Duke3D HRP: new/updated art assets thread "Post and discuss new or updated textures/models for the HRP here"
#4531 Posted 29 October 2020 - 07:33 AM
#4534 Posted 30 October 2020 - 06:12 AM
Phredreeke, on 29 October 2020 - 07:33 AM, said:
Very nice!
One thing though, it seems like the Nuke logo on the frame that is the straight-behind view (second from left in the second row) is notably sharper than in the immediately preceding frame where it is viewed from an angle, presumably because the front view was pasted on from the level-end switch? Not sure if this will be as noticeable in-game though.
#4535 Posted 30 October 2020 - 06:52 AM
This post has been edited by Phredreeke: 30 October 2020 - 07:19 AM
#4541 Posted 20 November 2020 - 12:39 PM
That said, I believe that stuff like this sign could be actually completely redrawn from scratch, not just the letters/foreground, without any detriment to the goals of the HRP, or the authenticity of the image.
#4542 Posted 20 November 2020 - 02:11 PM
#4543 Posted 21 November 2020 - 10:31 AM

Tea Monster did the name tag. Bobby as you can see is a composite between upscale and a vintage photo
#4544 Posted 22 November 2020 - 12:15 PM
If you have the resources, I think many shapes involving straight lines could use some manual touch-up after upscaling and downsampling to 2x as they tend to get sorta blurry. Like the grey metallic thing at the bottom left-ish here. Is the dark blot at the centre of it supposed to be an upwards-pointing arrow BTW? The low-res version looks as if it could be but the upscale just renders it as a vaguely rectangular shape.
#4546 Posted 25 November 2020 - 10:02 AM
I have small sugesstion about Shotgun in NOT POLYMER mode:
I use this settings: https://forums.duke4...tgun-palm-tree/
and this positions for me is perfect:
This post has been edited by Nfsfan83: 25 November 2020 - 10:04 AM
#4547 Posted 25 November 2020 - 10:36 AM
#4548 Posted 25 November 2020 - 11:52 AM
Phredreeke, on 25 November 2020 - 10:36 AM, said:
It is model from HRP but better position in game. Can You add this to HRP pack.
#4550 Posted 25 November 2020 - 05:58 PM
MrFlibble, on 22 November 2020 - 12:15 PM, said:
If you have the resources, I think many shapes involving straight lines could use some manual touch-up after upscaling and downsampling to 2x as they tend to get sorta blurry. Like the grey metallic thing at the bottom left-ish here. Is the dark blot at the centre of it supposed to be an upwards-pointing arrow BTW? The low-res version looks as if it could be but the upscale just renders it as a vaguely rectangular shape.
This is a big problem. With the Duke Burger sign, the algorithm buggered things up. I wound up literally recreating the shape with a bezier path and then manually repainting the texture into the newly created shapes. The text is recreated with specific effects to match the original tile. The algorithm provided more of a framework for the finished art rather than just touching up what was presented by ESRGAN. In fact, the burger number slot looks off now as nothing was done to it compared to the amount of plastic surgery that was done to the rest of the tile. I didn't touch that as I felt that maybe I'd gone too far for texture fidelity. This is something we are going to have to establish going forward as general rules of how we treat tiles.
The thing is, that once you start down that road, it is the definition of "the slippery slope". Where do you start? When do you stop? Once you have manually edited some tiles to fix glaring errors, will they be visibly un-algorithm-ised to players compared to the rest of the AI upscaled tiles? These are all things we need to decide going forward.
@Nfsfan83 - Yes are posting in the correct thread. Although the HRP is currently dead, there is nothing to stop anyone in the future from resurrecting it in a different form, art-style or under a different renderer. There are still maintenance postings occasionally from various sources. I posted some from work we did on the HHR mod relatively recently.
@Phredreeke I stated that this project is technically a completely different effort with different goals and should have it's own thread so that it isn't confused with the HRP.
#4551 Posted 28 November 2020 - 10:57 AM
Tea Monster, on 25 November 2020 - 05:58 PM, said:
I've had enough experiments with various ERGAN models and enough frustration from it to arrive at the following opinion: AI upscaling in its current state (or at least, the kind available via ESRGAN; although the NVIDIA thing that was used for Doom is hardly more advanced) is awesome and has huge potential, but cannot entirely replace a human artist.
Moreover, AI upscaling does not actually guarantee any kind of source material authenticity either, because you can have two or more models that will produce good looking results for the same image, but those results will be at last somewhat different -- while both being, in a way, "true" to the original low-res sources.
But the main problem of course is that ESRGAN does not "understand" what parts of the image it upscales are supposed to be, and introduces all sorts of errors, like warping lines that are supposed to be straight, while adding little to no detail at all that would be added by a human artist.
So my impression is that, just like you said yourself, it is more of a help/framework rather than a tool that will do all the dirty work for the artist. In some cases it turns out to be more of a "stone soup" scenario.
I believe that if you are able to do manual improvements, you should do them. To my mind, if an artist produces a manual recreation of a low-res tile and tries to make it as close to the source material as possible, this is a better cause for authenticity than any AI upscale, especially if the model was trained on something not really related to video game textures or sprites.
#4552 Posted 28 November 2020 - 12:32 PM
#4553 Posted 28 November 2020 - 01:37 PM
#4554 Posted 28 November 2020 - 02:57 PM

and the same sprite as it will appear in the next upscale pack - this has not have any manual processing done - it was all automated

#4555 Posted 30 November 2020 - 04:24 AM
#4556 Posted 30 November 2020 - 07:36 AM
#4557 Posted 30 November 2020 - 08:50 AM
If we keep on as we are going, we will have a great recreation of the original game, but with less jaggies, which is a brilliant thing. Partner that with the voxel pack and you'll have as close to "1996 on steroids" as you can reasonably expect.
#4558 Posted 01 December 2020 - 05:51 AM
Jimmy, on 28 November 2020 - 12:32 PM, said:
From what I read in the Doomworld topic, there was a ton of manual post-processing involved, including but not limited to manual recreation of all alpha channel masks for every sprite. Ouch. Also the NVIDIA AI introduced a lot of noise that turned out to look bad on the textures in-game (after everyone praised this "gritty" effect when the results were first shown) and had to be cleaned up -- again, manually.
Tea Monster, on 28 November 2020 - 01:37 PM, said:
ESRGAN does not choose the model to be used, it's entirely on the human operator. Also each model consistently produces results based on what it was trained on. By which I mean that every time you process the same source image with the same model, you get the exact same result, no variations. But different models produce different results.
From what I know, ESRGAN works as follows: during the training phase there are two neural networks, one of which tries to create a hi-res image from the low-res source, while the other compares the result to the "ground truth" hi-res original. If results do not pass, the first network adjusts its approach -- I'm guessing based on what the original creators of ESRGAN coded in as possible ways of scaling up images. When enough results end up being okayed by the second model as "close enough" to the ground truth, the model is trained.
Phredreeke, on 28 November 2020 - 02:57 PM, said:
ESRGAN models do work well, mostly, for pre-rendered character sprites, that is no doubt true. But please take a closer look at your upscale of Levelord for example:

The upper part of the astronaut's helmet is clearly supposed to be rectangular, but on the upscale it has become blurred out and distorted; the lower left part where there is a slight darkening from the proximity of the visor's edge the line has become visibly curved.
The lights on helmet's base have turned into oddly shaped blobs, while I'd suppose they should be at least symmetrical. Surely there'd be not a lot of effort to edit them to be, I don't know, purely circular?
One could of course argue that these are minor issues, and the helmet is the background while the main picture is the face. But these distortions are clearly not consistent with the original source image which was intended to convey something a bit different.
#4559 Posted 01 December 2020 - 06:04 AM
#4560 Posted 01 December 2020 - 07:46 AM
Mind that I was never planning on doing those sprites to start with, just that after doing the faces on the wanted posters I thought I was already half there to do the faces of death ones (and it gave a chance to restore the 1.3D faces)
I'll also point out that I released a new version of the upscale pack. It has much of what was showcased in this topic - although some new inclusions goes against the spirit of this project (previously mentioned liztroop, new textures for Nuclear Winter that were originally unaltered from Duke3D, changing the Atomic text to say Upscale Pack) and most of the world textures were not included (as to avoid having to generate palswaps for those + determine which ones are needed, as I expect the "ERP" to instead rely on indexed hightiles)
Edit: I attempted processing the tile in question with the ThiefGold model - it gives a slightly better result in regard to the top piece

This post has been edited by Phredreeke: 01 December 2020 - 11:01 AM