Just finished. EPIC! anything I could say would be just redundant. I love it!!!!!!! great atmosphere, what you guys achieved is just unbelievable
So I'm gonna contribute with some things I don't like (blame me if you want
* The music on both the EDF base and the Hoover Dam were just annoying and breaks the atmosphere (in fact I had to turn of the music), more action oriented tracks would be much better imho.
* The motorcycle has some bugs (already pointed out, so...)
* I didn't like the donkey ride part, mostly because I couldn't aim up and down so I enabled auto aim neither change the weapon.
* I feel a gameplay immersion drop near the end of the Dam map, I really can't explain why, in part due the lack of music to build up some thrill, or the lack of a big battle in the dam bottom before the last one. That would be a great area for such a battle, with commanders coming from the lake and flying liztroops.
* Gambini you should have used your General graves clip it sounds a lot better imo, the one I tried to clean sucks!
Other than that the mod is fantastic, I'm really excited about the response this mod has received.
Gambini you should put an annotation over the youtube video, so people know it is already released.