I just noticed that since DP 2.40 in the map Blackened you can no longer collect the blue accesscard that you collect with the night vision goggles it shows up but just seems to be solid.
I've also got a question to ask, i really like the quote style that you put into Essential Duke when you pick up weapons and ive been trying to implement it into DP so far everything seems to be good but i ran into a problem with the tripbomb/moncapsule, i don't know how to make it differentiate between the two, so when i pickup either i get pickup quotes for both, this is what the code looks like any help is much appreciated thanks.
userquote 1089 addweapon TRIPBOMB_WEAPON 1 ifvarn playerally 0 setvar RETURN 1089 else setvar RETURN 58 userquote 58 ifspawnedby TRIPBOMBSPRITE state getweaponcode else state quikweaponget
EDIT: I actually managed to fix my issue by using this,
addweapon TRIPBOMB_WEAPON 1 ifvarn playerally 0 userquote 1089 ifvarn playerally 1 userquote 58 ifspawnedby TRIPBOMBSPRITE state getweaponcode else state quikweaponget
but now ive noticed even without any modified cons using a fresh install of DukePlus it still shows lasertripbomb upon initial pickup of a moncapsule, is there anyway around this or is it something that's hardcoded?