deuxsonic, on 14 June 2016 - 03:02 PM, said:
A brand new game that's not a brand new game but another online arena shooter released into a market filled with this game type with well-known id characters like Ranger and Visor, mirroring Quake 3/Live, is going to be successful? I hope they plan on making it free.
How is it not a brand new game? Does it need to reinvent the wheel completely to be considered new? I don't get it.
It's on a newer engine than Quake Live, it's using brand new assets, there's new characters as evidenced by the trailer, the characters will all have unique abilities, they are hosting a tournament and more info will be revealed at Quakecon this year, and that's all we know. Anything else is speculation.
id software are making a new multiplayer game that is PC exclusive, that itself is exciting, especially since the campaign part of Doom was fantastic and thats what they made.
Bethesda/Zenimax don't have a competitive multiplayer game, this will change that, and I'm sure they are doubling down on it.
Am I upset it won't have a traditional singleplayer campaign? Yes.
Do I hate the idea of a new multiplayer-focused modern era Quake game? No, because I loved Quake 3 just as much as Quake 1 and 2, and look forward to seeing how it pans out.
The only other arena shooters out right now are Unreal Tournament, which is still not finished and is going for more team-centric stuff as well as user content/marketplace, and several indie games that aren't quite taking off.