Micky C, on 21 June 2016 - 03:58 AM, said:
The flaw in DNF was that... it didn't have enough of a story. There was always only one possible course of action, it didn't present you with alternative outcomes. There was no story branch were you ignore the kid and go on your merry way, no story branch where you get out of the Lady Killer to meet your fans, no story branch where you forcefully remove the fan from your throne, no story branch where you shoot the president in the head when he snaps at you. The entire game world stopped until you did what you were supposed to do.
Let's compare it with an ancient sandbox game: Damocles. It absolutely had a story (a comet was about to collide with a planet and you were supposed to prevent it) but:
1) it let you free to basically do whatever you want in a solar system, fly in space, explore various planets, get off your spaceship and enter buildings on the planets, use interactive objects in the buildings, destroy whatever you wanted
2) unlike DNF, you were not limited in your choices. You could reach your goal in various ways, each with different consequences, or even drive the story completely off course. But without a story to follow or drive astray, no objectives to reach or to subvert, it would've just been a technical experiment in interactivity. A demo (in the demoscene sense), not a game.