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AMC TC ideas and suggestions  "the thread to put all your ideas and suggestions for the AMC TC in"

User is offline   Jblade 


I think something like that would be really difficult to code accurately - I'd love to have swinging ropes and stuff but even getting models to work to make it look convincing would be hard enough, let alone sprites :unsure:

User is offline   MetHy 


I've only ever played one FPS with good platforming sections (and I don't even remember which one it was). In 99% cases, real platforming sections are just painful. I say things are good as they are because 1) You don't need to break the flow with new elements since the player already often changes characters and locations 2) you already have some sort of platforming stuff here and there which are enough


View PostJames, on 23 January 2012 - 02:31 AM, said:

I think something like that would be really difficult to code accurately - I'd love to have swinging ropes and stuff but even getting models to work to make it look convincing would be hard enough, let alone sprites :D

The ropes were a major turn off in Opposing force. Brought everything to a halt while you're sliding up and down trying to figure out where to swing too.

EDIT: Here are a few weapon ideas for James's slot 4 guns: An UMP (High damage, low rate of fire, low clip size and can use silver tommy drum ammo) and a P90 (high clip size, AP bullets, lower damage and accuracy?).

This post has been edited by Raritysretainer: 28 January 2012 - 08:41 AM


User is offline   sedition 


Maybe a stupid and noobish idea:
I want to make a user map for AMC TC but want to use my own Hires textures and Models. Is this possible and if yes how do I do this.
I know how to change textures to Hires in the original DN3D, but what do I have to change in the AMC TC - duke3d.def?

User is offline   Jblade 


View PostRaritysretainer, on 28 January 2012 - 08:35 AM, said:

The ropes were a major turn off in Opposing force. Brought everything to a halt while you're sliding up and down trying to figure out where to swing too.

EDIT: Here are a few weapon ideas for James's slot 4 guns: An UMP (High damage, low rate of fire, low clip size and can use silver tommy drum ammo) and a P90 (high clip size, AP bullets, lower damage and accuracy?).

Heh, I did have a UMP and a P90 in mind - but there's also the Kriss which I'm a big fan of. I think Sang would get the UMP (I have a model with an attached GL, as improbable as that is) and James would get the Kriss. I think I'd make the P90 a temp weapon - if I added one I'd have to make the magazine actually show how many bullets are in it rather than the magical ones that other games have. It'd be a pain in the ass but sure as hell worth doing :D


Maybe a stupid and noobish idea:
I want to make a user map for AMC TC but want to use my own Hires textures and Models. Is this possible and if yes how do I do this.
I know how to change textures to Hires in the original DN3D, but what do I have to change in the AMC TC - duke3d.def?

You'd do the same thing you would do to add models to normal Duke - I haven't edited models in a very long time so you'd have to look elsewhere for advice about that :D

User is offline   ReaperMan 


Hey i got some old voxels that i made for ROTT that aren't being used. You guys want them? I got a stool, TNT crate, mp40, etc.

I think the stool would look good in that bar, in the town level.

This post has been edited by ReaperMan: 05 February 2012 - 06:32 PM


User is offline   Zaxtor 


Making a boss (dunno if con code can handle it) maybe can.

A boss like T-1000.
Indestructible but if it falls in a pit of lava it fucks and die.

Like you program (if on a certain texture dies out).
Or use if fall from great height it dies out (but all pit must be lava).

Making boss hard to push in the pit. Like he resists and you must shoot it a lot so it gets to the edge and fall,.

User is offline   Jblade 


View PostReaperMan, on 05 February 2012 - 06:21 PM, said:

Hey i got some old voxels that i made for ROTT that aren't being used. You guys want them? I got a stool, TNT crate, mp40, etc.

I think the stool would look good in that bar, in the town level.

Sure, send them over thanks! :D Could you conver them to the duke palette for me though, it's been a while since I've made voxels and I don't think I can remember how.

Zaxtor, a boss like that would be a peice of cake to code :D Maybe not a T-1000 but a boss that's invincible unless you can get it immersed in molten steel or lava is a good idea for a boss monster (I'm sure Rusty suggested something similar to me as well)

This post has been edited by James: 06 February 2012 - 12:36 AM


User is offline   ReaperMan 


View PostJames, on 06 February 2012 - 12:36 AM, said:

Sure, send them over thanks! :D Could you conver them to the duke palette for me though, it's been a while since I've made voxels and I don't think I can remember how.

Everything was converted to Duke palette.


User is offline   Jblade 


Thanks for these, the MP40 sprite is definitly useful and I'll see if I have a nice home for the others :D

User is offline   Jblade 


Could a mod move this to the AMC TC forum section for me please?

User is offline   Mblackwell 

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User is offline   Jblade 


View PostMblackwell, on 11 May 2012 - 04:26 AM, said:


much appreciated!

User is offline   Renegado 


Hi James! I've been playing AMC TC since release and I'm amazed... It really is the best Duke3D TC ever made IMHO... I can hardly find any issues with the game itself: the storyline is pretty solid and combines all these components from other games very well, the scenarios are pretty varied and the entire game feels like a travelling adventure all over the world (the type of games I love).

However, the only issue I have with the TC is from the art imported from another games with wrong coloured pixels sticking out from the sprites. I also had this problem with editart not importing the correct colors and Photoshop even doing a worse job when applying the Duke3D palette.

But recently while browsing old posts at the Zdoom Forums I found this nice utility: Image Analyzer
I did some tests with some projects of myself and I was already in love with this tool! It does a great job at applying the Duke palette almost seamlessly (there are exceptions though) with better results than previous attempts with Editart and Photoshop.

Here's an example with one of the scientists on AMC TC. To the left is the current sprite and to the right is the sprite from the original Blake Stone spritesheet with duke's palette already applied with Image Analyzer.
Attached Image: comparison.gif

Since AMC TC uses a lot of ripped art I think it can benefit from the use of this program which gives better results rather than importing them directly via Editart or Photoshop.

User is offline   Jblade 


That definitly does look much better (although the blue hair was my edit so hair colour could be changed) Thanks for bringing this program to my attention, I'll grab it and look at what I can do with it.

There's much bigger and better plans for Episode 2 as well, so if you enjoyed the world travelling aspect of the first episode than this one will be far far better :)

User is offline   Foxley 


What i'd like to see in this already amazing TC is:

More sectoreffectors: (From i know such effects require a few edits, but then again, i can't code for sh!t, but take your time)

-switch activated subway

-two way train that actually takes turns like a subway and is affected by GPSpeed


Buyable weapons can be in maps without actually buying them but can only be used as tempoary weapons (Giving players a taste of what they might wanna buy but limiting ammo, sort of a trial version)

Improving shotgun shells, they seem to land in the exact same spot when firing from the same location and looking in the same location

Giving characters that have TNT sticks as explosive weapons an alt-fire option to throw a bundle of TNT (a few sprite rips required)

User is offline   Somagu 


View PostFoxley, on 02 October 2013 - 12:54 PM, said:

Improving shotgun shells, they seem to land in the exact same spot when firing from the same location and looking in the same location

I am fairly certain that is not true. I've tested that spread for hours at a time. Individual pellets may appear to fall into the same holes at close range because wall decals can only be so close to each other. Someone else might be able to answer why. Either way, there's definitely variation on all of the shotguns.

This post has been edited by Somagu: 02 October 2013 - 05:43 PM


User is offline   Foxley 


View PostSomagu, on 02 October 2013 - 05:43 PM, said:

I am fairly certain that is not true. I've tested that spread for hours at a time. Individual pellets may appear to fall into the same holes at close range because wall decals can only be so close to each other. Someone else might be able to answer why. Either way, there's definitely variation on all of the shotguns.

We have a misunderstanding.
That's not what i meant, i meant the shells themselves, not pellets shot but the shells (casings) ejected from the shotgun.

Someone correct me, English is not my first language.

User is offline   Somagu 


View PostFoxley, on 05 October 2013 - 02:18 AM, said:

We have a misunderstanding.
That's not what i meant, i meant the shells themselves, not pellets shot but the shells (casings) ejected from the shotgun.

Someone correct me, English is not my first language.

Ah, I see! Very sorry. My fault completely. I'm pretty sure that can be fixed.

User is offline   Jblade 


Yes one of the things I've wanted to improve is make the shell animate with code rather than automatically so they don't all rotate in sync (this is only really noticable when firing lots of bullets) As for your other suggestions, I have been thinking of trying to code a HL subway style train but we'll have to see :P

User is offline   Rhaisher 



After going through IW's 4th episode "Time After Time" (again) an idea for AMC TC popped up in my mind, I will try to explain it the better I can.

I do not know if the moment where Magnus appears again depending whether you shot him or not has already been decided, but I think that it would be cool if a James' specific level gave the option to end it the normal way or through a secret exit that, depending if you shot Magnus or not, leaded to a 2 different secret levels.

If you did not shoot Magnus: You could take advantage of the conversation that Magnus and James held in the marble palace and make James return to that moment (as an AMC member) through a time portal and confront Revelion with the aid of a squad of AMC soldiers in the time space between EDF's James leaving Revelion's room and the arrival of the missile. You could even make a change of heart in Magnus intentions after the conversation and make him help James as well (for example, Magnus could give James a new temporary weapon to defeat Revelion, regreting his plan and accepting his fault). The battle could consist in James and the AMC soldiers against hordes of Revelion's offspring (giving lots of AMC budget as a result) that should be eliminated before the arrival of the missile, making it a time limited battle (and if you could not eliminate them in time, creating a time paradox). After the slaughter James should fire the temporary weapon against Revelion, weakening it in order for the missile to completely destroy it. After Revelion is weakened, it should open a time portal making James, the AMC soldiers and Magnus (arrested) go back to the present and continuing the game.

If you did shoot Magnus: James could return to the place where the missile impacted (making the level a small canyon with an enormous hole, for example) and, as Revelion was not weakened, combine its body and blood together with the radiation of the missile that, as a result, create a new (and mutated) specie of Revelion's offspring that should be eliminated to save a nearby town, for example.

I do not know if you will like my idea (or even if it is doable), but thanks for reading my meanderings.

Have a nice day! ;)

User is offline   Jblade 


I like the creativity there - I already have plans for Magnus and MJ12, but it's nice to see that you enjoyed the plot enough to think up more scenarios ;) I can only hope the future story ideas will at least live up to people's expectations.


Hi again!

This may be unlikely to implement but I just watched Aliens (again) the other day and I thought: If you have a level in space (on Mars or wherever) you could have a boss battle where you need to use a power loader to grab him and throw him out the airlock. You could reuse the mech animations except change the guns to melee weapons.

I don't know if you already finished the levels or you already have everything worked out. It's just a silly idea that I had but I thought I'd share it with you, in case you had something in mind for a boss battle in space (Also, Rusty already has Ripley's M41 Pulse Rifle w/ flamethrower so this would be another reference).

User is offline   Jblade 


Heh, a fight like that would be cool if hard to pull off convincingly. There's a rough plan but like Episode 1 it's mostly loose - but you never know, we may find a way to fit the idea in there :wub:


Hello again! I returned to this mod to play through some user-maps and have a couple more suggestion for improvement:
- Change the M-16 (the temporary version) - it looks too cartoon-ish compared to the rest of the weapons.
- A better first-person sprite for the MP-40 would be nice (I know that the Doom mod Russian Overkill has a good one, unfortunately without reloading animations)
- Maybe you could add reloading animations for the Thompson SMG (you could make the magazine have 100 rounds, such magazines existed for early Thompson SMGs)
- Add an option to revert back to your default weapons because I didn't find such an option. For example, I selected the Over/Under Shotgun for Rusty, but I want to switch back to the default semi-auto shotgun, but there is no option in the equipment screen to do that. (I apologize if there is an option, I didn't see it but I'd like to know how to do it :( ).

User is offline   Somagu 



Hello again! I returned to this mod to play through some user-maps and have a couple more suggestion for improvement:
- Change the M-16 (the temporary version) - it looks too cartoon-ish compared to the rest of the weapons.

I had noted this myself, but apparently it's deliberately there as that sprite has a history with Duke modding.


- Maybe you could add reloading animations for the Thompson SMG (you could make the magazine have 100 rounds, such magazines existed for early Thompson SMGs)

I'll personally have to disagree with changing this. Blood didn't have a reload animation and that's really the point of the gun I think.


- Add an option to revert back to your default weapons because I didn't find such an option. For example, I selected the Over/Under Shotgun for Rusty, but I want to switch back to the default semi-auto shotgun, but there is no option in the equipment screen to do that. (I apologize if there is an option, I didn't see it but I'd like to know how to do it :( ).

Select the same weapon again.

This post has been edited by Somagu: 06 February 2014 - 11:20 AM



Oh, is that simple? I didn't know that, thank you for clarifying this :(
Yeah, I knew that the Tommygun from Blood didn't have reload animations, I just thought it would be more realistic in the mod, since most guns that are magazine-fed have reload animations; anyway, I like the gun as it is and naturally, I assigned as Rusty's weapon with a silver bullet magazine :D

Also, a bit offtopic, but the only temporary gun I hadn't found is the nailgun, according to what I've seen. Where can I find this elusive weapon?

User is offline   Jblade 



- Change the M-16 (the temporary version) - it looks too cartoon-ish compared to the rest of the weapons.

Somagu was right with what he said, however lately I'm thinking of having a change in heart. At the very least there's better art for the gun by the same author.


- A better first-person sprite for the MP-40 would be nice (I know that the Doom mod Russian Overkill has a good one, unfortunately without reloading animations)

Actually already done a while ago :D Using the same sprites by Marty Kirra I believe.


- Maybe you could add reloading animations for the Thompson SMG (you could make the magazine have 100 rounds, such magazines existed for early Thompson SMGs)

As Somagu said it was intended to emulate the Blood thompson, but really I have been thinking of adding a reload to it. Right now it just doesn't feel satisfying to use at all, even with the beefy firing sounds. If I did this than I could also add art for the silver drum so you could tell by looking what ammo is loaded.


- Add an option to revert back to your default weapons because I didn't find such an option. For example, I selected the Over/Under Shotgun for Rusty, but I want to switch back to the default semi-auto shotgun, but there is no option in the equipment screen to do that. (I apologize if there is an option, I didn't see it but I'd like to know how to do it :( ).

As Somagu said, just click on the weapon again. I do think that screen is fairly clunky and I've been meaning to change it for a much nicer specific screen for it, but it's just finding the time to do so.


Also, a bit offtopic, but the only temporary gun I hadn't found is the nailgun, according to what I've seen. Where can I find this elusive weapon?

I don't believe it's actually in the first episode's release, but I may be wrong. In anycase, since I imagine you don't want to wait till next episode to fill up the list, you can spawn it in by typing spawn NAILGUN_SPRITE into the console. This should add it to the AMC base's inventory. :D

This post has been edited by James: 06 February 2014 - 01:11 PM


User is offline   Untamed 


Perhaps a checklist of monsters that have researchable data and which ones you've obtained with the M.I.A. gun

User is offline   Jblade 


It would kind of spoil the surprise, but I see your point - I do want to have an in-game bestiary but it's always been a 'would be nice' feature rather than a more vital one I've had to put in :D

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