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Duke Nukem


View PostMusicallyInspired, on 07 June 2017 - 05:24 AM, said:

I think the lack of babe-saving adds weight to the atmosphere and fuel to Duke's (the player's) rage against the aliens. It's not really a big issue for me, though. They could have it or not. I think there are more important aspects to focus on and get right.

I understand what you're getting at, but I think it'd be best to bring in the ability to save them, like in Manhattan Project, because then Duke doesn't seem like a douche, just letting the women get killed/raped by the Aliens. Plus he's known as the man who saves our chicks, so I think it's about time they added that... I also think it'd be something pretty fun, and different from mainstream games, to add to the game.

User is offline   NNC 


View PostMinigunner, on 06 June 2017 - 08:28 PM, said:

A big thing regarding Duke that even Jon St John doesn't seem to get is that quite a few of his lines are situational. He has certain lines for getting weapons, certain lines for gibbing monsters, and certain lines that he only speaks once (I'm referring to the overused shit-down-neck and bubblegum lines). Those two in particular have an impact mainly because they're only spoken once and are obvious references too. Duke should be a lot more situational/contextual in his speech, and not so much flinging whatever one-liner the randomizer chooses at any given time.

Yep, also one liners that are just references but not contextual should be avoided (like that incredibly lame and out of context one liner of Big Trouble in Little China in WT).

This post has been edited by Nancsi: 07 June 2017 - 09:38 AM


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View PostMusicallyInspired, on 07 June 2017 - 05:24 AM, said:

I think the lack of babe-saving adds weight to the atmosphere and fuel to Duke's (the player's) rage against the aliens. It's not really a big issue for me, though. They could have it or not. I think there are more important aspects to focus on and get right.

I think the babes are just there to be killed, because there are weapons behind them (or jetpack in The Abyss) and the spawned monsters are extra hunt.

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View PostNever Forgotten, on 07 June 2017 - 08:54 AM, said:

I understand what you're getting at, but I think it'd be best to bring in the ability to save them, like in Manhattan Project, because then Duke doesn't seem like a douche, just letting the women get killed/raped by the Aliens. Plus he's known as the man who saves our chicks, so I think it's about time they added that... I also think it'd be something pretty fun, and different from mainstream games, to add to the game.

View PostNancsi, on 07 June 2017 - 09:43 AM, said:

I think the babes are just there to be killed, because there are weapons behind them (or jetpack in The Abyss) and the spawned monsters are extra hunt.

I think it's less of an issue that Duke's a dick for not being able to save them and more an issue of it just not being apparent enough that there's NOTHING DUKE CAN DO to save them. Again, I really think that was part of the whole point of them being in Duke3D and DNF. It's meant to show how horrific and barbaric these aliens are, which makes defeating them all the more meaningful and satisfying. Just wasn't done well. Even the babes in Duke3D say "kill me". The twins joke in the Hive level was bad not because it made Duke look like a douche but because it totally broke the tension and the atmosphere which inadvertantly made Duke look like a douche.

Meanwhile, games like Manhattan Project and the other ones were made by third-party developers who were probably trying to stay a little more politically correct. I for one am glad that 3DR and Triptych weren't worried about that. Unfortunately, they didn't not worry about it tastefully or skillfully enough.

I wouldn't mind having both saveable and unsaveable babes, though. I do like the idea of Duke saving babes as well as avenging them.

This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 07 June 2017 - 11:10 AM



The next Duke game wouldn't necessarily have to have Alien movie style "kill me" and/or save them women anyway. Ideally the next alien race that invades is very different, plenty of creative ideas for changing it up.

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View Postgemeaux333, on 07 June 2017 - 04:56 AM, said:

What about Dylan returning ?

He definitly is the right guy to greatly value Duke's class/good manners/manliness/etc... because Dylan is an antithesis of Duke and a perfect straight man for him !

Fuck Dylan.

User is offline   stumppy84 


Yeah, pretty much a throw away character. Still not sure why they cut Bombshell??

This post has been edited by stumppy84: 07 June 2017 - 03:01 PM


User is offline   Minigunner 


Because 3DRealms still owns that character.

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I think he was referring to DNF which was in development before Gearbox took it all. They could have put Bombshell in there but took her out for whatever reason.

User is online   gemeaux333 


Duke and Dylan are just like the good cop (the mentor) and the dumb cop (the apprentice), and while the good cop do his job the right way 24/7, the dumb cop say and do things that are ashaming the good cop 24/7 !

User is offline   necroslut 


View PostxMobilemux, on 06 June 2017 - 09:08 PM, said:

This is why I believe the next Duke game getting a Duke Nukem version of Demolition Man would be the perfect idea and perfect Duke game in this day and age of Political Correctness infecting gaming.

The amount of material for jokes and references for Duke would be endless and the nature of the story and theme can effortlessly fit the character of Duke.

Duke can be frozen in cryo sleep, or vanish for a long time(Poking fun at DNFs long development time) and return in an age full of swearing fines, no sex, no guns and all that PC shit we so loathe, Duke is in shock and disgust at what the world has become in his absence(Referencing what our modern world is pushing on us).

Then the aliens invade and the PC people can't fight back because they're too PC and start spewing out bullshit about "tolerance" and all that crap instead of fighting(Referencing today's bullshit about "tolerating" Muslim terror attacks) .

Duke decides "Fuck that" and fights back with everything we know and love about Duke Nukem, kicking the living shit outta the aliens and restoring all the
love of swearing, sex, big guns and all the Politically Incorrect stuff we love back to the way it should be.

Hell they could even work in some sub plot in which the game is actually Duke Nukem's Presidential Campaign, Duke is trying to run for POTUS, but the PC media is calling him all the "ist" buzzwords and what not, then the aliens invade, Duke defeats them, becomes President and "Makes America Groovy Again!!"(Referencing Trump and his ascend to Office).

The amount of possibilities are endless and it would allow for Duke's 80s Action Hero character not to change too much and would be very relevant for the war on culture and even the war on gaming that is happening today.

Plus, given the franchises history on interactive toilets, I'd love to see Duke interacting with those Swearing machines.

Most of these fan takes do the mistake (in my opinion) of being built around a story rather than a game - and also comes dangerously close to the story DNF actually had. What you just described is a setup for a movie, not a game. I say start with gameplay, figure out something that feels like Duke, then build a story around it that works. Though, unlike 3DR, make sure it's actually finished.

As for babes and such, I'm all for being able to save people, and also being able to fail. It goes with the other points I made about freedom - very little in a Duke game should be tied down or pre-determined. There was a point in DNF where a pigcop comes to kill an EDF soldier, but you can if you're quick save him. It's such a simple thing and doesn't really "reward" the player with anything, but what it does is put power in the player's hands, allowing them to actually make a difference - just like Duke.

NPC's that cause a game over when killed = non Duke, because only Duke is crucial in Duke's world
NPC's that can't (ever) be saved = non Duke, because it makes Duke weak and powerless

Edit: oh, and fuck Dylan indeed

This post has been edited by necroslut: 08 June 2017 - 05:15 AM



I would prefer to save the babes, but the levels are built in a way that saving them detracts from the gameplay. They usually have bonuses behind them, and their locations are usually filled with random monsters, which makes them incredibly vulnerable to friendly fire. They're there to make things harder.

Besides, the cocooned babes in E2 are probably beyond saving anyway.

User is offline   Hank 


View PostRandy Pitchford, on 27 May 2017 - 08:13 PM, said:

Next week is not going to work for me, but the following week I will be seeing if I can coordinate something with support from the Gearbox marketing/PR team.

Has anyone an idea for the next time-window for a get-together ? :P

This post has been edited by Hank: 08 June 2017 - 10:21 PM


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View PostHank, on 08 June 2017 - 10:19 PM, said:

Has anyone an idea for the next time-window for a get-together ? :P

Waiting to hear by e-mail.

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View Poststumppy84, on 07 June 2017 - 03:01 PM, said:

Yeah, pretty much a throw away character. Still not sure why they cut Bombshell??

This is just a wild guess of mine but I'd say they took Bombshell out because Dylan fit more the generic soldier setting of other games like Gears of War etc, to attract the general gamer. Bombshell would be another thing that would have set DNF quite well appart from other games of the time and personally I think it'd have worked in favor of DNF but they removed her and thats reality.

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At the 5:30 mark of this Game Slice interview, Randy Pitchford tells Geoff Keighley that in addition to Duke making a cameo in Spielberg's Ready Player One film adaptation, there's work being done on a Duke Nukem movie.

"It's blown my mind. There's been a lot of production companies that have come at us. We are putting a deal right now together with a major motion picture studio. I'll tell you off the record, it's the exact right people who should be doing a Duke Nukem film. We'll see what happens. I think it's very likely to be a thing."

On future Duke games:
"Yeah, there's a couple of things going on."

User is offline   Steve 64 


Just going to say I got mix feelings about it The Movie if it comes to be


I want it to happen, just to see it finally happen, hopefully it turns out entertaining. Will probably be better than the live action Tekken movie, Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-Li, FarCry (ah Uwe Boll :P), etc. Duke having a cameo in a mainstream movie is also fun news if it turns out to make the cut.

User is offline   stumppy84 


Hmmm, not sure what to think about a Duke movie.. I wonder who would star as him? Hopefully it's all CGI. Not sure what actor could play that role..


View Poststumppy84, on 12 June 2017 - 06:13 PM, said:

Hmmm, not sure what to think about a Duke movie.. I wonder who would star as him? Hopefully it's all CGI. Not sure what actor could play that role..

There aren't many people who can portray him, sadly. Plenty of people could get the look right, but not many people can do both look and voice. :/ Personally, as someone who's trying to be an actor, trying to get in Duke like shape, and someone who's been practicing the Duke voice since I was 5, I would love to give it a whirl. I'm not in Duke shape yet, but I'm doing my best to get there. Just something to think about. :P

User is offline   xMobilemux 


The time for a live action Duke movie has long since passed since the ideal actors have gotten too old and the track record for live action video game movies speaks for itself.

A CG movie on the other hand can work perfectly, the track record for CG video game movies have been great and Jon St John can voice Duke.

Though since Randy mentions film productions, it seems like it'll be another live action failure.

User is offline   NNC 


A Duke Nukem movie is literally the last thing I want for this franchise.


I have mixed feelings about a Duke Nukem movie. I could see how one would make a good Duke Nukem movie, and how it would help reboot the franchise if its good. I just hope Randy keeps creative control over the script and how it gets implemented. I would hate to see the Duke Nukem movie be as shitty as the Doom movie.

This post has been edited by icecoldduke: 13 June 2017 - 07:26 AM


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^The last time I was hyped for a Duke movie. It should've happened way back then.

This post has been edited by NUKEMDAVE: 13 June 2017 - 07:32 AM


User is offline   Steve 64 


Wow that site is still around dang haven't seen that site in forever

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CG movie would work the best for me, could be just like BH/RE movies or, say, Star Troopers, but better if done right. Or they could make animated movie which has even better potential, though that would be more expensive of course and no one does good animation in the West anymore.

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Before I begin this, I hope it will be forgiven that I break this post down into multiple pieces. This is more than just a single post, but an essay of sorts on Duke Nukem. So, admins, bare with me. :P

The last time, circa 2008, that a Duke film was being seriously discussed, over on the 3D Realms forums, I said the following; It makes no sense to do a movie for a video game character when you don't also have a recent, big-ass video game to go with it.

No matter what some of us hardcore fans would love to think, Duke does not have the staying power right now to attract an audience to a film by name recognition alone. Just doesn't exist. Even pre-2016, Doom had a stronger brand name and community than Duke. By a fairly big margin I might add.

For the film, I will always champion the "has-been hero" story for the film. A lot of people I've spoken to have misgivings about that idea because it basically means we'd only get the one film. Well, The alternative is likely a very heavily reinterpreted character for the modern audience, which will lose 90% of the charm of the character. None of the stories from the games up to this point would work very well as a film, and thinking about things like budget... No. I don't see them working. So without doing some kind of a "best of" mish-mash of Duke Nukem game stories to make the film. Do something that tries to tie into the games, but is also a sequel, and far enough in the future that you don't need to worry about stepping on the toes of future Duke games.

(My attempt at visualising my script for "Duke Nukem Lives" circa 2013.)

This post has been edited by Commando Nukem: 13 June 2017 - 04:09 PM


User is offline   OpenMaw 

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As to the next Duke Nukem game... *pulls out soap box.*

I would say it's absolutely right to look at Doom 2016 for inspiration to make Duke Nukem great. Though I would shed most of the leveling aspect.

Some of the things that Duke should take away from Doom.
  • The way it tells the story. Lean and mean. Do not get in the player's way.
  • You should be shooting things right away.
  • Levels built around exploring and discovering secrets.
  • No regenerating health. Encourage the player to be ballsy and take risks. To be just as badass as Duke Nukem is supposed to be.
  • Satisfying weapons. (That means a very good dismemberment system for the enemies, and really good sound and animation design for the weapons.)
  • Well placed humor balanced with a sense of a gravity to the events.

RE: The Babes. I personally liked the saving mechanics put into Duke64, Zero Hour, and Manhattan Project. In the later cases it gave you an additional thing to do. If you were to analog this with Doom, they could very much be another thing to be searching for in the level ala the Argent Energy Cells. They could result in a perma-ego boost, unlock extras in the menus... etc.

However, not having them be "save-able" is fine, too. The problem with DNF is the fact that the tone was all fucked up. In Duke3D, when playing it back in 1996... This was dark and fucked up and added to the dread of the alien invasion. DNF bounced it toneally all over the place. Having women giving horrible birth while also making really bad jokes about swallowing cum. It didn't work. Go straight up Alien(s) body horror with that aspect of the plot and have Duke really fucking mad about it, or go for the bubble-gum card, comic book flavor and give Duke the option of teleporting babes back to home base. One or the other.

(The first chunk of this video feels like Duke Nukem's Los Angeles, to me. Stylized as gritty, dark, neon-soaked.)
That brings me to tone, and once again I say this. The world of Duke Nukem should be, on-the-whole a serious place. It should seem real, feel real. The problem with DNF was that it wanted to try and do both things, and it came off disjointed tonally. DNF felt like The Naked Gun. Duke should be the splash of color in a gritty world. A world gone bad. A world full of danger. The benefit therein is that Duke really stands out. His character is all-the-more personified. A world that should be mostly devoid of other human life. There should be dead men all over the place, torn to pieces, as if by animals. Because that's what (these) aliens do. They kill men and enslave the women for breeding. Make that part of the horror of the world. Don't play that part for comedy.

This post has been edited by Commando Nukem: 13 June 2017 - 05:10 PM


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Think about it like the film Django Unchained. All of the violence and everything to do with the slavery of blacks is treated as serious as a heart attack. The movie does not play violence against slaves for laughs at all. When Django or Dr. Schultz start blasting racist rednecks? You get showers of blood, huge bullet holes, slow motion shenanigans, absolutely glorious over-the-top hurrah. That's how Duke should treat it. Our world is being invaded. Serious and bad. Men are being slaughtered wholesale. Bad. Women are being stripped, carried off, and raped by said aliens. Very fucking bad. Duke Nukem is a pop-culture spouting, badass with big guns who's going to murder every alien mother fucker he comes across. Good, good-goddamn-orgasm-inducing-good-make-it-bloodier-than-Brutal-Doom-Goddamnit GOOD.

(Note the way every single antagonist is taken out in an over-the-top and comical fashion in this scene. Every single one is designed to make you smirk and have the audience shouting "Fuck yeah, get those racist pieces of shit, Django!")

One thing that I do find annoying about the discussion regarding the "make it like Doom 2016" thing. Namely coming from people who don't agree with that sentiment... It's not just a coat of paint that needs to be changed, guys. There are so many differences that would have to be accounted for, but in terms of the feeling of an old-school shooting experience for today... Doom 2016 outdoes Shadow Warrior, Strafe, Rise of the Triad, and Wolfenstein in terms of capturing the right feel.

Even just starting with the environments. There are huge functional and structural difference between UAC-tech-labs and Los Angeles. Huge great big differences between Hell and Alien spaceship interiors. If you're a creative person you can see the many things you could do within the frameworks of the themes these levels can offer.

Then, you also have weapons. With the exception of melee attacks. Doom's arsenal is entirely offensive in nature. Duke has defensive weapons in his arsenal. Trip-mines, pipebombs, etc are not offensive weapons. They are utilized in laying ambushes or containing your adversary in multiplayer. These are things that can be reinterpreted and expanded upon.

Same for health. let's go with the idea that Duke doesn't use body armor from a gameplay standpoint, and make the entire thing about Duke's ego, but taking cues from Doom 2016, and maybe even a little hint of Bulletstorm. Reward the player for being a badass. The more creative you get with your kills, the more ego you get. "Let off some steam, bastard." Rip a pipe out of a wall and pin an alien to a wall with it. You get twice as much ego for the effort if you had just shot him. Encourage being creative, interacting with the environment, etc... Just looking at the way good games in the modern era have done things, and then putting a Duke spin on it, will get you the best of both worlds.

When you get right down to it Duke Nukem is a power fantasy just like Doom, but Duke Nukem is the power-fantasy of being the personification of the ultimate 1980's Action Hero. Pure and unfiltered. Character is what helped set Duke apart from the other "doom clones." It's what frankly helped Duke beat Quake.

One way to start the game, taking that Doom 2016 influence. You start the game. Little text to give the game context with Duke's previous adventures... Start of game, Duke's at home, scoring with a chick, got the TV on. The news report goes to the EMBS, lights start shining through the windows, the windows shatter, the drapes blow up. A finger snap later, you've got an alien in his apartment, stealing his chick. Another alien drops in, starts wrecking everything, most important Duke's R&R. Duke kicks his ass, get's his gun, and goes to work. The world rapidly expands from the interior of Duke's apartment, all the way to the mother-fuckin' moon and beyond. Whatever you can imagine. The sky is the limit. But you're off and running from "go."

Oh, one last thing. Remember, we used to dream big. The 2001 trailer, and the 2007 teaser depicted the tone i'm talking about. If you like those, then you like what i'm talking about for the "proper" Duke tone.
Alright, i'm done. *mic-drop*

This post has been edited by Commando Nukem: 13 June 2017 - 05:18 PM


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