1_ I've recovered an old GRP of the first episode of AMC (V1 if you prefere) and while peeking in it I found some MIDI tracks named "RNTheme", "GTheme" or "MTheme" ... It looks like these are themes for most OCs of the mod and so my question is :
What was the intended purpose(s) of those ? When was it supposed to play in your first intentions ?
Originally when you picked a character in a usermap, they would play a different midi for each character. This was very very early in development, I removed it as it was taking up space for tracks in episode one. I haven't added it back in since it was all basically just pop-songs and stuff like that - the dynamic soundtrack that plays for usermaps is much better I think. It would be nice to have original tracks for characters in the TC but that requires a musician lol.
Some more trivia for you btw - Geoffrey was originally a second magic character but he preferred to be a sci-fi guy, and Highwire was originally just going to be a normal soldier dude but he wanted to become a psuedo-Russian character.
2_ I have noticed that near the end of "Repent Base" we get ammo for our slot 7 gun, and since I always have 2 out of 3 secrets you can guess that my question is :
Can I have a clue on that last secret and/or that hypothetic slot 7 gun ?
That's a left-over from my original version of the map for PyP TC. When I ported it over I didn't take those out since originally the MIA was a slot 7 weapon in that TC.
There's a secret hidden in each vent you go through in the map (One is a door, the other is a panel you can shoot - look for differences) last one is in the underwater cave bit
3_ Same story for "The Wharf", out of all HK levels it is the only level where I constantly have 6 out of 7 secrets. Just like in "Repent Base" I have DNcliped everywhere and even used DNShowMap but I just can't locate it T_T. Since I can't list the ones I found for obvious spoiling reasons (and not knowing how the feature works on the forum) I'll ask my question this way :
Can I have a clue on the secret that you think is the hardest/the most concealed one of the level ?
The one you've most likely missed is in the bathhouse where you find my auto-crossbow - those two sauna/pools have a false floor in the middle you can swim down and connecting them is a tunnel with a nuke in it