spessu_sb, on 18 August 2017 - 01:40 PM, said:
I love scifi/futuristic themes, so that may be why I have absolutely no problem with Doom 3, Quake 4 or Prey (2006). I also know there is bit of standing around in it, but it's absolutely nothing compared to standing around of Wolfenstein New Order, Doom 4 or Shadow Warrior reboot. You have way more freedom in q4 than in these new games and imo the restriction that q4 has, is completely tolerable.
You need to conserve your ammo in it just like in older fps, often times you find more powerful ammo via secrets. Q4 does have mild secrets where by exploring the surroundings, you're being rewarded. The hidden areas aren't ofc as difficult to find as in Duke or similar games but they are still atleast hidden.
As I said, I in a short timeframe played through Doom 3 (great), Prey (bloody fantastic 10/10!!!) and then went on to Quake 4... and in that company, it was a complete letdown. So those are the games I directly compared it to at this time. I've played it through before, some years ago, but this time around I just couldn't keep myself going after a few levels. It did remind me of Cod and Halo... and also of cheapish indie Unreal 3-fps:es... Maybe in another context it would have stood up better, like if I actually had played Cod first

but compared to Doom 3 and Prey every room felt like a fucking chore.
But, as I said before, I was never really a Quake fan - especially not a Quake II fan - so some nostalgia factor would probably be lost on me that a real Quake II nut would get from it.
I can't stand Singularity. To me that game feels like a complete CoD clone and I'm sure Raven could've made a better game. Hell.. even the whole concept was ripped from a game that released couple years earlier called Timeshift (2007). Timeshift was made by same devs who are currently developing Quake Champions, aka Saber Interactive. Other than TS, Saber haven't made a notable game aside from those Halo remakes (I haven't had a console since PS2 generation, so I can't speak about the quality of these remakes). I despise regenerating health in fps games but Timeshift remains the only modern fps that has full regeneration and which I regardless of, very much do like. I like the game because it's one of the last games that was made without ironsights, sprinting, qtes, over focus on story.. and thus feels more my style.
I honestly don't remember that much of Singularity, I haven't played it since it was recent, and I remember liking it... though, when you mention it, I also remember finding similarities between it and Timeshit. I certainly
do remember liking Wolfenstein 2009 more.
do think Raven's 2009 Wolfenstein is criminally fucking underrated and did a lot of what The New Order got heaps of praise for years later, but at the time noone cared.