Here's the 1.07 patch:
This will break savegames! it contains new gameplay code, so if you install this patch (by unzipping into the AMC TC directory) don't try to load your savegames as it will cause errors. Any research and weapons you've found/bought will remain in place, as long as your data folder is kept safe.
AMC TC v1.07
-Changed filenames so Eduke32 can just be run to start the mod
-Fixed graphic bugs with Mikko's shotgun reloading alternate shell
-Fixed spelling errors in various places
-Fixed error with PDU key screen showing normal keys and Abyss gate keys
-Fixed error with being able to wall-kick away constantly
-Fixed coding oversight with palette stuff
-Fixed Riotgun-minigun research topic displaying price availability wrong
-Fixed bug with Riotgun-minigun research topic not unlocking
-Fixed bug with jumping to exit Research terminal
-Fixed oversight with Grenade Launchers, reload anims no longer play when no grenades left
-Fixed being able to climb up rocks in Millhaven
-Modified Mech-Robot's grenade fire rate to be slower
-Modified Eggs and Protozoids to give a credit when destroyed
-Tweaked Dis Base, closed off redundant paths when final section reached
-Tweaked Armour Piercing bullets to do less base damage
-Tweaked readable stuff to only spawn glint if it hasn't been read yet
-Balanced Flesh Squirter to be more powerful
-Balanced Protecta to be less accurate
-Balanced Mikko's shotgun alt-fire not effecting accuracy
-Added extra description to Speed loading belt
-Added extra computer to training course explaining leaning
-Added extra detail and some minor TROR to Abyss
-Added minor details to AMC Base
-Added option to disable facehugging enemies for players with phoebias
-Added more realistic reloading to AKM, FN FAL and MP5-SD (more to come)
AMC TC v1.05
-Fixed issue with ABYSS jumppad
-Added teleport out of pit in AMCMIKKO
-Fixed keycard glitch, player movement now temporarily stopped
-Fixed bug with health research item
-Replaced Cage's textures
In order to unlock the Riotgun-minigun topic, you'll need to go back into weapons research and look at the Battlelord chaingun topic again. This
should unlock the proper research for you if you've found the Riotgun as well.