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Duke Plus  "feedback and general discussion of Duke Plus"

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostDanM, on Jan 12 2010, 12:28 AM, said:

is it possible tho i could get an SE that just makes the player look forward without any controls / no weapons view for a set amount of time defined by a xvel value, yvel for another controlling angle, and zvel links it the next one in the chain, all link by hitag values

the extra bit could define the transition , fade to, instant between cameras. i think i could create some half-descent cutscenes with something like that.

but is this possible? i dont know ;)

Yeah, I can code a cutscene thingy. It's been done before in AMC TC and maybe others I'm forgetting. I think you'll also want a camera that can move along a track, right?

User is offline   Stabs 


heh i thought that would be asking to much, but if it can be done ill use it ;)


Simply coding a camera to be able to change position to locators? Would make them more useful than just subways and pigcop planes.

User is offline   Sobek 

  • There's coffee in that nebula!


That's pretty much what I was asking about a while back... I've been occasionally trying to use subway trains to create a rolling cutscene, but it's just so damn hard because the stinky thing needs to be all one sector, so designing a cutscene around it is really tricky. I'd make serious use of that effect DT... One thing I mentioned that could maybe apply to it (if possible), is the ability to lock the player's view onto any sprite / model you choose. Not sure how it could work, I was thinking if you used a specific tag (one of the x/y/zvels? Not sure if there's any room for that in this case), on both the 'camera' sprite and the sprite / model in question.

That way, you could get some nice camera angles and such if you simply make the other object move around or past the player.

Oh, if you don't mind me asking, when you get done with this latest batch of stuff, perhaps a little additional flexibility with shooters would be consider? ;)

User is offline   Stabs 


not really a request but something to think about

could the shrinker effects fists (when your shrunk), be used in combination with the mighty boot so slot 1 is hand to hand combat, you mite even be able to use the end level nuke button hitting animation for the super hit (like a karate kick)

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostSobek, on Jan 12 2010, 04:17 PM, said:

One thing I mentioned that could maybe apply to it (if possible), is the ability to lock the player's view onto any sprite / model you choose. Not sure how it could work, I was thinking if you used a specific tag (one of the x/y/zvels? Not sure if there's any room for that in this case), on both the 'camera' sprite and the sprite / model in question.

That way, you could get some nice camera angles and such if you simply make the other object move around or past the player.

I can't sacrifice a tag on all sprites just to make them potential targets for shooters. However, shooters can already be set to either target enemies or allies. All you have to do is give a little actor code to the models in question so that they spawn the invisible SHOOTME (for enemies) or SHOOTMEALLY (for allies) sprites that are targeted. You don't even have to define them as enemies (which would increase the enemy count in the map), all you have to do is make them spawn those sprites and the shooters can target them. It's pretty simple, but I can show you how to add the code if you need help.

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 12 January 2010 - 11:05 PM


User is offline   williamjcm 


I was just wondering. Is the Polymer code you disabled have been enabled again ?


Disabled the experimental code for Polymer dynamic light support (will add it back when Polymer is released)

And another question : can ironsights (for mp5, single pistol and shotgun) be coded ? and leaning ?

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postwilliamjcm, on Jan 13 2010, 07:00 AM, said:

I was just wondering. Is the Polymer code you disabled have been enabled again ?

Some of it has. That's why the lightbugs emit dynamic lights.

View Postwilliamjcm, on Jan 13 2010, 07:00 AM, said:

And another question : can ironsights (for mp5, single pistol and shotgun) be coded ? and leaning ?

I may eventually add that stuff, but it's not a high priority. It doesn't really fit with Duke 3D gameplay imo.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


I have just uploaded some new unofficial code. As before this code references graphics not included with the latest version, so I don't recommend it unless you are working on a DP map that uses the new features and you have a copy of the graphics (i.e. DanM).

This update adds the cutscene SE. The following are the instructions. I believe I have included all the information you need to make full use of it. All of its features have been tested, but not extensively. Sorry I didn't include any test maps; all I did was set up some situations in E1L1 to test it. Please report any bugs you find. This is the last major thing I plan to add before releasing DP 2.07

SE 90 cutscene camera

This SE can be used to change the player’s view to the view from the SE. It can be triggered by an event in the game, or it can occur when the level starts. Cutscene cameras can be either stationary or moving, and they can be chained together to show a sequence of views. The view can be displayed on the entire screen, or it can be displayed in a box in the corner. The player is paralyzed while this effect is ongoing. Note that the player’s position does NOT change, only the camera position changes. Tags on the SE control different aspects of the effect:

Hitag: Set to 0 to switch to the SE view at level start. Otherwise, hitag is the activation number. The SE can be activated by an activator having a lotag equal to the SE’s hitag, or by a switch, monster, or other DP sprite which has a YVEL equal to the SE’s hitag. The player will view from the SE immediately upon activation.

Pal: 0 = stationary camera, 1 = moving camera. A moving camera will not work unless there is another SE 90 which has a hitag equal to the YVEL of the moving camera.

Shade: The up/down view angle. 0 looks straight ahead, negative numbers look up and positive numbers look down. The exact formula is camerahoriz = shade*2 +100

XVEL: In a stationary camera, this is the number of game tics that the camera’s view will last. In a moving camera, XVEL is the speed at which the camera travels. If not set, XVEL will default to 130 (five seconds of view time for a stationary camera, and about ½ of Duke’s running speed for a moving camera).

YVEL: This is the number that the camera activates upon completion. In a stationary camera, completion occurs when its time runs out. In a moving camera, completion occurs when it has traveled all the way to the next camera in the sequence. The camera will activate any respawns, activators, masterswitches, or DP sprites which have activation numbers equal to the camera’s YVEL. This includes other cutscene cameras. If the camera is stationary, it does not have to be set to activate anything. If it is a moving camera, it must be set to activate another SE 90 (see Pal, above).

ANG: The angle of the SE sprite will be the angle that the camera faces. See EXTRA for the one exception.

EXTRA: This is a bitfield which determines some additional camera functions. Add together the numbers you want, or leave EXTRA at its default value (-1) if you don’t want any of the options.
1 makes the entire screen do a quick fade to black right before the camera’s view time ends (does not work with moving cameras)
2 shows the view in a box in the lower right corner of the screen (the rest of the player’s view is normal)
4 automatically changes the angle of the camera to gradually point towards the next camera in the sequence (only works with moving cameras)

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 13 January 2010 - 09:42 PM


User is offline   Stabs 


awesome awesome stuff, may 1000 happinesses be bestowed upon thee

just tried it out, works great, easy to use, and the only thing i could find wrong with them was that whilst watching the cutscene duke would keep moving, i tried to tap into the activation sector but would always end up looking at a wall across the street when it ended

other than that, i love this SE ;)

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostDanM, on Jan 13 2010, 10:43 PM, said:

the only thing i could find wrong with them was that whilst watching the cutscene duke would keep moving, i tried to tap into the activation sector but would always end up looking at a wall across the street when it ended

That didn't happen when I tested, but I'm guessing that's because I was stationary when the SE would start working (it does lock movement, but I decided to use the on_crane method this time and I guess it doesn't stop you if you are already moving). Download again; I've added a couple lines of code which should help.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


View PostDeeperThought, on Jan 14 2010, 04:04 PM, said:

This update adds the cutscene SE.

Omg this would go hand in hand with a door opening by activation of monsters, showing the door open. Thankyou!

User is offline   Sobek 

  • There's coffee in that nebula!


Unreal... Great work.

I'll be sure to try it out this weekend and see what I can see ;)

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


I have updated the unofficial code by adding 2 more flags for the cutscene cams. I had some crashes when testing the new transition effect, but I think it was because of some code I used only for testing. Let me know if you have any problems with it.

EXTRA: This is a bitfield which determines some additional camera functions. Add together the numbers you want, or leave EXTRA at its default value (-1) if you don’t want any of the options.
1 does a quick fade to black right before the camera’s view time ends (does not work with moving cameras)
2 shows the view in a box in the lower right corner of the screen (the rest of the player’s view is normal)
4 automatically changes the angle of the camera to gradually point towards the next camera in the sequence (only with moving cams)
8 allow the player to move (best used in combination with 2)
16 transition effect: when camera activates, its view starts in the center and quickly expands to fill the screen (do not use with 2)

User is offline   Stabs 


working great now ;)

just one last thing that could really top this off, just an example


Hitag defines tile number, the scale of the red p defines sprites size and it basically works by, when looking through the cutscene SE is the only time this sprite is visible

I could use normal duke tiles to put duke / edf soldiers / cops into my cutscenes, and have other people standing around without having to make a copy of the sector where all the chars are all laid out + it would have the level changes in the background (dead bodys / bullet holes / items )

oh and an extra bit of 32 that makes everything slow-mo like the dp steroid effect :P (perfect for bike jumps)

This post has been edited by DanM: 14 January 2010 - 06:08 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


 DanM, on Jan 14 2010, 06:07 PM, said:

working great now ;)

just one last thing that could really top this off, just an example


Hitag defines tile number, the scale of the red p defines sprites size and it basically works by, when looking through the cutscene SE is the only time this sprite is visible

I could use normal duke tiles to put duke / edf soldiers / cops into my cutscenes, and have other people standing around without having to make a copy of the sector where all the chars are all laid out + it would have the level changes in the background (dead bodys / bullet holes / items )

I can do that, but there's no reason to limit them to cutscenes. They will have an activation tag that makes them appear, and another that makes them disappear. Whether they are linked to a cutscene is up to you.

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


I haven't really looked at how the cameras work, so I'm not sure if it does do this but the cameras could be good if they worked on tagged sectors like they seem to be in this video.


That way you could make a cool duke bike jump scene so that each time you jump the bike over the sectors it cuts to a nice cinematic view of the player doing the jump while still giving him the controls.
This could also lead to some interesting game play effects IMO.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


 The Commander, on Jan 14 2010, 10:00 PM, said:

I haven't really looked at how the cameras work, so I'm not sure if it does do this but the cameras could be good if they worked on tagged sectors like they seem to be in this video.


That way you could make a cool duke bike jump scene so that each time you jump the bike over the sectors it cuts to a nice cinematic view of the player doing the jump while still giving him the controls.
This could also lead to some interesting game play effects IMO.

The cameras can be triggered in a number of ways, including by entering a sector (if they are triggered by a DPTOUCHPLATE). They can also be set to allow the player to move. However, there are three things that currently prevent them from being used for action like in that video: 1) the player sprite is invisible (and making it visible would require forcing F7 mode), 2) the cameras expire on timers, 3) the cameras are permanently dead once the view shifts away from them. The first two are trivial (2 is not really a problem because the timers could be set to very high values), but dealing with 3) would require coding them a lot differently.

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


setplayer[THISACTOR].over_shoulder_on 1 would also eliminate the first one.

User is offline   Stabs 


 DeeperThought, on Jan 14 2010, 06:30 PM, said:

I can do that, but there's no reason to limit them to cutscenes. They will have an activation tag that makes them appear, and another that makes them disappear. Whether they are linked to a cutscene is up to you.

iam just going for whatever would be simple, but the more flexible the better if you have no problems going into depth with stuff ;)
it would be helpful, making this disapeer incase i want to cutscene in the same area twice (or nearby which would limit my camera angles)

and iam sorry about yet another request :P

just 2 sprites, red and blue light that flash with a radius relative to a hitag of 2000, i really need them for the emergency vehicles, it would be a +10 to atmosphere

This post has been edited by DanM: 15 January 2010 - 12:49 AM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


I have added the temp sprites and uploaded some new CONs. Here is the documentation:

Temp Sprite
Temp sprites are visual props that can be made to appear upon activation, and then later disappear with another activation. These are useful for making areas that change appearance after certain events. All temp sprites are tile number 2955 (the red P). They become invisible when the map loads, and upon activation they change to look like another tile specified by the mapper. Note that these are not like RESPAWN; they do not spawn another tile, they just look like it. This is important to remember, because they will not run any of the code specific to the tiles they are made to look like (for example, they will not take damage if you shoot them). Also, they may not block like the other tile because tile 2955 is very small (so, for example, it would be inadvisable to use the effect to make s sprite bridge appear, unless it is purely decorative and the player never has to walk on it).
HITAG: This is the activation number that makes the temp sprite visible. Hitag 0 temp sprites are visible when the game starts.
LOTAG: This is the activation number that makes the temp sprite die (note that it cannot die unless it has been activated first).
EXTRA: This is the tile number that the temp sprite looks like when it has been activated. Note that it will not display animation unless the animation is defined on the tile in an .art file or a def file.

Note: There seems to be a problem with recent builds of mapster where if you press 'M on sprite in 3D mode, you cannot enter a number for EXTRA that is more than three digits long. However, you can enter longer numbers by pressing F8 on the sprite and editing EXTRA that way. It's too bad, because I was careful to only use tags on this sprite that can be edited in 3D mode, but that mapster bug interfered.

Question about pulsing dynamic lights: Would it be okay if they could only be point lights? SE 49 has a tag or two that is not used which could define the pulsing, but spotlights use all the tags and that complicates things.

Oh and one more thing: I also have a texturizer effect from WGR2 that changes textures upon activation (it makes all textures in the map of one tile number into textures of a different tile number). I don't know if that would be useful.

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 15 January 2010 - 02:35 AM


User is offline   Stabs 


ill give that new code a try now, i do have places i could actually make it use the sprite in game, so thats good it can be used that way too

as for the lights, as long as they pulse like a cop car that would that would be great, whatever works, i like how the dp flare works, if thats any indication of how i would like it too flash

cant hurt to have the pal thing there, i am sure ill come across something i could i use it for

EDIT : only suggested change is to not draw the player model in camera view, because duke just stands there with the running animation

This post has been edited by DanM: 15 January 2010 - 03:50 AM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


 DanM, on Jan 15 2010, 03:09 AM, said:

EDIT : only suggested change is to not draw the player model in camera view, because duke just stands there with the running animation

Would it be ok if he was standing instead?

Anyway, I upload new CONs again, this time with the pulsing light effect on SE 49.

EXTRA is the speed of the pulse (higher == faster)
SHADE is the time offset on the pulse (so you can have two pulsing lights of the same speed but timed differently).
Other settings are the regular SE 49 ones.

Here is how you can make a red/blue cop light:

Place two SE 49.
Give one an xvel of 255, the other zvel 255 (one red and one blue)
Give them both hitag 8192 (that will be the MAX light value as they oscillate)
Give them both an EXTRA of 64
Give one of them a shade of 16, the other a shade of 0.
Move them both to the same map coordinates.

User is offline   Stabs 


having alot of fun with these lights although i think i may have to brand my episode with a strong epilepsy warning ;)

User is offline   Stabs 


ok ive had a big play around with all the new stuff this weekend got alot done and my only few suggestions are

an extra bit for cutscenes so it wont draw player or dukebots (sometimes they run through a cutscene), its just the way i use the cutscenes with sector activation and such, i could do alot more this way, and i need it as an extra because on bike jumps i just want it to show the player doing the jump.

also the dukeplus helicopter, it only seems to activate when the player sees it and not when the cutscene cam does, & i need that black hawk heli i sent you via email a few months ago, if u need it again i can send it. i would import it has a def hack myself but the angle borks things up.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


 DanM, on Jan 16 2010, 07:15 PM, said:

ok ive had a big play around with all the new stuff this weekend got alot done and my only few suggestions are

an extra bit for cutscenes so it wont draw player or dukebots (sometimes they run through a cutscene), its just the way i use the cutscenes with sector activation and such, i could do alot more this way, and i need it as an extra because on bike jumps i just want it to show the player doing the jump.

I can make it not draw the player easily enough; in fact, I can make it that way by default. Making it draw the player actually requires extra code that I can remove. But the Dukebots are a different matter. Can't you just not have any Dukebots in the bike areas? There's a way to prevent them from teleporting to the player, if that's the issue.

 DanM, on Jan 16 2010, 07:15 PM, said:

also the dukeplus helicopter, it only seems to activate when the player sees it and not when the cutscene cam does, & i need that black hawk heli i sent you via email a few months ago, if u need it again i can send it. i would import it has a def hack myself but the angle borks things up.

I'll work on the helicopter, probably tomorrow.

User is offline   Stabs 


thats fine, i use 1024 and 256, so ill just stick to using zvel stop points / sectors of hitag 666, and just spawn the bot again, they are just my work around for it, just thought there mite be something easier way with a couple of lines of code, but its good it cant draw player in some parts, this will be very useful.

iam not adding any dukebots to the bike level tho, nine one one is centering around all the story stuff, there wont be too much of that stuff in other levels.

User is offline   Spiker 


The cutscenes should look really awesome when you combine them with the motorbike, especially while in the air ;)

User is offline   Stabs 


limitless potential with the new cutscene SE + prop sprites, i have been using them alot

i have done stuff over the past day i never ever thought possible, even used the sleeper effect in combo with a timer to make it so the players position changes to place they are displayed in the cutscene when it ends, works great ;)

now for the minor tweaks,

an extra bit for the origin sleeper so the player still has full control before the effect begins (for delayed cutscenes that change players position afterwards)
a gib spawner (just spawns blood and chunks of meat)
and an activator that cant be activated untill its activated, i think that will completley remove any limitations i have to work around.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


 DanM, on Jan 18 2010, 06:21 PM, said:

and an activator that cant be activated untill its activated, i think that will completley remove any limitations i have to work around.

As opposed to activators that can be activated before they are activated? I don't understand.

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