Kathy, on 24 February 2019 - 12:59 PM, said:
If Epic needs exclusivity, then it doesn't provide other incentives.
I think that's kind of a flawed argument, I mean what they could provide? Steam pretty much has everything you'd want from a game client covered now apart from providing DRM-free versions of the games you've bought. That's the only "plus" Epic could provide but in reality that's pretty impossible since big publishers still believe in DRM so they won't sell their games without it.
That leaves exclusivity deals and reduced prices as the options available to them but only one of those can work really: Steam's playerbase is loyal to their platform so they won't buy somewhere else even if it's slightly cheaper. On the other hand I think Epic is fucking up consumer good will by buying up shit instead of them making proper first party games for their platform. It's clear that the kids playing Fortnite won't be enough to get customers so what they should be doing instead is stuff like finishing up UT4, remastering Unreal / making an Unreal 3, remastering Jazz Jackrabbit / making a new Jazz game, somehow getting their Gears of War titles on there etc. Every single one of those games could get a small but significant when combined number of customers.
But at least they managed to get Journey from Sony and I missed out on that one on PS3 so I'll buy that.