Charlie Wiederhold
Instructions to run this stuff is at the end of this file. I assume that by
now most people out there know how to run maps and demos.
Both maps require you have have Scourge of Armagon (Mission Pack 1). Also,
both have been compiled to be fully compatible with GLQuake and the water
transparency and stuff. You will need to use the -winmem 12 (or more) flag
if you try to play timebomb.bsp in regular Quake under Windows.
I'm sure there may be something I'm forgetting, but your smart and I'm sure
you can figure it out... if not, email me and I'll see what I can do.
TIMEBOMB.BSP is my 3rd Quake map, and SALV.BSP is my 4th. No, I won't ever
let the other two leave my hard drive. I hate them and think they are ugly.
These are the two maps that I submitted to Ritual which got me hired.
They were both made under pretty tight time constraints, as I still was
working more than full time at Sunstorm while making these maps. They are
very unpolished... but I simply don't have the time to go in and work on them
to bring them up to the level I would consider done. However, a lot of people
have bugged me to see some work since I have never released a Quake map, so
I finally decided to go ahead and release these. I don't think I put in
multiplayer capability, but they wouldn't be that great in DM anyways, since
Ritual specifically said to focus only on single play value for these maps.
Again, I don't consider these to be even close to "finished" work, and there
is a lot of stuff I would like to clean up in them, but simply don't have the
time. But I think they give a decent idea of what I can do and my style. Don't
expect these to be much at all like the "standard Quake" style.
Both maps require that you have Mission Pack 1 (Scourge of Armagon) installed.
You can play SALV.BSP without it... you just won't see the Hammer at the
end. TIMEBOMB.BSP is pretty much screwed without it though.
TIMEBOMB.BSP - I made this map in response to the Ritual webpage requesting
applicants. It was made over the period of a month, but I still had my more
than full time job to eat up most of my time, so actual man hours are very
few. Please read the TIMEBOMB.TXT as it provides the story, and the "why" of
why you are there in the first place, and why you should care about being in
The point of this map was to create a believable mission, with a
convincing environment to act out the mission in.
It is about 2100+ brushes, and took way too much time to fully compile on a
p166 with 48 megs of ram.
SALV.BSP - "Salvation" - I made this map because Ritual asked me to make a
map to show them the same weekend they flew me down to meet with them. It is
about a week of work, while of course still working at Sunstorm. They wanted
to see something totally different from the style I showed in TIMEBOMB.BSP,
and I think you'll agree that it is quite different.
The focus in this map
was to make a challenging map because of traps and environmental dangers.
Please read the SALV.TXT as it provides info you will need to play the map
This is about 1000+ brushes, and for some reason fully compiles in mere
minutes on a p166 with 48 megs of ram.
To run these:
Simply put both BSP files in your QUAKE\ID1\MAPS directory
Put the DEM file in your QUAKE\ID1 directory
Because I'm too lazy to go back in and recompile SALV.BSP, it is going
to crash Quake when you exit the map. I made it point to SALVATION.BSP,
but when I renamed it to SALV.BSP to record the demo, I forgot to update the
map. If you *really* need it to exit properly, simply rename SALV.BSP to
SALVATION.BSP. But then the demo won't work.
To play either map, run quake like this:
quake -game hipnotic
Add the -winmem parameter if you need it.
To play TIMEBOMB.BSP or SALV.BSP simply bring up the console and type:
map timebomb
map salv
Because the people who have actually played SALV.BSP usually say it is
impossible to beat, I recorded a demo to prove it is in fact beatable. I
recorded the demo playing all the way through getting all the kills, the
ONE (wh00!) secret, and uhhhh... not dying.
To play it bring up the
console and type:
playdemo salv