MusicallyInspired, on 14 August 2019 - 08:56 PM, said:
Yep, it's true that the arsenal is lacking, honestly it was pretty disappointing to hear that there is no BFG so guess the chaingun or the grenade launcher is your best weapon? Yeah, that's not great plus exotic weaponry is a staple of Build engine shooters. I'm not saying it should be Blood where most of the arsenal is uniquely weird but there should be an exotic weapon.
What I truly don't get is the missing power weapon though because I think the crossbow could have been a really great option for that. In the preview campaign it was just weird because compared to an energy powered precision weapon it sucked in damage output and its secondary fire was useless. It's not the Source engine where you can have fun with sticking enemies to walls, that thing should be a fucking railgun that gibs weaker enemies while the secondary should be a costly, slowly moving projectile that kills every motherfucker in the room if you shoot it with the primary fire. Bam, there's your power weapon, it's worth a damn now.
Intricate weapon balance or not a classic shooter kinda needs that weapon that has limited ammo but you know that if you fire it things will die.
Edit: Just as kind of an example here's a bit of QCDE action with Duke I've recorded a while back:
See that railgun? You don't need a power weapon instead of that because it's amazing.