Akven 2020-05-15
@news @wiki
Name: 4x_ThiefGold_110000
License: No idea
Model Architecture: ESRGAN
Scale: 4
Purpose: Various game textures. Primary wood, metal, stone
Iterations: 110000
batch_size: 8
HR_size: 128
Epoch: ?
Dataset: Thief Gold & Thief II community made textures
Dataset_size: don't remember
OTF Training No
Pretrained_Model_G: RRDB_ESRGAN_x4
Description: This model was based on community made HD textures for Thief Gold & Thief II: The Metal Age. Textures were reduced to 256 colors to simulate Thief Gold palette. Surprisingly enough, model works good with any kind of textures with the exception of brights colors which sometimes generate dotted artifacts. Especially good it upscales stone, metal and wood surfaces. It is a good model to upscale game textures especially from old games with low quality sources. Working of Thief Gold/Thief II ESRGAN mod I used this model 50% of the time. Often it gaves better results than Skyrim trained models from wiki. Example:
https://imgsli.com/MTYzNjI (not sure from ThiefGold or ThiefGoldMod model).
Name: 4x_ThiefGoldMod_100000
License: No idea
Model Architecture: ESRGAN
Scale: 4
Purpose: Various game textures. Primary wood, metal, stone
Iterations: 100000
batch_size: 8
HR_size: 128
Epoch: ?
Dataset: Thief Gold & Thief II community made textures
Dataset_size: don't remember
OTF Training No
Pretrained_Model_G: 4x_Manga109Attempt
Description: Version of the previous model but based on Manga109 pretrained model and with slightly different dataset. Sometimes gives better results especially for wood and metal, sometimes worse. Sometime generates the same dotted artifacts on very bright/white images. Still better most of the time for Thief game series than Skyrim based models.