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EDuke32 2.0 and Polymer!  "talk about the wonders of EDuke32 and the new renderer"

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


 Hendricks266, on 22 May 2020 - 02:02 PM, said:

I would recommend checking out the sw_hrp svn repository as a subfolder to your VoidSW folder and launching the exe with -jsw_hrp.
Considering how rarely the small HRPs are updated, dealing with the repo shouldn't be the way to go.

Therefore: Shadow Warrior High Resolution + Widescreen Pack

I have fixed a few sw_hrp warning messages; the broken clock might still be broken ... didn't check.
The SW HRP ain't that complete - Upscale + Voxel Pack might be the better alternative.

This post has been edited by LeoD: 22 May 2020 - 06:15 PM


User is offline   Jimmy 

  • Let's go Brandon!


 enderandrew, on 22 May 2020 - 10:29 AM, said:

Wouldn't it make sense to just include some of the new upscales in the HRP?

Why would that make sense?


A few years ago, I wanted to update my version of EDuke32 because it had some issues with ambient sound radius. But I never left the old version because of some weird rendering bugs with transparent surfaces and I can't recall what else (it was a couple of years ago after all). Then, recently, I decided to give a newer version a go again...

Previous version:
EDuke32 2.0.0devel r4240
Built Jan 01 2014 16:12:52

Tested version:
EDuke32 r9028-02eff8c8c
Built May 22 2020 14:18:57, GCC 9.3.0, 64-bit

- When cancelling a user map game and dying, E1L8 is loaded (I expected the level I died on to be reloaded instead). Here's how to reproduce that: launch a user map, go back to the main menu, select new game, confirm abort, select user map, pick any level (it doesn't matter). When you reach the skill selection menu, cancel all and return to the current game. Next time the player dies, E1L8 is loaded. Cancelling the current game when using normal levels doesn't trigger that bug.
- Rotating doors are returning to their original position when they hit something. I get why this was attempted but side effects include liztroops getting stuck in toilets and pretty much all enemies not being able to exit the room they're in if doors are pull instead of push. In one instance, I also got one sibling on a double-door being pushed in the wrong direction (I wasn't even trying to glitch it, I pinky swear). That's a huge change from the original game.

Found some oddities on Death Row: sprites are sometimes being drawn through floors. Blood splattered against the icon in the chapel was visible from the other side. There was also one shotgun drop I couldn't collect (due to the shading applied to the sprite, I suspect it was located in another sector but was rendered in such a way I though I was near it - it was around the curtain at the beginning of the level, which is probably a pretty tricky area in general). I also find it harder to get inside the control room opening at the beginning: in the original game and in the old version of the port I used, Duke could sneak through on his way up (probably hitting his head against the ceiling). With the latest version, Duke jumps, reaches the highest point of his leap, then go through the window when he's falling down. I don't know how many things are affected by this change in physics. I also can't tell when this happened for the first time since... well... I've been using an antique version of EDuke32 for the past 6 years.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: duke0001.png



Completely forgot another one: when squishing a shrunken enemy, it's still possible to move freely about...
I also have the feeling something's off with the behavior of spawned enemies. Not entirely sure what's going on there either.

(You can't edit posts anymore?)

User is offline   Darkus 


 alias conrad coldwood, on 26 May 2020 - 11:30 AM, said:

Previous version:
EDuke32 2.0.0devel r4240
Built Jan 01 2014 16:12:52

Tested version:
EDuke32 r9028-02eff8c8c
Built May 22 2020 14:18:57, GCC 9.3.0, 64-bit

A lot of things happened since, clipping code was overhauled (that's why the physics seems different), sector-over-sector warp bug was fixed, polymost has some improvements (also some removals, like texture filtering), better TROR support, new features like sloped sprites and wall texture rotation, and many things I forgot about...

The swing door behavior was also modified to prevent the player from being crushed.


When cancelling a user map game and dying, E1L8 is loaded (I expected the level I died on to be reloaded instead).
when squishing a shrunken enemy, it's still possible to move freely about...

For the E1L8 bug, happened to me once, but I didn't know how to reproduce it until you mentioned it. The shrunk bug seems recent though.
I will also mention that, the player is able to look around when frozen...


(You can't edit posts anymore?)
No, after a certain period of time (24 hours, I think).


 Darkus, on 26 May 2020 - 02:38 PM, said:

The swing door behavior was also modified to prevent the player from being crushed.

I get that but it's breaking other things in the process...

Another tweak: it seems that modifying anything in CON files breaks saved games. I can see why but the error message needs to be more specific to prevent some head scratching.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: duke0004.png


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer



Author: Jordon Moss <mossj32@gmail.com>
Date: Mon Jun 1 23:54:14 2020 -0700

Fix bad call to updatesector in G_CollectSpawnPoints that broke spawns in overlapping sectors and TROR. p->cursectnum should equal the sprite's sectnum on initial spawn.

I wonder if that bad call was causing a lot of those bullshit clipupdatesector() errors.


 Trooper Dan, on 02 June 2020 - 12:35 AM, said:

I wonder if that bad call was causing a lot of those bullshit clipupdatesector() errors.

No, this caused players to spawn in the wrong layer for TROR and overlapping sectors on map start.

This post has been edited by Doom64hunter: 02 June 2020 - 10:41 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Ok, the wording of the patch was ambiguous and I thought it referred to things that the player spawned, not the player being spawned (i.e. I thought it was saying that things spawned by the player should have an initial sectnum of the player's sector, which is true)

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


BTW, has it ever been considered to implement the saving system from World Tour (basically your game is recorded like a demo and you can jump back in time at any point with a slider)? Would be a nice alternative, even though the traditional save system should still be available in that case, of course.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


Yeah I loved that feature in WT and XBLA.

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


At least saved games should keep track of demo progress up until the save point.

This post has been edited by R A D A Я: 17 July 2020 - 09:33 AM


User is offline   Mark 


I noticed this today in the latest revision's changelog.

editor: artdump console command

What do I type into the console? Just typing artdump does nothing. Is this performing the same function as the previous m32 addon script from years ago?

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


No, this is the function used to generate Ion Fury's Monolithic tiles000.art from tilefromtexture def files.

User is offline   Mark 


Thanks. :)

User is offline   Jimmy 

  • Let's go Brandon!


 Hendricks266, on 17 August 2020 - 11:04 AM, said:

No, this is the function used to generate Ion Fury's Monolithic tiles000.art from tilefromtexture def files.

Just thinking off the cuff here, are there any plans to expand upon this idea? After I get my new PC rig built I plan to start working on a project in a similar vein to the Doom Minor Sprite Fixing Project, but I want to be able to release it in both an old school format and a modern DEF format, so it's more easily usable by everyone in the community. Just from a pre-planning process, for me I think it would be easiest to work with ART files first because I'm a visual person and this would help me with fixing offsets. I realize this isn't really an expedient feature request, but if this has already been done somewhat, I would imagine expanding it's capabilities may not be too difficult. If I could create the project with ART and then just convert it to DEF, that'd be rad and save some work. Any thoughts? Or am I fuckgoof and something like this is already possible?

This post has been edited by Jimmy: 17 August 2020 - 09:33 PM



This program can make def files from art files. https://forums.duke4...s-editor-bafed/ Is that what you want to do?

If you are doing offsets for enemies this program might help. https://forums.duke4...le-offset-tool/

User is offline   Jblade 


using glow maps to give enemy sprites a glow effect and got it working fine, except now the enemy's shadow sprite very obviously also has the glow tile visible too. Can you guys add some way of circumventing this if possible?


 Jblade, on 02 September 2020 - 04:20 AM, said:

using glow maps to give enemy sprites a glow effect and got it working fine, except now the enemy's shadow sprite very obviously also has the glow tile visible too. Can you guys add some way of circumventing this if possible?

To make it more clear what the problem here is, see attached screenshot.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: duke0003.png


User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


Could you add this to the issue tracker?

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


 Jblade, on 12 July 2011 - 03:35 AM, said:

Can you guys add a 'addammovar' command? There's already a addweaponvar command but no ammo equivilent - I know you could just use the player member ammo_amount but that would ignore what you set the player's max ammo to and than that'd require more code to make sure it doesn't go over the limit. the addammo command doesn't do that so having access to one that'd take a variable would help me a great deal. Thanks :)

I would also like to request this feature.

User is offline   Balls of Steel Forever 

  • Balls of Steel Forever


I needed something to quickly test my new monitor, and eduke 32 works flawlessly at 240 fps on a 2070 super.
Not that such would require such, but just like you guys to know, even though you probably knew already.

User is offline   Mark 


You're all set to play all the Polymer TCs out here now.

User is offline   duke3d.exe 


 Hendricks266, on 07 March 2013 - 07:23 PM, said:

I've had the same issue with F.lux as long as I have used it. The problem is on F.lux's end: somewhere in their documentation it's stated that better cooperation with other apps is forthcoming. I've run a batch file to terminate flux.exe whenever I need to play.

Was compatibility with f.lux ever improved? I like to play at night and I can't use the computer without f.lux because blue colors give me an headache at 3 in the morning. The problem is that I can't modify ingame gamma, brigthness etc, I move the slider, it goes up, then it goes dark again. If at least modern flat screens didn't suck, but the backlight makes it very bad in dark areas of the maps. I really miss the CRT quality with the blacks. I have a Viewsonic XG2401 that I bought because I play QuakeLive and I like to have low input lag. Im considering buying one of the modern 360hz monitors like the MSI one that I've heard has improved blacks and the panel doesn't suck inputlag wise.


Dear Eduke devs, can you pinpoint me the moment when shrink ray behavior was altered? Was it altered even?


 Mister Sinister, on 06 April 2021 - 03:11 PM, said:

Dear Eduke devs, can you pinpoint me the moment when shrink ray behavior was altered? Was it altered even?

I think that it is related to the cliping behaviour that has been changed in the r7432 and many later revisions, where you can litterally push monsters and freely kick'em.
You can try r7395 if you are looking for a "normal" behaviour, well, if the shriker was ever considered to have a normal behaviour.
(Please, someone correct me if am wrong)

This post has been edited by The Battlelord: 06 April 2021 - 09:52 PM


User is offline   spacekebab 


Getting a CTD with at least the last few versions when I shoot the hungjury actor. Same issue vanilla or modded - not sure if limited to linux
CONLOGVAR: L=45586 picnum  (Global) =4943

    0: -16: 0
    1: -15: 0
    2: -14: 0
    3: -13: 103
    4: -12: 0
    5: -11: 4
    6: -10: 1
    7:  -9: 1
    8:  -8: 8
    9:  -7: 0
   10:  -6: 436
   11:  -5: 103
   12:  -4: 0
   13:  -3: 4
   14:  -2: 1
   15:  -1: 1
   16:   0: 8
   17:   1: 0
   18:   2: 436
   19:   3: 103
   20:   4: 0
   21:   5: 2
   22:   6: 1
   23:   7: 1
   24:   8: 16
   25:   9: 0
   26:  10: 436
   27:  11: 103
   28:  12: 0
   29:  13: 8
   30:  14: 1
   31:  15: 1
   32:  16: 4
   33:  17: 0
   34:  18: 436
   35:  19: 103
   36:  20: 0
   37:  21: 10
   38:  22: 1
   39:  23: 1
   40:  24: 7
   41:  25: 0
   42:  26: 436
   43:  27: 103
   44:  28: 0
   45:  29: 1
   46:  30: 5
   47:  31: 0

current actor: 3738 (0)
g_errorLineNum: 0, g_tw: 1

either way - weird issue

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Might be linux only. I loaded up E4L5 and clipped into the hung jury room, jibbed all the JURYGUY sprites with no issues.

User is offline   FRVIND 


Great update from Plagman and Pierre-Loup Griffais. Now at least Polymer has gained 10 fps and and sorry if this is little!! :D.
Heartfelt thanks


Wait a minute... Plagman started working on Polymer again? Wonderful news!

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