themaniacboy, on 16 April 2012 - 01:06 PM, said:
I am sorry if this question was asked before but what inspired you to develop the TC ?
For example, i made a horror game 2 years back, after all those years of watching crazy movies, internet videos and playing the scariest and strangest games, i created some ideas over the years and put these in my game, but never finished it.
So another question, what kept you motivated to finish the TC ?
For example, i made a horror game 2 years back, after all those years of watching crazy movies, internet videos and playing the scariest and strangest games, i created some ideas over the years and put these in my game, but never finished it.
So another question, what kept you motivated to finish the TC ?
The whole TC started one night on MSN when me and Highwire were up late for some stupid reason. We thought it'd be fun to work on a base map, with every member of AMC having little rooms and stuff (At the time it was still alive and the community was still split into different forums and stuff) I built a base area, and made my room and then sent it to him and he made his. This was during Nuclear Showdown (a gameplay mod I made a few years back) development and during this time I was rapidly getting much better at coding. I then thought it would be awesome to have a multi-character TC carrying on the stories of many mods and TCs, like Mikko's Brave New World, Zaxtor's Oblivion, and my Imagination World game. It also took in ideas and story elements from mods like LR/WB/Chimera, The Gate, Pray your prayers, .etc .etc
As the mod went on, more elements and stuff got added. I think the biggest boost it received was once again when me and Highwire were on MSN discussing multiplayer. I didn't think it would even work but we tried it ingame and were amazed when it actually DID work - there were lots of sync errors but we managed to fix them. We spent nearly the whole of summer 2010 (I think 2010?) playing AMC TC multiplayer. Everyone apart from Zaxtor played a couple of games, one of the most iconic for me was when me, Sang, Geoffrey, Highwire and Sebastian all jumped into a quick DM version of 'For Providence' as ourselfs as a sort of stress test. It's too bad the net code isn't working now, but shit happens. I really do hope serious work is put into it this year, since co-op mode is a huge amount of fun.
Anyways the mod itself was different from IW and other stuff I've done since it's scope eventually turned out to be MUCH larger. IWv2 suffered badly from feature creep but everything put into AMC TC just 'fit' in - many things were experiments and 90% of the TC wasn't even really planned. I coded in the mech suit just as a suprise for one of our co-op games, it was fucking amazing to spend ages coding the thing and then seeing the other guys jump in and run around. INVURB was also great fun, and was played many many times over the course of development (Every time we beat it, I'd add something else to make it more difficult) Things like loadouts and research were added later in the game, but it's still amazing how well it came together in the end. The basic base building stuff was also relatively new.
For inspirations, everything really. If you're playing it and are reminded of a game or movie, (and a few references to a few books) then it's more likely than not one of the team played or watched the same thing and got inspired too