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[RELEASE] EDuke32 Addon Compilation  "Version 3.13 released on December 6, 2016!"


View PostETPC, on 04 February 2021 - 11:17 AM, said:

SHOWSTOPPER: Jungle Tour 3's textures do not load. eduke32.log has a line that says "loadpics: per-map ART file "/maps/junglet3_00.art": tile 3584 has dummytile or is locked"

this is on r9308

edit: updating to r309 fixed it? weird.

This should now actually be fixed with r9310

User is offline   ETPC 


playing through lost highway, and there is some visual weirdness on Toxic Gas (the third map), is this intentional? i'm running on r9310.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: duke0021.png


User is online   NightFright 

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Surely not. Those are all city maps and the sky should be blue. Might be another port glitch.

User is offline   ETPC 


alright, i'll try it with a different version. that was the only map that had any kind of issues, so lost highway has zero bugs otherwise! i also ran through industrial complex episode and had no issues there either.

User is online   NightFright 

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Have you tried switching through renderers in this scene? It should look as intended in Classic at least. Otherwise something is fundamentally wrong.

User is offline   ETPC 


same in all three.

User is online   NightFright 

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Well, pretty sure it was not like this in 2016 when I playtested everything. Might be one of many things that broke in EDuke32 during the last years. I have no idea what this map does with the sky, though.

User is offline   ETPC 


yup, same issue on r9314.

also: battlefield 3 works perfectly! zero issues!

This post has been edited by ETPC: 27 February 2021 - 06:21 PM


User is offline   Ax 34noff 


I think we need a list here of what works, what doesn't (or does with bugs) and what isn't tested so we would know what to playtest next.

User is online   NightFright 

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It seems right now I would have to recommend a build around r7432 (Mar 19, 2019). A lot of issues were introduced after that.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 28 February 2021 - 06:43 AM


User is offline   ETPC 


ran through army of death! the maps worked fine, but there were CONSTANT error logs about audio files. invalid sounds for #398, #400, #397 ,#407 and #408. this is on r9314.

User is online   NightFright 

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"The Army of Death" has been updated to add missing sounds (yay, finally something that was my mistake, EDuke32 is not to blame for this).

Update now:
1) Get the new base pack (12 MB)
2) Download updated "armydeath.grp" from the repository

This post has been edited by NightFright: 01 March 2021 - 06:11 AM


User is offline   ETPC 


i'm trying to test DukeVR but, honestly, some of these puzzles are baffling me. specifically green 4 and red 2. i can't find solutions for either on youtube. i *think* i understand what it wants me to do, but the second shrinker part in green four and the entire puzzle in red 2 are just, i'm not sure *how* to do it and i'm not sure if it might be a physics thing?

This post has been edited by ETPC: 01 March 2021 - 11:25 AM


User is online   NightFright 

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I think it's safe to say DukeVR works, no matter what. These maps are so bare-bone in their structure, it's impossible to screw them up with any port update. Killing mobs is sometimes tricky, if not impossible.

User is offline   ETPC 


ok, i'll skip it for now then. gonna *try* to play through oblivion

User is online   NightFright 

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Good luck. I never got past the start room of the first map. Sure, Oblivion is Zaxtor's masterpiece (RIP), but his "cryptic" level design has never been my cup of tea. The scope of the entire project is still extremely impressive due to its sheer magnitude.

Tbh I would be VERY surprised if you make it through all the episodes. I mean, even if all maps still work with latest EDuke32 snapshots, which is highly unlikely, you will probably still not make it due to the complexity and weirdness that came straight out of Zaxtor's twisted synapses. Hard to tell at times whether a map is glitched or it is working as intended.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 01 March 2021 - 01:41 PM


User is offline   Ax 34noff 


Layre: i stuck at E1L1. I found 5 of 6 secrets but still stuck. The map itself looks raw and unfinished, i don't even know if it's beatable.

This post has been edited by Ax 34noff: 19 March 2021 - 11:09 AM


User is offline   Ax 34noff 


Merc 2 - just minor glitches.

User is offline   Ax 34noff 


Savior of Alien Era, second map, can't climb up here:

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: Screenshot_20210323_011408.png

This post has been edited by Ax 34noff: 22 March 2021 - 02:24 PM


User is offline   jimbob 


290 enemies? man, i need to step up my game :eek: :blink:

User is offline   Ax 34noff 


The Final Confrontation - beatable, playable, no glitches found.

User is offline   Ax 34noff 


In Savior of Alien Era that was my fault, i forgot to press button. Playtesting continues...

User is offline   Ax 34noff 


Savior of Alien Era:
Maps 1-5 - playable, beatable. Map 6 - unsure. Also there are many ways to softlock in maps 5 and 6, some of them can be bugs of EDuke32, some - bugs of the maps. Maybe i can't beat map 6 because i'm already softlocked?...


Don't know if you plan to make the addon compilation Raze compatible, but I've tried to run the .grps file included in the mega folder (so the updated versions i guess) and these are the working addons:

25th Century Duke
Age of Evil
Alien vs Predator (some troubles with music, plays the previous track you've listened)
American Assault
Critical Mass
Duke Tournament
God of War
JJ Duke Nukem 3D
Lost Highway
Merc: Fatal Reality
Quest for Hussein
The Christmas Project
The Chronic
The Lost Duke Episodes
Total Meltdown Remake (Plug and Pray episode crashes when you start it)
Xarthec Invasion

P.S: I don't know if the truly work, I've not played them with Raze, just ran them to see if the crash at start

This post has been edited by Blood Vengeance: 11 April 2021 - 07:44 AM


User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


That would surely be something I would put to the very end of my to-do list, especially right now when we are still looking into problems with more recent EDuke32 builds. Again, it's called EDuke32 Addon Compilation for a reason.


I've been unable to figure out how to use this addon pack for years, and I'm only just now coming to see if I can solve this finally.

Basically, adding -jaddons doesn't make Eduke32 load everything. the only thing it will ever load in is The Xmas Project and nothing else.
Posted Image

I've tried everything I can think of. It's definitely polling and reading the other files in the message log, but only this will ever show up.
E: I have installed the most recent version of the addon pack and now it only lists Starship Troopers TC. still polls everything else but won't list them.

This post has been edited by Carl Winslow: 20 April 2021 - 01:23 AM


User is offline   Ax 34noff 


@Carl, download this and this.


View PostAx 34noff, on 20 April 2021 - 08:30 AM, said:

@Carl, download this and this.

It now only shows Zombie Crisis in the list.
Posted Image

Is there a specific version of Eduke32 I should be using for this or is there a problem I'm otherwise not noticing?


May i ask if some old addons are missed or just changed name?
I've noticed a few ones are no more there, or they have just been renamed:


commbuild (maybe now renamed "community"?)
fm3x (probably renamed "fm4x")
forkliftincubate (probably renamed "incubation")
invasionlastrwblongpackplugprayprequel2time (probably renamed "prequeltime")shodownsotassttc

Obviously i tried to avoid some very obvious ones like duke10 -> duke_ten

EDIT: Before the editor mess up the way i wrote again: this is the "clean" version:

Posted Image

View PostCarl Winslow, on 20 April 2021 - 12:16 AM, said:

I've been unable to figure out how to use this addon pack for years, and I'm only just now coming to see if I can solve this finally.

Basically, adding -jaddons doesn't make Eduke32 load everything. the only thing it will ever load in is The Xmas Project and nothing else.
Posted Image

I've tried everything I can think of. It's definitely polling and reading the other files in the message log, but only this will ever show up.
E: I have installed the most recent version of the addon pack and now it only lists Starship Troopers TC. still polls everything else but won't list them.

Is there a specific version of Eduke32 I should be using for this or is there a problem I'm otherwise not noticing?

It happened to me a pair of months ago fro some reason, try to extract the downloaded files in a clean folder, then place eduke32 and duke3d.grp (WT one works as well), then run the included "addons" batchfile (or addons_wt if you wanna give a try with WT one).

And no, it does not require a specific eduke32 revision (useless is a VERY OLD one), it runs fine with the r6927 too, the latest revision is recommended though.

This post has been edited by The Battlelord: 21 April 2021 - 02:25 AM


User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


I wouldn't recommend latest EDuke32 snapshots in general right now. We have found some quite severe problems which have been added in the last few years, e.g. in the Red series where you cannot throw a pipebomb through a crack any more. Before these are fixed, we are nowhere near a new compilation release.

And @Carl Winslow:
I see you are using the Plutonium Pak groupfile. That's very rare and might cause problems. Most likely that's why you don't see most of the addon entries. It is strongly recommended upgrading to Atomic Edition. For your convenience, I have attached a bsdiff/bspatch converter I quickly slapped together which you can execute in a Windows environment. Unzip the files of this archive anywhere and place your duke3d.grp from PP (CRC32: F514A6AC) in the same directory. Then execute ppatomic.bat. (I have also added a World Tour to Atomic converter from my Raze script. Use wtatomic.bat in that case.) You will end up with two files, duke3dpp.grp (which is a backup of your old file) and duke3d.grp (which is the Atomic upgrade, CRC32: FD3DCFF1).

This post has been edited by NightFright: 21 April 2021 - 02:41 AM


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