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Gearbox searches developer to help with new Duke Nukem game

User is offline   trustn0! 


Well, they COULD still get in touch with Machine Games since 2K/T2 might not want to touch the IP after DNF.
They did went public about how they considered the release of DNF a negative mark on the company so we can't say if they want to associate with the IP.
But that said, i have no desire seeing a Zenimax produced Duke game.

Would much rather see a Homeworld Remastered attempt where Gearbox helps out with funding and collaborates with an external partner for design and asset building.
Less corporate decisions that way.

But who knows.
Duke lives.
And that's all that matters.

This post has been edited by trustn0!: 15 July 2015 - 01:46 PM


User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


2K probably means no mod tools. I don't think anyone has really determined who made that call with DNF. It looks like it would be 2K though.

User is offline   StarNukem 

  • Captain Horseshit


Wow, so Duke is getting another game. Great! Just take what was wrong with Forever and fix it! Here is my list of things that should be changed:

1. EGO meter. That shit is stupid and everyone who has played Duke 3D knows that this does NOT belong in a Duke Nukem game. His ego is there for show, not for keeping him alive.
2. Expand the weapon inventory. Like the EGO, this is not Halo. This is Duke-Fucking-Nukem! I want to be able to hold every weapon in the game and have to find ammo and health pickups throughout the map, which leads me to my next gripe.
3. Ammo and Health items. This is what made Duke 3D fun and challenging. The limited amount of ammo and health made you feel like a badass for finding it and using it to slaughter your way to the end, but it also provided a challenge because if you didn't know where this stuff was, you would get raped sideways, especially on the harder difficulties.
4. Linear levels. This shit is too common in modern shooters today! Go here, cutscene. Get on the turret, cutscene. Walk to your teammate and watch him die dramatically, cutscene, Thankfully DNF didn't have cutscenes but for the love of god Gearbox, don't even think of putting cutscenes! But besides that, Duke Forever had levels that were completely linear! Go here, shoot some bad guys, pry open a door with your bare hands, and get to the end of the level. Point A to point B without having to go to point C like Duke 3D did. Duke 3D encouraged exploration and rewarded it as well. If you strayed off the main course, you would find goodies like secret areas or places that you need to get to in order to complete the level. Essentially, take notes from Duke 3D's level design Gearbox.
5. Graphics. Yeah graphics aren't everything, because playing a game for its graphics is like watching porn for the storyline, but PLEASE don't use an engine that is going to be outdated the minute the game is released!
6. Player Models. I know my list is sounding a lot like "release Duke Nukem 3D: Reloaded" which is actually a good idea, but really, I'm just picking apart Duke Forever for it's awful features. One of which being the NPC models and even Duke's model! Why the fuck is it when I jump, Duke's back is stiff as a board and his arms are at his side while his legs curl in the air like he's going to take flight?! The NPC models also look like action figures animated by Robot Chicken.
7. Loading times. I do NOT want to wait 3 minutes for the game to load so I can play a 5 minute level! Enough with that shit!

I could keep going on, but I'll spare you all. Gearbox needs to know what the fans want and utilize it. Whatever company they get involved with better know how to make a Duke Nukem game! Hell, collaborate with 3D Realms if you want I don't know, just get someone who knows what made Duke games fun!

User is offline   HulkNukem 


View PostTea Monster, on 15 July 2015 - 01:49 PM, said:

2K probably means no mod tools. I don't think anyone has really determined who made that call with DNF. It looks like it would be 2K though.

2K games never have mod tools and always have DLC; there's been numerous cases of games intentionally withholding content to sell later on. Evolve is the latest example.

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


It's a shame that Iron Galaxy are busy at the moment :)

User is offline   Mr. Tibbs 


I think Valhalla, the developers behind the Wii U exclusive Devil's Third, should make the next Duke game. They spent 6 years developing DT and only switched the engine 3 times. It's shaping up to be worth the wait.

This post has been edited by Mr. Tibbs: 15 July 2015 - 02:32 PM


User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


I keep thinking of ACM. Someone says to you "Go make an Aliens game. Oh, and James Cameron, who has made some of the most successful movies of all time, is going to help you. Oh, I nearly forgot, All the guys who made Aliens are going to help you too. You'll have access to all the behind the scenes info and set designs to help make this game."

So, how, and I mean this most sincerely, HOW do you not only screw up, but make a contender for turkey of the year? I don't get it, I really just don't get it. How did this happen?


- Always Bet on Duke
- Goes bankrupt
- Proceeds to dance for money
- Gets told to "shake it baby"
- Looks
- Makes eye contact with Randy Pitchford
- proceeds to shake
- lets him man handle the goods
- ask him if he would allow me to make a prototype of a DUKE game
- proceeds to get cash throw in face
- profit......... wait wait hey THIS IS MONOPOLY MONEY PITCHFORD WTH
- lol :)

User is offline   LkMax 


That news is really surprising... I can't say I'm excited though.

View PostxMobilemux, on 15 July 2015 - 03:15 AM, said:

My vote for a developer would be Flying Wild Hog (...).

NO, they ruined Shadow Warrior already.

EDIT: The article actually doesn't imply anything new at all... nothing to see here.

This post has been edited by LkMax: 15 July 2015 - 04:36 PM



I always love having a Duke game to speculate about, sounds good. :)

User is offline   xMobilemux 


Postal devs have said they'd be interested but they'd need half the time DNF had to make the game since they're so small.
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This post has been edited by xMobilemux: 15 July 2015 - 05:29 PM


User is offline   spessu_sb 


Being a huge Duke fan and seeing how people again suggest Machine Games or Flying Wild Hog for the job, i just can't do anything but facepalm..

For christ sakes! FWH has proven to us that they don't know how to make anything else than linear horde shooters, aka painkiller/serious sam. Duke Nukem should either be really cool non-linear levels (ála Duke3D) or epic story telling which original DNF was gonna be. Even better than the at the time upcoming Half-Life (1998). But i still would prefer true exploring over any kinda linearity. New reboots are imo very bad. If it has to be someone who the job is given, i suppose Interceptor Entertainment then, because 3D Realms would oversee the development and because Rise of the Triad is the only thing that is close to old school along with Wrack. Hard Reset and Shadow Warrior reboot aren't even close, they are just serious sam. Serious Sam 4 is already coming so i don't want any fake serious sam games either.

Basically history should repeat itself again. Doom made firstpersonshooters a thing and Duke3D came and introduced the cool verticality, actual real world setting and gameworld interactivity. Now id is again bringing us DOOM (DOOM 4) and man was i happy when i saw that it didn't get the treatment that duke got with dnf, regenerating health console fps. DOOM 4 is gonna be very old school, Duke needs to once again follow and possibly once again out do DOOM, be a real Duke game/classic fps.

That Running With Scissors thing was golden :)

This post has been edited by spessu_sb: 15 July 2015 - 06:52 PM


User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


Shadow Warrior 2 seems to be anything but linear, though.

User is offline   xMobilemux 


The main reason I want Flying Wild Hog to do a Duke is because they actually add some color and personality to their games, the last thing I want Duke Nukem 5 to be is a brown and grey, cinematic, story heavy bore, however they're pussies when it comes to battling political correctness so if they could get that last part sorted out then I'd be happy with them doing it.

I do not want Interceptor to touch the Duke IP, that asshat CEO wanting to give Duke the Dark Knight treatment is as bad and unoriginal as it can get and you can call me a perv all you want, but toning down the strippers and gratuitous nudity in this day and age is a cowardly thing to do and it also hurts a big part of Duke's identity, so does removing the Pig Cops.
Wanna create more original enemies for Duke? Go for it, go all the way, but the Pig Cops are a signature part of the franchise now and they need to stay along with the strippers and needless nudity. Duke needs to show that the political and social softness of today have no affect on him what so ever.

I think the new Duke Nukem coming after the new Doom is a good idea, not only cause Duke can take cues from Doom yet again, but cause it'll be awesome to see the FPS icons repeating their legendary innovations all over again while the modern FPS franchises wither and die, wishful thinking I know, but that would be awesome.

This post has been edited by xMobilemux: 15 July 2015 - 08:26 PM


User is offline   Mr. Tibbs 


Here's the video of Randy talking about Duke at Develop (at the 12:42 mark).

This post has been edited by Mr. Tibbs: 15 July 2015 - 08:19 PM


User is offline   xMobilemux 


The mere possibility of Duke's return is a worldwide trend.
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This post has been edited by xMobilemux: 15 July 2015 - 10:12 PM


User is online   Lunick 


View PostxMobilemux, on 15 July 2015 - 10:02 PM, said:

The mere possibility of Duke's return is a worldwide trend.

Uh no, that's tailored trends.

These are the current worldwide trends:
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And what mine looks like tailored:
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This post has been edited by Lunick: 15 July 2015 - 10:31 PM


User is offline   xMobilemux 


Shit, didn't realize that, I don't use Twitter much.

User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


View PostHulkNukem, on 15 July 2015 - 12:57 PM, said:

Allen Blum would be THE guy to help out, whether full time or not.

You would think so, wouldn't ya? Then you find out he's the guy who turned Duke into the fucking hipster he is in DNF. The Notorious "Douche Nukem" is his baby. All his. He conceptualized it.

I'd love to see Raven Software get their hands on the Duke IP. Use Source Engine 2, that way you'd inherent some technical support from the geniuses at Valve. Also, much like repeating the perfect storm of Duke3D, it won't be THE MOST stunning visual experience ever, but the level of creativity allowed will be through the roof, and allow the community a chance to really get their hands dirty with mods. Thus allowing "Duke 5" to be the true successor to Duke 3D. In a way it'll be a dream come true for a lot of us who wanted to use the Quake family of games to make a Duke game.

Creatively, just make a new Duke game in his classic mold. Don't reboot him or do anything fancy. I'd completely ignore the zeitgeist as this point. A few years ago I thought that embracing it and turning it into a character advantage would be a good idea, but I think the time has passed for that. Just a bare minimum reintroduction of who he is and then get the game rolling: Duke Nukem voice by Jon St John with his classic look.

Design a new alien species for Duke to fight. Bring in some legitimate alien environments, and locations set in space.

Bring back a few classic weapons, but i'd jettison the rest and start from scratch. (Keep the mighty boot, pistol, shotgun, and shrinker.)

The "perv" quota is important, but I do think it could be reduced somewhat. DNF was just chock-full of it to the point that it started to get on my nerves. We don't need tits and vibrators, and blow job jokes, and glory holes and more tits every five feet. It has it's place, and it works as a nice spice and flavor. I think the world Duke inhabits should be much more "straight man" to Duke's wit and charm. This offers the opportunity to create those environments like The Abyss in Duke3D that feel unsettling, disturbing, dark, even a little scary. It allows the game to stand in two worlds at the same time. Duke gives us the levity through his personality, but the invasion itself is at least semi-serious. You have those moments where you find an alien sifting through dirty magazines or on the toilet, and that gives you the comedy, but nothing in the world itself should be in the tradition of "The Naked Gun." Now, don't take me the wrong way. I'm not saying don't have parody or in jokes or pop culture references in the levels. I'm just saying it needs to be reigned in a bit from DNF. DNF just threw every idea it had at you and it didn't work. It made the entire experience feel flat and engaging to me.

Also, as much as I am a single player guy, they really need to up the game on the multiplayer. It needs to be something that brings back the QUAKE 3 speed and challenge. Something that feels genuinely like an uprezzed and improved classical multiplayer experience.


Aside from Interceptor, the new 3DR, Flying Wild Hogs, and Running with Scissors, I think Croteam would be a great candidate once they're done with Road to Gehenna and Serious Sam 4.

User is offline   X-Vector 


View PostCommando Nukem, on 15 July 2015 - 11:46 PM, said:

I'd love to see Raven Software get their hands on the Duke IP. Use Source Engine 2, that way you'd inherent some technical support from the geniuses at Valve.

Source Engine could be a nice platform, but preferably coupled with a developer that hasn't produced some of the dullest looking games of the past decade.

Anyway, I guess we now have official confirmation that Duke Nukem isn't important enough to Gearbox to develop a new game in-house for (apparently it sits below something like Battleborn on the totem pole).

User is offline   Steve 64 


View PostPikaCommando, on 15 July 2015 - 11:51 PM, said:

Aside from Interceptor, the new 3DR, Flying Wild Hogs, and Running with Scissors, I think Croteam would be a great candidate once they're done with Road to Gehenna and Serious Sam 4.

I really enjoyed Serious Sam 3 really fun game, They should do like a cross over Duke and Sam Alien Horde Game.

This post has been edited by Turok 64 Jr: 16 July 2015 - 03:26 AM


User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


Although it's a good idea, Raven have always been heavily tied in with Idtech. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they are working on something with the new Doom engine right now.

User is offline   Sixty Four 

  • Turok Nukem


Well here is some more small talk on this if you wish to see.



Just to correct a point the Eurogamer article in the OP made based on this quote from Randy:

Randy Pitchford said:

So yes. In fact, we've done some concept development.

The Eurogamer article seems to assume this was in reference to "a follow-up to Duke Nukem Forever", as of this was a recent development. However, that's misleading as Randy is almost certainly referring to Duke Nukem Begins which dates between 2007 and 2009, several years before DNF was finally released. We know this timeline from the court documents of years past which are corroborated by the resumes of former Gearbox employees such as this:

Posted Image

Not a huge difference, but this emphasizes the point that Gearbox only made an attempt at a Duke Nukem title before DNF had hit the world, not after. I feel that changes the sentiment somewhat.

For the record, I don't remember the name of the above former Gearbox employee, but as I recall, he didn't end up getting the job at Valve.

User is offline   HulkNukem 


Slightly off topic, but I wonder if Jace Hall ever found a developer for Condemned 3.

User is offline   LkMax 


View PostxMobilemux, on 15 July 2015 - 08:02 PM, said:

The main reason I want Flying Wild Hog to do a Duke is because they actually add some color and personality to their games

About color I can agree: gameplay aside, the levels were very pretty. But the game in general wasn't that fun and even irritating in it's forced limitations.
On the other hand: personality... well, Flying Wild Hog's Lo Wang was as retarded as Duke in DNF. Everytime he opened his mouth I wanted to shut him up so badly...

User is offline   Mr. Tibbs 


Gearbox are also looking for outside help for the next Brother in Arms game. Their Ubisoft Furious Four project became Battleborn.


"I think the next Brothers in Arms game has to be authentic and we have been working on that," he says. "I feel we have unfinished business there with both the fiction and the history and I’d like to get into that. I spend a lot of time thinking about it.

"Sadly it takes a lot of resources, energy and money to do what must be done, so it’s not something I feel I could completely do alone. I need good partners for it, so we’ve been talking to great folks but it’s really putting all that together that’s the limiting factor. Once we put all the partnerships together in terms of publishing, collaborators and creatives, we can talk about it.

"I feel like I’m on the brink of it, but we’re not quite there yet. Once it happens development will really take off and then sometime after that - if we don’t completely kill ourselves - we’ll announce. But we’re in the incubation phase with the next one there, for sure."

It'll be years before we see the next Duke game. :)

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer




View PostStarCraftZergling, on 15 July 2015 - 01:52 PM, said:

1. EGO meter. That shit is stupid and everyone who has played Duke 3D knows that this does NOT belong in a Duke Nukem game. His ego is there for show, not for keeping him alive.

And everyone who played Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project knows that ego can be done right. Shoot an enemy, get some ego as a reward. Save a babe, get some ego as a reward. In fact, DNF used to work like this as well, before George played Call Of Duty, got cutting-is-shipping-happy and decided to scrap the original ego mechanics for regenerating health.

View PostStarCraftZergling, on 15 July 2015 - 01:52 PM, said:

2. Expand the weapon inventory. Like the EGO, this is not Halo. This is Duke-Fucking-Nukem! I want to be able to hold every weapon in the game and have to find ammo and health pickups throughout the map, which leads me to my next gripe.

I agree to this. No weapon limit.

View PostStarCraftZergling, on 15 July 2015 - 01:52 PM, said:

3. Ammo and Health items. This is what made Duke 3D fun and challenging. The limited amount of ammo and health made you feel like a badass for finding it and using it to slaughter your way to the end, but it also provided a challenge because if you didn't know where this stuff was, you would get raped sideways, especially on the harder difficulties.

I'm actually indifferent to this. I'm gonna be okay whether they have finite ammo through the level or infinite ammo crates.

View PostStarCraftZergling, on 15 July 2015 - 01:52 PM, said:

4. Linear levels. This shit is too common in modern shooters today! Go here, cutscene. Get on the turret, cutscene. Walk to your teammate and watch him die dramatically, cutscene, Thankfully DNF didn't have cutscenes but for the love of god Gearbox, don't even think of putting cutscenes! But besides that, Duke Forever had levels that were completely linear! Go here, shoot some bad guys, pry open a door with your bare hands, and get to the end of the level. Point A to point B without having to go to point C like Duke 3D did. Duke 3D encouraged exploration and rewarded it as well. If you strayed off the main course, you would find goodies like secret areas or places that you need to get to in order to complete the level. Essentially, take notes from Duke 3D's level design Gearbox.

Here, I'm gonna go even further than you. You're saying that you don't want DNF-style linear levels, with which I tend to agree, but I disagree when you say to use Duke3D as an inspiration. I'm saying, use BLOOD DRAGON as an inspiration. Give us an environment and tell us "Explore it, discover what you can do and go crazy". And give us objectives to reach, so that when we activate the plot-advancing mission, THEN the game becomes linear for a little while, but only until the end of the mission, when you are again free to go wherever you want and do whatever you want.

View PostStarCraftZergling, on 15 July 2015 - 01:52 PM, said:

5. Graphics. Yeah graphics aren't everything, because playing a game for its graphics is like watching porn for the storyline, storyline, but PLEASE don't use an engine that is going to be outdated the minute the game is released!

Games are made out of graphics (as well as sound and code), and better graphics increases immersivity. I want a game with good graphics AND good code AND a good storyline AND insane interactivity. I don't want to be forced to choose, I want it all!

View PostStarCraftZergling, on 15 July 2015 - 01:52 PM, said:

6. Player Models. I know my list is sounding a lot like "release Duke Nukem 3D: Reloaded" which is actually a good idea, but really, I'm just picking apart Duke Forever for it's awful features. One of which being the NPC models and even Duke's model! Why the fuck is it when I jump, Duke's back is stiff as a board and his arms are at his side while his legs curl in the air like he's going to take flight?! The NPC models also look like action figures animated by Robot Chicken.

If I had to blame someone for it... I'd blame George. Who wants to bet that his (in)famous motion capture room was only used to record the strippers' performance because it was too small for recording stunts?
In fact, George's .plan update from March 8, 1999 mentions it and says "The ceiling has been yanked (so we can jump up and not hit our heads)". They had to remove a ceiling, just to be able to jump without hitting their heads! WTF?

View PostStarCraftZergling, on 15 July 2015 - 01:52 PM, said:

7. Loading times. I do NOT want to wait 3 minutes for the game to load so I can play a 5 minute level! Enough with that shit!

Again, this would be avoided by going the Blood Dragon route.

This post has been edited by Altered Reality: 16 July 2015 - 03:26 PM


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