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DNF E3 2001 Trailer Redone in Duke3D

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostTrooper Dan, on 27 April 2013 - 09:01 AM, said:

It's been a while since anyone has talked about the mod itself, so I'll say a few things on that topic. What the mod consists of is a new episode that contains some new content (art, enemies, etc.) but leaves the original content intact. So it can be thought of as expansion pack to the original game. Imagine if there had been a fifth episode released shortly after the fourth, and you get the idea. If people expect it to feel like a new game they will be disappointed; it's the vanilla game with a modest amount of new content added on. I expect it will be released soon, since it is playable now and is in the polishing stage (and has been for a while), but there is no specific release date.

how many levels and how heavy is the package?

i ask from a reviewer standpoint. it will help me determine how much time i need to set aside to play the project in its entirety and if it's even hostable at CGS

unless that's secret squirrel info at this point, but i'd still like a rough estimate of file size if it's answerable so i can discuss hosting issues with Puritan if they apply

This post has been edited by Forge: 27 April 2013 - 09:20 AM


User is offline   MetHy 


It's 5 levels, 2 hours long. The rar file is about 44mb IIRC.

This post has been edited by MetHy: 27 April 2013 - 09:44 AM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


That might take a day or three. I can't sit at the computer that long for one session.

i can also try to offer up a unique review from CGS for MSDN if Mikko wants, but that will take extra time

44mb is easily within range of what Puritan will host for this project. I was hoping it wasn't near 100mb. that's pushing the envelope

This post has been edited by Forge: 27 April 2013 - 09:50 AM


User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL



This post has been edited by Speedy Eggbert: 27 April 2013 - 10:33 AM


User is offline   lambdist 


Hm, 44 MBs. It can be a good DLC for Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition. And a nice butthurt for Broussard and Pitchford. But the last thing is a reason why we can't pay for it. :)

This post has been edited by lambdist: 27 April 2013 - 10:50 AM


User is offline   Kathy 


I'm pretty sure it won't work in Megaton.

User is offline   brullov 

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View Postlambdist, on 27 April 2013 - 10:35 AM, said:

Hm, 44 MBs. It can be a good DLC for Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition. And a nice butthurt for Broussard and Pitchford. But the last thing is a reason why we can't pay for it.

It would be BOOOOOOOOOOOOM Posted Image

User is offline   MetHy 


View Postlambdist, on 27 April 2013 - 10:35 AM, said:

Hm, 44 MBs. It can be a good DLC for Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition. And a nice butthurt for Broussard and Pitchford. But the last thing is a reason why we can't pay for it.

As silly as this post might sound, I'd actually totally sell out if I was given money so that the gog or steam versions of Duke3D would be with Metropolitan Mayhem or other stuff I've worked on.

User is offline   NNC 


I have played some very good episodes and mods, but the only one that truly managed to get the original commercial quality of the 3DR product is the LRWB TC, with it's entire second episode and the latter half of the first one.

This post has been edited by Nancsi: 27 April 2013 - 11:34 AM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostMetHy, on 27 April 2013 - 09:36 AM, said:

It's 5 levels, 2 hours long. The rar file is about 44mb IIRC.

It's currently 30MB, and 17MB of that is music.

User is offline   Kathy 


Wow, we even got to the part when people were asking GB about the size of DNF's folder!

Rewatched trailer. That naked pigcop crawling on the ground still scares the crap out of me.

This post has been edited by Cathy: 27 April 2013 - 01:46 PM


User is offline   Richard Shead 

  • "Dick Nasty"


From their moddb.com profile page:


Ok. I´ve been asked many times why we keep delaying this thing. We´ve been called names and our mod a hoax because of this.

First of all: There hasn´t been ever a fixed release date. When I created this mod´s profile I´ve been asked for a release date. I had to choose between TBD or an exact day. TBD sounds like in about ten years, so I decided to choose a safe date, which was April 15. Days came flying and that day was above us before we even blinked. With all the repercussion our trailer generated, I deviated my attention from working on the mod to reading the clusterfuck of messages we was receiving from everywhere. I also had to deal with some situations, that if we would have known beforehand that the trailer would cause such things, we would have decided to not show it.

I changed the release date a few times with the intention of calming people down, but it generated the opposite results. The true is that, at the point of publishing the trailer, we had a 95% done mod. And at the moment of writting these news, the mod is about 99.99% done. There´s only one little thing missing and some real life problems prevented us to have it done today.

So, all in all. Be patient, most of you have been waiting 14 years for a game that never came (at least not in the form you were expecting it to come). I give you my word this mod will be released either tomorrow or in a couple of days, as much. We´re the kind of modders that do things at our own pace, we don´t like to be rushed. And if we need a day or two to ensure things are going to be shipped the right way, we´ll take that day and will give a damn about fullfilling a release date. It´s not worth rushing the last step of a 6 months work just because many people is impatient.


I bet Devil Master jizzed himself when he read this update.

But I- not being his "twin brother" as some have accused- believe Mikko and Gambini are two decent guys with the best of intentions who are doing whatever they can to deliver a fun time to us(and for FREE, I might add), and not letting a few assclowns influence them to make decisions that would adversely affect the fruits of their labors.

I'm having a great time chatting and debating with the good folk on here, and I have a plethora of other things to do with my time than wait for a mod....so another day, three days, or three years- it makes no never mind to me! Carry on, everyone!! :)

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


i'm interested in the mix.

Mikko's good at giving levels that original 3DR feel, and Gambini's good at realistic ultra-detailing

i'm wondering which styles they choose to use and how they're combined to make the flow seamless.

the vid shows a little, but you know the good stuff is kept for the game

User is offline   Gambini 


This time I went for a much more 3dr style approach, while Mikko has done the opposite. Sometimes you have to invert roles or things become boring :)


Yeah I kinda took a look at that note from Gambini.... I guess he mentioned about his post and how people got these jokes. For once, I said a post in the ModDB site mentioning "Well.... You could always call it Duke Nukem For-Never 2013 :)" - but I guess these jokes arn't serious anymore. Oh well, lets just hope that this will conclude the story once and for all (and maybe make this mod the last Duke series ever - you know, where Duke retires from becoming the Duke and hangs his Duke robes. This would probably more similar to the Metal Gear Solid 4 conclusion - where Solid Snake retires from becoming Snake due to his old age). But yeah, Duke's clone should definitely be a great hit - even with the return of Dr. Proton. :)

Edit: Ah well.... At least I missed out with all of the pitchforks and knives... Or rather the forklifts and torches.

This post has been edited by Detinator73: 27 April 2013 - 09:21 PM



Still not released and another new date published? Cheap tactics :)

User is offline   NNC 


3DRealms style is always welcome. :)

User is offline   Richard Shead 

  • "Dick Nasty"


^1996-2001 style, yes. 2007-2009 style, no. :)

User is offline   Player Lin 


I just wait when it's done. And try to not become an asshole...

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


If there isn't an EDF soldier that says "what are you gonna do, save the world all by yourself?" bad things will happen.

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


Lol, yeah. If half the things in that trailer aren't even in the final product, bad things will happen.

I love how Gambini's post makes himself look so innocent in the face of people calling this mod fake, when he was the one egging it on in the first place.

This post has been edited by Speedy Eggbert: 28 April 2013 - 04:26 AM


User is offline   Kathy 


I couldn't imagine how big of a melodrama this mod caused. Perhaps, on duke4.net that's understandable, but on moddb?

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostDI-MeisterM, on 27 April 2013 - 10:26 PM, said:

Still not released and another new date published? Cheap tactics :)

does somebody on the mod team actually "owe" you something?


View PostForge, on 28 April 2013 - 06:16 AM, said:

does somebody on the mod team actually "owe" you something?

Me personally? Nope. The last remaining community / fans? Maybe.

If I would be in responsiblity, I would do it that way: posting no date at all. Changing date after date, after date...we already had that plenty of times in the past. Looks unprofessional, cheap and doesn't help imho.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


i could say something stupid and smarmy, but we've already had more than a heaping helping of troll

they don't owe anybody a thing. showing screen shots, vids, making announcements changes nothing. i open mapster; i've made a couple screenshots for fun to show something off. does this mean i'm now obligated to make maps for the community?
only if you come to my house and hold my family at gun point, and the same applies to this mod.

looks unprofessional? They may be extremely well skilled at what they're doing, but they're not getting paid to do it. they can do what they want, how they want, when they want, in any shape, form, or manner including not releasing this at all because they get fed up with people complaining too much

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostGambini, on 27 April 2013 - 07:33 PM, said:

This time I went for a much more 3dr style approach, while Mikko has done the opposite. Sometimes you have to invert roles or things become boring :)

now i want to see it.

before it was just another mod to me. I could care less if the subject matter was Starsky and Duke riding around the streets of L.A. in a torino shooting prostitutes and ending in a boss fight against a pimp named huggy bear

the purported mapping styles have piqued my curiosity

User is offline   Kathy 


View PostForge, on 28 April 2013 - 06:43 AM, said:

they don't owe anybody a thing. showing screen shots, vids, making announcements changes nothing. i open mapster; i've made a couple screenshots for fun to show something off. does this mean i'm now obligated to make maps for the community?
only if you come to my house and hold my family at gun point, and the same applies to this mod.

I sincerely don't understand your point. If they don't owe anything it doesn't mean people/fans aren't allowed to express their opinion about the mod, its delay or anything else whether positive or negative. No one is demanding money or time back, but it's quite understandable that people aren't happy the mod isn't out yet despite having a distinct release date posted. They don't owe us anything, but we don't owe them a silence either.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


out of politeness i'll directly respond to your question, but after this i'm not talking about anything other than the mod itself

telling people to wait, that the modders don't owe them anything, and certainly don't have to bow down to their demands of an immediate release? telling someone to stop accusing the modders of "cheap tactics"?
these you don't understand?
You understand that they're allowed to voice their opinion,
but nobody can voice their opinion about those opinions?

i find it perfectly acceptable to tell people to quit complaining about missed released dates when Gambini already explained it in detail at mod db.
yet the complaints continue.
now it's an issue if "polite, but strong" language is used to tell them back off and keep their inflammatory remarks (i.e. "cheap tactics") to themselves?
this is just more "melodrama"

you try to walk away, but people can't get enough of it

User is offline   Bloodshot 


The black mesa team got most of the work they needed to do before release done after they stopped posting updates and focused on working, and just answered questions on their forum.

A lot of times doing that kind of stuff becomes more trouble then it's worth.

This post has been edited by Bloodshot: 28 April 2013 - 10:36 AM


User is offline   Richard Shead 

  • "Dick Nasty"


Their moddb release date now reads "TBD". I know a lot of you might be disappointed about this turn of events, but I am actually quite relieved.

The only thing I humbly suggest is that they keep this status until the game is released. That means no more delays, no more missed release windows, and most of all no more irritating "fans" hounding them and causing a ruckus over being late or unfaithful, questioning their PR ethics, or crying 'hoax'.

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