DanM, on Jan 15 2010, 03:09 AM, said:
EDIT : only suggested change is to not draw the player model in camera view, because duke just stands there with the running animation
Would it be ok if he was standing instead?
Anyway, I upload new CONs again, this time with the pulsing light effect on SE 49.
EXTRA is the speed of the pulse (higher == faster)
SHADE is the time offset on the pulse (so you can have two pulsing lights of the same speed but timed differently).
Other settings are the regular SE 49 ones.
Here is how you can make a red/blue cop light:
Place two SE 49.
Give one an xvel of 255, the other zvel 255 (one red and one blue)
Give them both hitag 8192 (that will be the MAX light value as they oscillate)
Give them both an EXTRA of 64
Give one of them a shade of 16, the other a shade of 0.
Move them both to the same map coordinates.