The exact same thing with the innocent happened again when I tried live streaming the game once too and I'm not sure I was using 1.21 that time though I seem to think I found things had mysteriously become corrupted. The removal of Hellhound gibbing always irked me, mainly because I used to think it was funny to napalm them and there would just be this foot left that would slide forwards before coming to a stop... Then they nerfed the Napalm Launcher too.
I dunno, I guess V1.21 is like Duke V1.5 (Atomic) compared to V1.3 in that it added new content and needed to be purchased. Duke 1.4 and 1.5 had very few differences, I think it was merely modifications to the CON code, but I am unclear about Blood V1.1x (Can't remember the version number) versus v1.21 differences, I presume they are minimal though.
Pintched by the doors. Indeed, it does seem to happen more in Blood and I remember it happening in that V1.0 playthrough;
Then, if you leave it running a minute we get a levitating zombie. Somewhere I had a list of some of the times it had broken in interesting ways and I might try and dig it up for the hell of it. Though there were many smaller things missing like enemies which weren't blocking / hitscan sensitive and bullets went right through them. Heh, just noticed now that parts 11 and 13 are absent from my playlist... Oops.
The worst Kill Wall in Blood comes in E4M3 -
And while I'm there, it does remind me of an interesting bug the spawns sometimes display - they always use that same tile for some reason -
Seriously, this game is hilarious.
Edit: Before I call it a day and sleep, here's one of the stranger ones... Where does the second Gill Beast come from? Honestly, I think the game hates me.
If you keep watching to when I reload and jump down the bog again I've never seen Gill Beasts move that fast before, I have no idea what was going on. The first thing with the one appearing from thin air actually made me jump but by the time they were seemingly breaking the sound barrier I was past caring.