fuegerstef, on 13 May 2016 - 07:52 AM, said:
I played it first with no motion blur at all (I hate it in any game, so I turned it off before starting the campaign for the first time) and had the new drivers installed before launsching the game for the first time.
It ran completely smooth with no slowdown with everything set to Ultra (minus the blur, of course). That's something they really got right. The game runs absolutely smooth, the movement (minus some places where you could jump onto in other games) and aiming is precise, tight and fluent. But 55 GB for bland environments is too much IMHO, as is the $59,99 for a game that is basically Dead Effect 2 (an indie shooter made with Unity costing $4,99) with a so called "story" tacked onto, some more gimmicks added on that distract from playing (upgrades, etc ...) and not having a co-op compaign opposed to the coop campaign the $4,99-shooter offers. Oh yeah, the Zombies in Dead Effect shoot less than the demons in DooM and have simpler shaders tacked on, that's probably worth 55 dollars and 50 GB more.
Bland environments? You must have very picky tastes or expected something from Avatar
The environments of the first four levels I've played have been varied. The outdoor areas and skyboxes look really nice, the indoor sections seem pretty different from eachother in different levels, and there's a good amount of exploration.
I'll give you the coop campaign complaint, so far from what I've played theres not a big reason why it couldn't have had coop.