I made this program, because for edit my ART files I had to use BASTart (for batch import and blood palette support) and Dukeres (for editing tiles and animation)
Of course, It isn't convenient to use several programs for ART editing, therefore I made own program, which combines these two programs, with other palettes support and comfortable GUI like Dukeres.
My program also have other good functions as 32bit png-image support. Uploaded 32bit image will automaticaly converted to choosed palette.
2. You can import a several ART files to one file at once
3. You can import a folder with 8bit *.bmp or 32bit *.png images at once and also export images from opened ART file with saving description.ini file with all information about tiles in ART for subsequent import after edit ini file. (as you can make it throught tga2art and art2tga)
4. BAFed supported Build palettes (dat), photoshop palettes (act) and Microsoft palettes (pal)
5. You can resize choosed tile at opened ART
6. For make animation you can choose last tile of animation with Ctrl + LMB, animation will be from choosed tile to last tile.
7. I made movable preview picture of choosed tile....you can see at all parts of the picture at 700% scale.
Program requires Java installed on your computer
I hope you enjoy it