite compared to napalmlauncher).
Without armor and items like that, the weapons are useful for a lot of them and the game is more balanced, the fact is when people use the megarmor, some weapons can be less useful like the Teslda gun.
Check real mp games like Quake Live and others and you will understand what i mean, you have a basic weapon when you have no more ammo and can have an ultimate rare weapon but usually all the weapons are at the same power and the armor change so much things on Blood Deathmatch.
It could be just via a mod, not with the normal game for sure, also for you have the autoaim who is dumb in a deathmatch game (but again, it was made basically for single player).
I could try maybe the other weapons but in the maps I played in deathmatch, shotgun and napalmlauncher seem to be really the best deal.
And it's the same with all the retro classic fps for the most who are based on the single player, even Heretic seem to be for me the most balanced but even that, projectiles are a bit too slow for deathmatch (even if you can deal with it easily if you aim well but it's a bit crazy then) so better to have maps who are not too big and i noticed the dragon claw is far the best deal to use (very strong hitscan on DM) even compared to the crossbow or firemace, just an exemple.
"blood dm is balanced, you have just to deal with the stuff, know the maps and find the items/weapons before the others and it's all good"
Actually, a multiplayer in fps doesn't work like that at all, that's why you have some camp at some items, imagine if Quake Live and some others fps were like that, not good.