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[RESOURCES] Community Stockpile  "Free to use resources for mappers and modders."

User is offline   gibfrag 

  • Honored Donor


The Defensor, a sniper alien. This alien is meant to stay-put and be used as a sniper. When killed, as a last defensive resort he explodes with a similar explosion to the Pig Cop tank only without any delay! So like a gib that can hurt Duke if too close. Could use the expander as its weapon.
Posted Image
Top frames are its idle/aim frames, bottom are the firing frame, and the frame on the right is meant for his death image right before he blows to bits.

This post has been edited by DNSKILL420: 24 April 2022 - 12:32 PM


User is offline   MObreck 


I went ahead and uploaded my Wolfenstein conversion mod I made back in the 90s. It only has a few stages (That are noticeable modded conversions of DOOM stages) so that's why I consider it a resource kit rather than a fully functional TC. But it does have around 40 custom enemies and large selection of textures, so a rather massive resource kit:


I won't personally be expanding on this, but if anyone else wants to use it as a starting point to develop a more refined Wolfenstein mod go right ahead. It was built with vanilla Atomic Edition (EDuke didn't even exist when I made it). But I tweaked it to run on modern EDuke (You'll a bunch of warnings in the bootup log though).

Some Preview Screens:

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: duke0011.png
  • Attached Image: duke0014.png
  • Attached Image: duke0010.png
  • Attached Image: duke0004.png

This post has been edited by MObreck: 30 April 2022 - 12:04 AM


User is offline   MObreck 


As an experiment I made a voxel floating platform. It didn't work out for the GZDoom project I'm working on, but it could still be useful for other projects so here it is.

Its intended to be used as a floating platform type object, similar to the non-3D ones seen in Rise of the Triad (In fact I used a Rise of the Triad sprite as the base).

I included the original Magicka VOX file and the Slab6 VOX version in case the KVX version is defective.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: voxel1.png

Attached File(s)


User is offline   MObreck 


The original link to my Neptunian's and Orangomen assets has expired, so here is an updated version that should last as long as this forum site exist. A video reminder of what they were:

Keep in mind I only included the art and sound effects. All the coding is tethered to a very obsolete version of Alien Armageddon, thus was not included. As far as I know it would not work with the current version of Alien Armageddon.

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by MObreck: 11 May 2022 - 02:00 PM



Decided to separate and clean some gifs prototype stuff.

Reconstructed "Brainy" Prototype Octobrain more similar to the original model.
Attached Image: Proto Octobrain.png

Prototype Assault Commander
Attached Image: Proto Assault Commander.png

Prototype of a weapon, hands added (reminds somehow that thing from the Day One Garry's Incident)
Attached Image: Prototype Weapon.png


Beta Laser Tripbomb, when it was still in Car Stereo phase. Four versions. Pickups has been made.
Attached Image: Beta Laser Tripbomb.png

Laser Saber Prototype Weapon.
Attached Image: Laser Saber Prototype Weapon.png

The arm that supposed to wield the saber, however not a frame match the saber position.
Attached Image: SaberHand.png

Beta closed hand, smooth movement instead of being just a single sprite (that in this is the third frame).
Attached Image: Beta Punch hand more frames.png

Lameduke but enriched with the kick+hud kick and the dying sequence of the final version.
Attached Image: Lame.png

Duke with the hawaiian singlet for Carribean, both as it appear on cover art and in shorts.
Attached Image: Duke hawaiian singlet.png

For some reason the ready-for-use Lameduke sprites rips are vanished from spriters-resource.com, so I post this Zero X. Diamond's pack that contains almost all Lameduke resources.
Attached File  LAMEDUKE_RES.zip (6.77MB)
Number of downloads: 298

User is offline   Phredreeke 


View PostFantinaikos, on 27 November 2022 - 03:00 PM, said:

Decided to separate and clean some gifs prototype stuff.

Reconstructed "Brainy" Prototype Octobrain more similar to the original model.
Attachment Proto Octobrain.png

That actually looks a lot like the Total Meltdown sprite


Noticed that, but I think the one I've reconstructed is an even previous version that was then edited to make the Meltdown Octobrain (noticeable if you look the back part), which may itself have been used as base for the DN3D Octobrain.

User is offline   Mark 


In the Widescreen thread there was talk of having a stretched version of this screen. That reminded me that I made a high res version of it years ago for the HHR mod. I thought I would post these here in case someone might find a use for them. My original and a reduced, cropped, and 8 bit palette version.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: 3292wide.png
  • Attached Image: 3292wide8bit2.png


User is offline   gibfrag 

  • Honored Donor


So I know I've said a few times before I don't really care for the new weapon in WT, mainly because of the look of it. The Shrinker and Expander make sense because it is basically the same weapon but with different ammo attachments. I feel it would've made more sense if the new weapon looked something like this, as it goes along with the same sort of concept:
Posted Image
Credit to 3DR's and Gearbox.

View PostF!re-Fly, on 28 April 2020 - 04:03 AM, said:

Including this from F!re-Fly because I think it would work best as the ammo pickup for this.

User is offline   Mark 


You never know when you might need a cheap wooden table. Be smart, be prepared. :P
The table side has transparency so you can see underneath. Put your own border around the top if you want something a little fancier. Or use a different sprite.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: tableside.png
  • Attached Image: tabletop.png

This post has been edited by Mark: 21 March 2023 - 03:01 PM


User is offline   blizzart 


Sonnis.com is giving away a GDC 2023 Game Audio Bundle worth 44+GB for free.

You can find it here: https://gdc.sonniss.com/

For older free bundles have a look here: https://sonniss.com/gameaudiogdc

So if you are searching for some audio fx for your project you might find some there.

User is offline   jimbob 


its giving several warnings. so is it legit and clean?

[edit] it was because the DL is not from a HTTPS header, the other mirror seems to be fine.

This post has been edited by jimbob: 23 March 2023 - 03:11 PM


User is offline   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


Nobody ever made a dying animation for the Liz Troops where they fall on their back instead of their stomach? I could have sworn I saw something like this a long time ago.

User is offline   Dynamo128 


I would like to bring this post to everyone's attention:


imgur, starting from mid May, is going to remove "inactive" images that are not tied to accounts. This would mean a high number of images specifically tied to threads like these. I would heartily recommend, given the circumstances, that a backup of all the imgur-uploaded content that has been shared to this thread is considered.

User is offline   jimbob 


went out with a camera today and snapped a container, made some textures, feel free to use them.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: containerfrontsmall.png
  • Attached Image: containerbacksmall.png
  • Attached Image: containersidesmall.png


User is offline   MC84 


I whipped this up for Jimbob - I know some people find making animated water tiles quite challenging... 256 x 256, 16 frames. Indexed to duke pal.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: water_test.gif

Attached File(s)

  • Attached File  water.7z (215.13K)
    Number of downloads: 87

This post has been edited by MC84: 15 December 2023 - 04:43 PM


User is offline   MC84 


EDIT - I messed up one frame and made it too bright. Use this version instead.

Attached File(s)

  • Attached File  water.7z (214.2K)
    Number of downloads: 89


User is offline   MC84 


While I'm at it I'll also post this; a burnt version of the 908 and 910 tree sprites. Not a perfect fit for the duke art but close enough.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: fried_tree.png


User is offline   VGames 

  • Extra Crispy


This looks good. Will definitely put it to use

User is offline   jimbob 


View PostMC84, on 15 December 2023 - 04:42 PM, said:

I whipped this up for Jimbob - I know some people find making animated water tiles quite challenging... 256 x 256, 16 frames. Indexed to duke pal.

its awesome but unfortunatly it didnt quite fit my mod :( atleast not that specific map

This post has been edited by jimbob: 16 December 2023 - 01:49 PM


User is offline   MC84 


View Postjimbob, on 16 December 2023 - 01:48 PM, said:

its awesome but unfortunatly it didnt quite fit my mod :( atleast not that specific map

all good - someone will find a use for it!

User is offline   Roma Loom 

  • Loomsday Device


I'll create a TTF a bit later, but this PNG with alpha channel may already be useful

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: DukeGreyFont_preview.png


User is offline   Roma Loom 

  • Loomsday Device


Here we go, I remember someone was looking for it... 10 years ago :trollface:

Attached File(s)



A drowning pigcop made by cleaning the death sprites. I use the final frame for sinking corpses and the next to last frame as a corpse floating near the surface.
Attached Image: npm1.png

An enemy to be used like a RotateGun or that large turret from zero hour. It's spliced from other enemies.
The center has no muzzle glow mostly because I can't color for shit. Illuminating just the hull looked wrong.
For that same reason the nuke button remains on the back.
Attached Image: npm2.png

User is offline   Roma Loom 

  • Loomsday Device


Yet another font for Duke3D help screens

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: 2445_WS.jpg

Attached File(s)


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Can only repeat what I wrote in the other thread: This one's really well done and close to the original. Great to still see good stuff like this after all these years!


Recolored playstation octabrain
Attached Image: npm3.png
Courtesy of my coloring skills its skin slithers around so check it in a viewer before you invest in it.

I forgot certain turret frames needed offsets- with columns being A to G:
C2 x +3
A3 x +1
B3 x +3
C3 x +4
F3 x +2

User is offline   Mark 


My only complaint about Roma's latest font is that I have no complaints about it. :P

User is offline   blizzart 


Sonniss.com released a new Game Audio Bundle for GDC24:

As usual, older Bundles can be found here:

View Postblizzart, on 23 March 2023 - 10:56 AM, said:

Sonnis.com is giving away a GDC 2023 Game Audio Bundle worth 44+GB for free.

You can find it here: https://gdc.sonniss.com/

For older free bundles have a look here: https://sonniss.com/gameaudiogdc

So if you are searching for some audio fx for your project you might find some there.


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