RELEASE: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER 2013 "it wasn´t a hoax."
#31 Posted 30 April 2013 - 05:07 AM
Also the chopper controls better than I imagined, actually it reminds me a bit of the chopper from RR.
#32 Posted 30 April 2013 - 05:15 AM
This creative masterpiece gets a 9.5 out of 10 from me. The only negative point I can conjure up is the fact that I believe that this sort of an undertaking deserves better than the hopelessly antiquated Build engine. I remember Charlie Wiederhold once said that it is almost impossible to "downgrade" levels from newer to older tech. This was in the context of some new Duke 3D user maps that were going to be released by Charlie in around 2005ish. People were wondering if they'd possibly be conversions of DNF maps, and that was his response. I think the makers of DNF 2013 did the very best anyone could do, considering the technological constraints that they had to work with.
That being said, I'd love to see their next project be an even more faithful 2001 DNF recreation, using modern technology such as UDK....and making it an entire full-blown game as opposed to just a new episode. Of course this would require a ton of effort, but it would without a doubt be more than worth it!
#33 Posted 30 April 2013 - 05:57 AM
Great gameplay from the beginning to end, though I enjoyed the second half a little bit more. Good textures, monsters and maps.
Loved the ending, but the boss fight was too easy for me. Make it challenging, god damnit!
Found an underpants gnome entrance, lol.
Some problems:
Also, it's possible to leave donkey behind and go without him.
This post has been edited by zykov eddy: 30 April 2013 - 06:41 AM
#34 Posted 30 April 2013 - 06:10 AM

Just feel the bike part has small annoyances like the height do not changed if you goes so fast and it just stuck on the same level of floor height when it get lower, made player just stuck at original position, looks like"flying without slope". LOL And too bad the speed meter just broken...
(I don't know if get hurts when flying high and then land / when accidentally hit the walls or vehicles or whatever else then get killed by that would annoying players, but in the 1st run on 1st and 2nd level, I have to restart level from beginning due to that. :\)
Those small flaws just not hurt the whole thing and you guys did really good job at this mod, I like it.

#35 Posted 30 April 2013 - 06:14 AM
#36 Posted 30 April 2013 - 06:25 AM
I just got outside the Casino and thus far it looks impressive, this street really captures the feel of the trailer. Thanks for your hard work
#37 Posted 30 April 2013 - 07:25 AM
If I were anybody that anyone cared what my opinion was, that could go on the back of the box for this mod. It really was one of the best Duke 3D TC experiences i've had in quite some time. Lots of love and effort went into this, and I enjoyed every moment.
Everybody involved, you should be very proud of the work you did on this. All the detail, the exploration, the texture and sprite work. It's all wonderful. There were some really nice "wow" moments in here. (I really loved the illuminated nuke logo in the casino, and the holographic dancing babe and EDF logo. Those were very nice pieces.)
There were a few spots where I felt a little outclassed and understocked, but I think this is because I missed a number of secrets, all of the ones in the first level. (Five I think it was?)
That ending was brilliantly executed as well. Loved the fact that it sets up one emotion, only to throw the player for a curve. Had me laughing. All in all... Bravo.

...Oh. One more thing. Thank you.
This post has been edited by Commando Nukem: 30 April 2013 - 07:28 AM
#38 Posted 30 April 2013 - 07:36 AM
#39 Posted 30 April 2013 - 07:39 AM

Commando Nukem, on 30 April 2013 - 07:25 AM, said:

Yeah, that would be the greatest one of endings I ever watched...
#40 Posted 30 April 2013 - 07:52 AM
zykov eddy, on 30 April 2013 - 05:57 AM, said:

Oh oops, that's my fault. In the process of modifying the code for Lezing's bike to work with this mod, I removed the speedometer, but apparently I didn't notice those sprites which were part of it.
#41 Posted 30 April 2013 - 07:59 AM
Ok closing browser.
#42 Posted 30 April 2013 - 08:05 AM
#43 Posted 30 April 2013 - 08:05 AM
This post has been edited by Nancsi: 30 April 2013 - 08:09 AM
#44 Posted 30 April 2013 - 08:15 AM
Trooper Dan, on 30 April 2013 - 07:52 AM, said:
It's not your fault. Gambini added those things at the last minute but apparently forgot to remove them after no one showed up to fix their position in the code.
#45 Posted 30 April 2013 - 09:30 AM
Nice work guys
Downloading now. Can't wait!
#48 Posted 30 April 2013 - 11:07 AM

#49 Posted 30 April 2013 - 11:17 AM
Mikko_Sandt, on 30 April 2013 - 08:15 AM, said:
Ah...good. When I saw that I just assumed I had gotten sloppy.
Duke Nukem IV Guy, on 30 April 2013 - 11:07 AM, said:

1) No, it is not based on the real DNF. It is inspired by an old trailer for an unreleased version of DNF. It incorporates ideas from that trailer but using 1996 technology -- it's like "what if they had made DNF in 1997?"
2) It is a finished version, but there are plans for an update --at least there were last time I talked to Gambini.
#51 Posted 30 April 2013 - 11:59 AM
#52 Posted 30 April 2013 - 12:27 PM
#53 Posted 30 April 2013 - 12:34 PM
Except those little things, this mod is really awesome !! On that note, I leave you, I have toI replay it a second time

And I'm glad I could finally played the donkey's sequence (I was waiting for that since the trailer from 2001 lol).
And I burst out laughing when I saw the end ! A great job !
#54 Posted 30 April 2013 - 12:39 PM
This post has been edited by Fox: 30 April 2013 - 12:52 PM
#55 Posted 30 April 2013 - 12:42 PM
#56 Posted 30 April 2013 - 12:56 PM
I give it an 8.5/10..... Maps are great..... but first one seemed to lack ammo. (either that or i am blind)
#57 Posted 30 April 2013 - 01:02 PM

#58 Posted 30 April 2013 - 01:46 PM

I didn't really find much to complain about. The only things I found weird was that broken speedometer on the motorcycle, but there was a bug(?) I encountered.
On the EDF HQ level when I was going through the air vents and reached the scene where you can see an Octabrain floating past you on the other side of the air duct (the scene was in the trailer as well). I should have been able to continue left through the air vent, but a wall (or door?) was blocking the way and I had to noclip past it to be able to continue (Now this may have been my fault, I may have missed a switch to open that wall, because the air duct is quite dark, but I think I searched the place thoroughly and didn't see any; please feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken). Anyway, other than that, it was really awesome, so it's really well done. I rate it a 9 out of 10 (this bug kept me from giving it a 10 out of 10; however, if someone tells me how I could have passed this obstacle legitimately, my mark is a definite 10). I missed a couple of secret areas so I will replay this mod again to satisfy my completionist ways

The ending was really unexpected and hilarious

One small suggestion, in case you plan an update. Maybe you could add a small section to the end of Hoover Dam where you actually rescue the president ? I'm suggesting this because General Graves said the aliens actually got the president (they were holding him hostage I think?), so it would make sense to actually be able to rescue him from the aliens

In conclusion, kickass mod which finally does the original plans of DNF justice and sets the Duke back on his throne as king

This post has been edited by The_Sentinel: 30 April 2013 - 01:47 PM
#59 Posted 30 April 2013 - 01:48 PM
MrGlasses, on 30 April 2013 - 03:46 AM, said:
I actually thought of suggesting that to Gambini at some point but I only played your mod like two weeks before this thing was released so I guess I forgot, not to mention I kinda assumed you wouldn't want your "big thing" to be used by another mod.
zykov eddy, on 30 April 2013 - 05:57 AM, said:
There are three South Park references in total actually. Find them all!
This post has been edited by Mikko_Sandt: 30 April 2013 - 01:48 PM
#60 Posted 30 April 2013 - 01:55 PM
The_Sentinel, on 30 April 2013 - 01:46 PM, said:
Yeah, there's a switch in the hallway where the Octabrain is/was, you just need to shoot it.

That's pretty funny actually: Gambini realized only about 48 hours ago that Graves was talking about the president having been captured, despite having watched the trailer a billion times before that. So his last-minute suggestion was to replace the captured engineer with the Duke DC Bill Clinton sprite, but that'd have been stupid (it's 2013!). Maybe in the next version you'll get to rescue Obama...