DanM, on Jan 9 2010, 08:13 PM, said:
ill def be replacing some parts with that new code, now i got monsters activated quoters i can use that trick minus the doors to create a string of dialog at my leisure, though it would be great if i could get something that dosnt add to kill count but still can activate a quoter when destroyed, like a barrell or something, then i could use a pistol with single shot with a 7 second delay between shots
there is one problem i found with it, the high res blood is missing and i use it quite a bit for detail, i used it quite a bit in TTA2 aswell
if its too much hassle to relocate those new weapon tiles for it ill find another way
Currently you can use DPCHAIN (tile 92) to activate stuff, just give it a yvel and it will activate upon destruction, but it only works if you shoot it with a bullet weapon. Any of the switches (LIGHTSWITCH, DIPSWITCH, etc) will also activate quoters and other stuff when used, if you set their yvel (apparently they are currently set up to cause the activation each time you hit the switch, which might be bad and I can change that if need be). Any of the cracks, CRACK1 through CRACK4 will activate stuff when blown up (set yvel on the crack sprites). You could even make the cracks invisible and put them next to an explosive barrel or something.
If you look in tiles024, you'll notice that 8-bit versions of those blood splashes are still there, in tiles 6284-6287. However, 32 bit versions (which were defined on different tile numbers) were recently commented out. I will put them back in, but now they will be at the same tile numbers as the 8-bit versions:
//blood splashes
texture 6284 { pal 0 { file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/BLOOD/0013bck.png" } }
texture 6285 { pal 0 { file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/BLOOD/0013bck2.png" } }
texture 6286 { pal 0 { file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/BLOOD/0013bck3.png" } }
texture 6287 { pal 0 { file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/BLOOD/0013bck4.png" } }
texture 6288 { pal 0 { file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/BLOOD/cblood1.png" } }