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Bugs & Problems

User is offline   Nachuro 


 Romulus, on 26 July 2018 - 05:50 AM, said:

I can show you side by side comparisons of DOSBox and BloodGDX AI behavior that are anomalous...

 Romulus, on 26 July 2018 - 06:51 PM, said:

...I have no interest in contributing to this, sadly, specially after witnessing how some of you have behaved and have defended like this port is flawless and Godsend. If people think saying stuff like I am BS'ing and backpedaling with no proof to bait me into posting proof for which I have to spend an hour or two playing the game and recording, I simply won't fall for it, I have better use for my time.

Those are contradictory statements. You clearly state that you "can show...side by side comparisons" and then refuse to show these very comparisons.

No one here has claimed that the port is flawless. They have simply defended it with objective, replicable evidence. You have offered no objective proof and are refusing to do so, citing your subjective experiences as though they are factual. Noticing a problem and commenting on it was a good start, but there's not much M210 can do with vague claims that the AI is "less potent," "has weird movement," and that the game is just "easier." What you call "proof baiting" is a call for something that can be analyzed and actually fixed.

While I can see where you might have interpreted the three responses to post #707 (your initial post) as being harsh, they were fair in offering rebuttals to your claims. I hardly think that people are trying to mock you or discourage you from playing. On the contrary, I believe that most people in this forum want BloodGDX to be the best it can possibly be, but there's not much that can be fixed without logs, demos, or other evidence. Your initial observation was too broad.

If you ever choose to return to BloodGDX, you might as well record your playtime and cut out a snippet of any anomalous behavior. Perhaps something will come of it.

User is offline   Jim 


I sort of understand what he is talking about, the enemies feel less powerful because you can aim much easier. It's not due to AI tho

User is offline   Phredreeke 


It's also possible that he is using an earlier version of Blood than 1.21. I have a comparison video which demonstrates the differences in Cerberus movement


User is offline   SPILL 


 Romulus, on 26 July 2018 - 06:51 PM, said:

Thank you for being constructive.

I have no interest in contributing to this, sadly, specially after witnessing how some of you have behaved and have defended like this port is flawless and Godsend. If people think saying stuff like I am BS'ing and backpedaling with no proof to bait me into posting proof for which I have to spend an hour or two playing the game and recording, I simply won't fall for it, I have better use for my time. They are free to believe what they want to. Eventually, someone else is going to run into the same issue and will report it. The developer can fix it then. Peace.

No one is here for your whining and oh woe is me gimmick. Grow up and provide the proof to back up your claim or accept that you are wrong.

User is offline   SPILL 


Must be new to the internet. Not sure why he was expecting to be cradled and hand held.

User is offline   Romulus 


 Nachuro, on 26 July 2018 - 07:31 PM, said:

Those are contradictory statements. You clearly state that you "can show...side by side comparisons" and then refuse to show these very comparisons.

Quoting a portion from posts written under different circumstances can make anyone look contradictory, no?

 SPILL, on 26 July 2018 - 08:46 PM, said:

Must be new to the internet. Not sure why he was expecting to be cradled and hand held.

Sure pal, I am new to the interwebs, it's probably the reason I don't make separate posts for two one lined garbage replies that clutters up the thread. Check your own registration date on this forum first, then mine. Conversing with uncouth people on the interwebz is a waste of time.. but hey, if it wasn't for people like you, it wouldn't be fun.

 Phredreeke, on 26 July 2018 - 08:22 PM, said:

It's also possible that he is using an earlier version of Blood than 1.21. I have a comparison video which demonstrates the differences in Cerberus movement


Genius! I don't know why this happened, but it seems that the surfaces.dat and tables.dat that are present in the BloodGDX directory has mismatching CRC when compared against the CRC from the GOG release, though they both show up as version 1.21 in game.

Posted Image

This probably is the reason for the anomalies I have been seeing. Guess BloodGDX isn't to blame here.

This post has been edited by Romulus: 26 July 2018 - 10:30 PM


User is offline   fgsfds 


 Romulus, on 26 July 2018 - 10:26 PM, said:

This probably is the reason for the anomalies I have been seeing.

It is possible. I was getting demo desync because surfaces.dat was different for some reason. Why was it defferent is another matter, but it's definitely not because of BGDX.

User is offline   Romulus 


The files in the BloodGDX directory are from the original retail game installation that I have on a retro build, patched over the years, even has a patch applied for crashing on Creative Sound cards in DOS mode (I think) but that probably doesn't apply to game assets, rather the executable files.


Here's a handy dandy feature request that may prevent users from making assumptions with the source port in the future: Add a CRC check for the present assets, apart from the .ini files. Who knows, there could be others who are facing issues due to having files that aren't identical to what it should be.

This post has been edited by Romulus: 26 July 2018 - 10:56 PM


User is offline   m210® 


 Romulus, on 26 July 2018 - 10:41 PM, said:

Add a CRC check for the present assets, apart from the .ini files. Who knows, there could be others who are facing issues due to having files that aren't identical to what it should be.

No, because some addons/mods using own surface.dat, voxel.dat, tilesXXX.art etc.

CRC checking will refuse any addons/mods


Is there any reason BloodGDX couldn't be ported to Android?

User is offline   Phredreeke 


From the looks of it M210 already have BuildGDX ported to Android https://gitlab.com/m210/BuildEngine

User is offline   m210® 


Hm, Its a better thread for ask about android...

BloodGDX still hasn't touch controls and sounds, so it's didnt released for android yet.


 M210, on 12 August 2018 - 07:20 PM, said:

BloodGDX still hasn't touch controls and sounds, so it's didnt released for android yet.

After sounds work, I don't care about touch controls, as I'd rather use a bluetooth controller for that. :(

User is offline   Phredreeke 


I wonder how it'd perform though, given that most manufacturers prioritise core count over individual core performance, GPU drivers being a mixed bag (this based on fairly old data though, might have changed since) and Blood generally being the most performance intensive of the Build games (up until Ion Maiden anyway)

This post has been edited by Phredreeke: 13 August 2018 - 05:52 PM


User is offline   Avoozl 


I don't know if the problem is related to the GDX port or if it's just a problem with the level design but I have noticed that a certain area in E4M3 Charnel House has a bugged sky.



This post has been edited by Grand Admiral Thrawn: 02 September 2018 - 05:24 PM



 Grand Admiral Thrawn, on 02 September 2018 - 05:23 PM, said:

I don't know if the problem is related to the GDX port or if it's just a problem with the level design but I have noticed that a certain area in E4M3 Charnel House has a bugged sky.

Can confirm that it's a bug in GDX.

Vanilla: https://imgur.com/a/uNP9yQE

BloodGDX: https://imgur.com/a/nb6PsPr

User is online   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


That's an artifact of Polymost being able to draw non-power of two textures without the distortion you see in Classic. Either way it looks like a map bug in the original game; the sky does not have the parallax bit set.

User is offline   MrEWhite 


Posted Image

For some reason, my crosshair isn't centered. Any reason why?

User is offline   Newken 


Inaccessible secret (RRRA E1M1):

Attached File(s)

  • Attached File  BSec1.png (504.24K)
    Number of downloads: 31


User is offline   Newken 


Bottom gap:

Attached File(s)

  • Attached File  RRgap.png (75.57K)
    Number of downloads: 37


User is offline   m210® 


Thanks, I will check it

User is offline   Ceekur 


There seems to be an issue with the turn-around key on moving platforms. Best example would be on the boat you start on in E2M1. Nothing happens until the boat docks and stops moving, then it will spin me around like normal. This occurs with other sideways platforms until you come to a stop (or jump up to leave the platform first).


I know everyone says that BloodGDX is mostly done, but one issue that's still present is the slow weapon switching. In vanilla, weapons can be switched after a seemingly predetermined short amount of time, but in GDX, weapon animations have to finish before a weapon can be switched. This makes cycling through weapons slow and cumbersome, and especially annoying since the spray can has the slowest pull-up animation.

User is offline   Dzierzan 


I just tested it. You cannot switch the weapon in the original game while there's an animation of firing or when you switch to other weapon. Although when you choose the Spray and while there still "up" animattion, you can quickly switch to other weapon, it does work in both GDX and DOS.


 Dzierzan, on 02 November 2018 - 01:40 AM, said:

I just tested it. You cannot switch the weapon in the original game while there's an animation of firing or when you switch to other weapon. Although when you choose the Spray and while there still "up" animattion, you can quickly switch to other weapon, it does work in both GDX and DOS.

Right... well I just tested it (again, after doing so many times already before making a post about it :rolleyes:), and I timed it this time as well, and with full ammo and all weapons on both Vanilla and GDX, Vanilla takes roughly 4.5 seconds to cycle through all weapons (from pitchfork to remote detonator), and GDX takes roughly 6 seconds to cycle through all weapons (from pitchfork to remote detonator).

In fact, I could probably even go through the weapons faster on Vanilla, but I kept it to an even pace of about 0.375 milliseconds per weapon switch to provide a reasonable benchmark.

Many times in the game, when I need to cycle through a large inventory to make use of the right weapon for the right situation, that extra time taken can make all the difference. In fact, I noticed this discrepancy after beating the game on vanilla and then tried doing so on GDX. I felt like I could never get to the weapons I needed fast enough, sometimes with my stand-offs ending with me getting killed while I'm trying to get to the weapon I need. After some testing, I now know why that is.

I'm not complaining about M210's marvelous work, I'd just like to see this fixed so I can enjoy the game just the way I did in Vanilla. With QoL improvements, not Regressions.

This post has been edited by ChristianTheSatanist: 03 November 2018 - 08:18 AM


User is offline   Tekedon 


 ChristianTheSatanist, on 03 November 2018 - 08:17 AM, said:

Right... well I just tested it (again, after doing so many times already before making a post about it :rolleyes:), and I timed it this time as well, and with full ammo and all weapons on both Vanilla and GDX, Vanilla takes roughly 4.5 seconds to cycle through all weapons (from pitchfork to remote detonator), and GDX takes roughly 6 seconds to cycle through all weapons (from pitchfork to remote detonator).

In fact, I could probably even go through the weapons faster on Vanilla, but I kept it to an even pace of about 0.375 milliseconds per weapon switch to provide a reasonable benchmark.

Many times in the game, when I need to cycle through a large inventory to make use of the right weapon for the right situation, that extra time taken can make all the difference. In fact, I noticed this discrepancy after beating the game on vanilla and then tried doing so on GDX. I felt like I could never get to the weapons I needed fast enough, sometimes with my stand-offs ending with me getting killed while I'm trying to get to the weapon I need. After some testing, I now know why that is.

I'm not complaining about M210's marvelous work, I'd just like to see this fixed so I can enjoy the game just the way I did in Vanilla. With QoL improvements, not Regressions.

You are right, never noticed this before.

User is offline   m210® 


Ok, I will make option for return all bugs from original game...

User is offline   Mark 




 M210, on 03 November 2018 - 01:02 PM, said:

Ok, I will make option for return all bugs from original game...

Not to ignore your humour, but how is slower weapon-switching a "fix"? Being able to switch weapons at vanilla pace can't possibly be considered a bug...

User is offline   Tekedon 


 ChristianTheSatanist, on 03 November 2018 - 02:36 PM, said:

Not to ignore your humour, but how is slower weapon-switching a "fix"? Being able to switch weapons at vanilla pace can't possibly be considered a bug...

Well in one way it is bugged, I have next weapon/previous weapon set to F and G. If you hammer the keys too fast he just pulls the pitchfork up and down multiple times no matter what weapon is next in the list. So in one way it is kind of bugged. I also remember the spraycan "pull up" animation bugged out and got stuck in a loop if you switched too fast. So I guess it is one way to fix it.

btw. this is the spraycan glitch I'm talking about: https://youtu.be/kAYkrmH2n64

This post has been edited by Tekedon: 04 November 2018 - 12:50 AM


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