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Duke Nukem

User is offline   stumppy84 


I forgot how badass that teaser is!!


View PostCommando Nukem, on 13 June 2017 - 04:03 PM, said:

For the film, I will always champion the "has-been hero" story for the film. A lot of people I've spoken to have misgivings about that idea because it basically means we'd only get the one film. Well, The alternative is likely a very heavily reinterpreted character for the modern audience.

I understand what you're saying, and I don't entirely disagree. But I think doing a continuation of the games would be a mistake. Ultimately it would alienate any newcomers, and might not sit well with all fans. While I do believe it's best to appeal to the fans, as they're the ones more likely to see the movie. You also don't want to make it so you can't just pick up the movie and watch it. My brother and I have talked a lot about this kind of thing when Assassin's Creed came out. And doing the has-been hero didn't work out too well for DNF... just sayin'. :P Now, that being said, it's not a horrible idea... just not one I would like to see... but God knows I'd still spend my last dime on seeing it.

Personally, I like the idea of seeing something along the lines of Duke 3D. Go to Duke when he's still younger, but do not... DO NOT... make him the Millennial type. That would be the biggest mistake they could make, and no one would see it. Just make Duke in his mid-20's or mid-30's, make him a badass 80's action hero type, while being set in modern times, instead of doing a movie set in the 80's or 90's. I have my own idea on how to do this, and I've even started writing it out in book form. It's something I've thought long and hard on ever since I was five. There's a way to make Duke in the modern times, without making him modern in any way. Kind of like how Doom did it, they didn't make him this emotional/millennial character, they just made him the silent badass he's always been. I believe Duke 3D could be adapted into a movie, sure it would remove a lot of places from the game, but it's just a movie. With sequels, if any are mad, they can create their own stories, but for the first one, Duke 3D should at least be the main source of inspiration. I understand the want to make something new, and unpredictable... but do we really want that? Or do we want something that's just kick ass, and the character we played years ago.

I grew up with Duke 3D, I wasn't even two months old when it came out, so from a young age I was exposed to the awesomeness that is the king. I have a lot of love for the character and the franchise, so I really want to movie to be well. Like I've said before, I have ideas for movies involving a younger Duke, and I think they would resonate good with the fans. The king deserves to be done correctly, and whoever makes it need to keep that in mind...

I understand I've been rambling so I'll stop now, I'm just very passionate about Duke. Keep in mind, this is my opinion, don't hate me for it. :P

EDIT: I forgot to mention this, but I also agree that the movie should come after the next game. Otherwise it will end up like the movie Max Steel... you don't what that is? Exactly. Look it up, the movie failed because no one was interested, the only reason I knew of it was because I'm a fan of the original show.

This post has been edited by Never Forgotten: 13 June 2017 - 08:15 PM


User is online   gemeaux333 


I have been thinking about Mickael Keaton for Doctor Proton (as he have the look of the perfect vilain in this particular case) and Winona Ryder for Bombshell (as she is looking for new experiences, consistant roles that are not constantly trying to value her physic), but it's just a wild idea (the point is, we are never tired seing them, unlike some)...

This post has been edited by gemeaux333: 14 June 2017 - 04:55 AM


User is offline   stumppy84 


I think John Cena could pull it off. He has done some "serious" & comedy movies!

This post has been edited by stumppy84: 14 June 2017 - 06:48 AM



View Postgemeaux333, on 14 June 2017 - 04:52 AM, said:

I have been thinking about Mickael Keaton for Doctor Proton (as he have the look of the perfect vilain in this particular case) and Winona Ryder for Bombshell (as she is looking for new experiences, consistant roles that are not constantly trying to value her physic), but it's just a wild idea (the point is, we are never tired seing them, unlike some)...

Michael Keaton, yes. He'd be perfect, either him or James Spader, I think he could pull the personality off. Winona Ryder, eh, I mean if they're going with the Interceptor Bombshell, but she doesn't have the right... um, 'assets' for the classic DNF Bombshell. Personally, if we're going with the younger Duke, I think someone along the lines of Charlotte McKinney could do fine. Lindsey Pelas, if she was an actress, would be perfect... I mean, just look at them and compare.
Posted Image Posted Image

I apologize for the quality, but I couldn't get a better one to work.

User is offline   stumppy84 


I doubt that Bombshell would be in the movie as 3DR/Fred co own the rights. But they could just rename the character.

As for whoever writes this movie, I suggest that they talk to someone like George that knows and cares for the character. I thought Max Payne was a decent movie but there were a few things wrong with it.


View Poststumppy84, on 12 June 2017 - 06:13 PM, said:

Hmmm, not sure what to think about a Duke movie.. I wonder who would star as him? Hopefully it's all CGI. Not sure what actor could play that role..

Among current guys? No one. Dolph Lundgren was perfect for the role, I mean he even got that edge of the mouth thing that Duke is often portrayed with, but Dolph is quite old already and sadly not a high enough profile actor anymore.

Arnie could've done a good job as well, but he's way too old for the role now. I mean, I even think he's too old to play the Terminator as well as Conan, despite everyone wanting him in those roles for as long as he can do it.

There are some nice action guys today, but none with the required physique and laid-back attitude to play Duke.



Among current guys? No one. Dolph Lundgren was perfect for the role, I mean he even got that edge of the mouth thing that Duke is often portrayed with, but Dolph is quite old already and sadly not a high enough profile actor anymore.

I don't think it has to be a high profile actor. Honestly, if you go old, Dolph is perfect. But, if you go young, I think it'd be best to swim in the unknown pool. There could be someone out there who's perfect for the role, maybe even do an open audition, that way they can be sure they've weighed all of their options.


Arnie could've done a good job as well, but he's way too old for the role now. I mean, I even think he's too old to play the Terminator as well as Conan, despite everyone wanting him in those roles for as long as he can do it.

Arnie is perfect for anything. Even an aging Conan/Terminator. It is too bad they didn't make the Duke Nukem movie when he was young enough. However, they were going to do a Doom movie in '99 with him as Doomguy, before it was canceled due to a couple of kids killing each other with Chainsaws after playing Doom.


There are some nice action guys today, but none with the required physique and laid-back attitude to play Duke.

This goes back to my saying of casting an unknown, it might be time to create a new generation of action heroes... old style. Cast someone young, between 23 and 35, who fits the role. Maybe it could bring back the classic action hero into this generation, without having to rely on the older actors... I dunno, I love my 80's movies, and I miss those style movies. As someone who wants to be an actor, that's what I look to as inspiration, so I have a lot of personal feelings about it.

Here's another idea for casting though, how about Kurt Russell for Graves?

Posted Image

Look at that, and tell me you don't see Graves.

User is online   gemeaux333 


When I suggested Winona Ryder for Bombshell, I was thinking about the Interceptor one indeed (look more badass than the old DNF one, with the robotic arm and the 3 guns / 18 bullets barrel revolver), and was curious to see her as a one-liner (she is very strong in improvisation actually) with better lines than the ones in the game (funny but not strong enough)...

This post has been edited by gemeaux333: 14 June 2017 - 11:45 AM


User is offline   spessu_sb 


Shouldn't there be made a separate new Duke Nukem Movie thread as I got the impression when this thread was made, that it'd be good if this thread was relatively "clean".

Any news on when that meet up is gonna take place? I really hope you guys talk about the voted DNF Editor/DNF pre-release versions subject.

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View PostNever Forgotten, on 13 June 2017 - 08:10 PM, said:

I understand what you're saying, and I don't entirely disagree. But I think doing a continuation of the games would be a mistake. Ultimately it would alienate any newcomers, and might not sit well with all fans. While I do believe it's best to appeal to the fans, as they're the ones more likely to see the movie.

Well, what I was suggesting wasn't really a continuation of the games at all. Merely set far after any of the games "events" take place. Think of it like the Hellboy movie, wherein they make the joke that the comics never get Hellboy 'quite right.' It wouldn't alienate newcomers anymore than "Rocky Balboa" "John Rambo" or if you want a video game example "Wreck it Ralph" did. It's a narrative springboard, not a call to know "teh canon of Duke lore."

You know by and large how Duke Nukem is known to the general population? "Duke Nukem? OH isn't that old video game?" Why not actually use that in some subtext? Embrace it. Don't try to ignore it.

View PostNever Forgotten, on 13 June 2017 - 08:10 PM, said:

And doing the has-been hero didn't work out too well for DNF... just sayin'. :P Now, that being said, it's not a horrible idea... just not one I would like to see... but God knows I'd still spend my last dime on seeing it.

Well, the truth of the matter is DNF did not do "has been" hero at all. It played very minimal lip service to the notion that Duke was vaguely-kinda old. But literally everyone, save the president, kissed Duke's ass up and down and had no qualms with him or ill-gotten words to say of him. Duke thinks he's awesome, everyone thinks he's awesome. There's no conflict in that for the character. Even mother-fucking Proton thinks Duke is so goddamn awesome that he makes an army of Duke clones. When in reality Duke and Proton are so antithetical to one another that Proton should absolutely be seething with rage. Duke stole Proton's fucking thunder for one. Think about all the potential that lies in that.

User is offline   DUDE NOGUM 

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A Duke Nukem movie will Fuking Tank without both Me and Steven Johnson's involvement.
Don't say I didn't warn you.

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View PostNever Forgotten, on 14 June 2017 - 10:41 AM, said:

I don't think it has to be a high profile actor. Honestly, if you go old, Dolph is perfect. But, if you go young, I think it'd be best to swim in the unknown pool. There could be someone out there who's perfect for the role, maybe even do an open audition, that way they can be sure they've weighed all of their options.

Arnie is perfect for anything. Even an aging Conan/Terminator. It is too bad they didn't make the Duke Nukem movie when he was young enough. However, they were going to do a Doom movie in '99 with him as Doomguy, before it was canceled due to a couple of kids killing each other with Chainsaws after playing Doom.

This goes back to my saying of casting an unknown, it might be time to create a new generation of action heroes... old style. Cast someone young, between 23 and 35, who fits the role. Maybe it could bring back the classic action hero into this generation, without having to rely on the older actors... I dunno, I love my 80's movies, and I miss those style movies. As someone who wants to be an actor, that's what I look to as inspiration, so I have a lot of personal feelings about it.

Here's another idea for casting though, how about Kurt Russell for Graves?

Posted Image

Look at that, and tell me you don't see Graves.

Fuck yeah


User is offline   DUDE NOGUM 

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You negate me because you are angry about the FACT that deep down inside you know that you don't have the talent, and much more for that matter, the COURAGE (or BALLS rather) to do one better.

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View PostDUDE NOGUM, on 16 June 2017 - 04:52 PM, said:

You negate me because you are angry about the FACT that deep down inside you know that you don't have the talent, and much more for that matter, the COURAGE (or BALLS rather) to do one better.

Posted Image


When/if the licensing agreement for action figures with NECA is renewed, PLEASE make sure they give the next Duke Nukem figure SWIVEL BICEPS, not those stupid hinged biceps. Swivel biceps are practically industry-standard on action figures....

Apologies if this sounds off topic, but it's been bugging me ever since NECA put out the DNF figure. I've been meaning to swap out the arms with a set that DO have swivel biceps, but I haven't had the time to do so yet.


View PostCommando Nukem, on 15 June 2017 - 07:31 AM, said:

You know by and large how Duke Nukem is known to the general population? "Duke Nukem? OH isn't that old video game?" Why not actually use that in some subtext? Embrace it. Don't try to ignore it.

Actually, Duke Nukem is known by the general population as "Duke who? Are you making names up?"
This means that he can be introduced to a new generation as the same character we were introduced to: an all-around badass who kills his enemies and has fun doing it.

View PostCommando Nukem, on 15 June 2017 - 07:31 AM, said:

Well, the truth of the matter is DNF did not do "has been" hero at all. It played very minimal lip service to the notion that Duke was vaguely-kinda old. But literally everyone, save the president, kissed Duke's ass up and down and had no qualms with him or ill-gotten words to say of him. Duke thinks he's awesome, everyone thinks he's awesome. There's no conflict in that for the character.

Exactly. Which is why the has-been persona doesn't fly.

View PostCommando Nukem, on 15 June 2017 - 07:31 AM, said:

Even mother-fucking Proton thinks Duke is so goddamn awesome that he makes an army of Duke clones. When in reality Duke and Proton are so antithetical to one another that Proton should absolutely be seething with rage. Duke stole Proton's fucking thunder for one. Think about all the potential that lies in that.

I still hold by my wild guess that Duke Nukem is a creation by Doctor Proton, so there's only one reason for Proton to think Duke is awesome: he considers himself awesome, so anything he creates cannot be anything but awesome.

User is offline   OpenMaw 

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View PostAltered Reality, on 17 June 2017 - 02:52 PM, said:

Exactly. Which is why the has-been persona doesn't fly.

Exactly, as in it doesn't work in DNF. The tone is all fucked up.


View PostCommando Nukem, on 18 June 2017 - 12:46 AM, said:

Exactly, as in it doesn't work in DNF. The tone is all fucked up.

It doesn't work at all, and it would be detrimental to a grand return of Duke. You wouldn't have become a Duke Nukem fan in the 1990s, had you been introduced to Duke as a washed-up character who used to be great in the past, but in the present is just pathetic. You wouldn't have identified with him, you wouldn't have wished you could do the things he could do. You would have felt sorry for him, and you would have rejected the games because such a character does not match the fulfilment of any of your desires. The same thing would happen to a new generation.


Getting back on the subject of a new Duke game by Gearbox... I have a suggestion, just a little one. :P

Title: Duke Nukem: WWV (Worlds War Five)

Plot: Set a few years after the events of DNF, and Duke has gone back to his life of booze and women. The Earth is relatively safe from aliens, with a short war happening between DNF and this one. The aliens have lost all four of their previous attempts to kill Duke, and this time they're teaming up with the aliens who started it all (as in aliens, Proton doesn't count): The Regelatins. This time the aliens decimate our forces, leaving only one man in their way: Duke. And this time, he's here to kick ass and chew bubblegum and you bet he's all out of gum. Insane weapons, insane gameplay, insane aliens. Go back to basics with Duke, and have a true sequel to Duke 3D.

I think this would be a good way to bring Duke back to this generation, if you don't want to reboot it. It would continue the story from DNF, whilst bringing the Regelatins back from DN2. Also, the name could be used as a pun on Battlefield 1 and CoD: WWII, using the WWV name, as in the fifth time humans have been at war with aliens. Introduce new mechanics, such as Ego Kills (Glory Kills) which will replenish some of Duke's health, while also dropping some more ammo. I think the Ego Kills should be improved upon from Doom's Glory kill system, an example being the ability to use a toilet to kill an enemy if you're near one. There's a lot you could do with that, it'd be great to just let loose, and let Duke finally be Duke again. Introduce things from the spin offs, like Double Damage, giving you a health boost after killing an enemy, there's so much more you can do as well. Bring back standard health, jet packs, portable med kits, atomic health, and non-linear levels. Take the setting back to L.A., and use the Red Light District and the theater for the starting places of the first level, it would be an awesome way to pay tribute to Duke 3D. Give Duke his Golden Desert Eagle, and also introduce some new weapons. Keep the shotgun, but also introduce a new shotgun, preferably one based on the DP-12. Make the Devastator more powerful, and not just a rapid-fire pop gun. Make the Ripper look more like the old one. Bring back the old Alien designs, the Enforcer need to be sleek and quick, not big and bulky, and the Pig Cops need to be hairy. Also, bring back the Mighty Foot, there's not need for Duke to have a generic melee system, using a knife or whatever weapon he's holding, instead, use his foot. Continue with the interactivity, DNF had one main thing going for it, and that was the ability do interact with the environment, like the pinball machines, soda machine, etc... Anyway, add the ability to pick up magazine, and flip through them, not just pick 'em up and toss 'em... that's boring. Also, bring in some collectibles, like what Doom did with the mini Doomguys. Instead, have like something Duke-like, or something from DN1, like the balloons or something.

Introduce Bombshell, not the Interceptor one, but the classic, big-titted, blonde, white tank top-wearing, Bombshell. If you can't use the name, just make a new one, like Lani or something. Just make her look like she should, don't modernize it by making her have a small chest, that's irritating, women have big tits... it's not unrealistic... I could go on all day about that, so I'll move on. Make her a badass, just so it makes sense for Duke to kind of drawn to her, you know, as much as Duke can be. Also, make her seem to not like Duke, making Duke want her even more, of course, in the vein of Pussy Galore, he would get her... but towards the end, making the ending that much more satisfying.

Bring back Dylan. Most of the people here will crucify me for saying this, but bring him back, but rewrite him, make him a tough guy... like Duke is Arnie, then Dylan is Stallone. Make him likable, and don't make him so... annoying. I liked Dylan, but I can see the problems people have with him. Give him some good lines, and don't make him a suck up to Duke.

There are more things you could do, but I'm running on fumes right now, so that's as far as I'm going. I hope someone likes my idea, I think it would be good. ;)

This post has been edited by Never Forgotten: 21 June 2017 - 11:34 AM


User is offline   stumppy84 


Anything new on the chat with Randy et al?

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View Poststumppy84, on 23 June 2017 - 02:09 PM, said:

Anything new on the chat with Randy et al?

I've followed up multiple times. I am not sure if Gearbox still wants to have the chat. I have no idea why.

User is offline   NightFright 

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First they offer to talk and then don't want to get through with it? I hope they are just busy (though I wouldn't actually know with what). And it doesn't mean we will give up on getting a new Duke game, properly done! :P

This post has been edited by NightFright: 27 June 2017 - 08:11 AM


User is offline   Sledgehammer 

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View PostYatta, on 27 June 2017 - 07:59 AM, said:

I am not sure if Gearbox still wants to have the chat.

Had the same impression a week ago actually.

This post has been edited by Sledgehammer: 27 June 2017 - 08:12 AM


User is online   gemeaux333 


It is like when you make an order : the customer have to call the company back in order to confirm the order... So perhaps we have to call Randy Pitchford back in order to bring him our conclusions... :P

This post has been edited by gemeaux333: 27 June 2017 - 09:30 AM


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View PostYatta, on 27 June 2017 - 07:59 AM, said:

I've followed up multiple times. I am not sure if Gearbox still wants to have the chat. I have no idea why.

He'll get back to you in 12 years. That's Duke's style.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

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Well, my respect will dramatically drop yet again if he changes his mind. I keep flip flopping with this guy because he does so himself so many times. If it's really just a timing issue then I hope they can pin down a time asap.

This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 27 June 2017 - 01:02 PM


User is offline   stumppy84 


That doesn't sound that promising.. Hopefully they are busy.

User is offline   NUKEMDAVE 


Maybe he changed his mind due to Frederik being included in this. Even though Randy praised Rad Rodgers, things seem to still be slightly rocky between him and Frederik, judging by a few Twitter exchanges afterwards.

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