Version v1.10 is ready for download

-Revamped skill levels; the Expert and Professional skill levels give far greater challenge than Normal mode. Professional adds an even bigger challenge than Expert; the crosshair is disabled meaning guns with sights are far more vital to success, many weapons kick upwards meaning that you'll need to keep greater control of your weapon, and reloading takes longer meaning a careful approach is recommended. Don't forget that you can lean around corners to assess threats by standing, holding the use key, and pressing turn left/right.
-Beat all levels on Expert mode to unlock Gold standard weapons that can be purchased from the Shopkeeper. Although expensive, these weapons are effective against
all enemy types. Episode 1 has gold standard replacements for all character's slot 1 weapons.
-Beat all levels on Professional mode to unlock an extended ending for Episode 1. You only need to do this once, afterwards the ending will be unlocked and always show after the epilogue map.
-New weapons! 2 new guns can be found in Snow Base for Mikko, and several others are available for purchase from the Shopkeeper, as well as a new spell for Sang found in Dis Base.
-New enemies! The Zombie soldier and a suprising new addition to Dis base!
-New areas to Dis Base and Millhaven, and map improvements to many others as well
-Improved weapon bar showing akimbo gun modes and grenade launcher attachments, .etc .etc
-Lots and lots of bug fixes and improvements (see changelog)
This mammoth 8-character TC is finally ready for release, after several years of hard work. Featuring a huge range of features and effects (far too many to list here) The TC can be considered it's own game in it's right, taking story ideas from Duke Nukem as well as carrying on the storylines set in Imagination World (By myself), Oblivion (By Zaxtor) and Brave New World (By Mikko Sandt).
Featuring an episode of high-quality maps, built by myself, Rusty, Geoffrey, Highwire, Mikko and Sang. All the con coding, excluding a few parts by other coders such as DeeperThought, was by myself as well.
The AMC Squad is a paramilitary group formed by a man whose identity is unknown to all but a select few in the EDF and EAF. Using funds from both of those agencies as well as his own, he hired an old friend to track down 7 of the best and most skilled fighters on Earth. This squad was formed to tackle the most severe threats to Earth's safety, including fighting off the notorious Cycloid race of aliens. However, events soon unfold that dramatically increase the scale of conflict, and the AMC squad must soon deal with a new paranormal world that is new to even the most supernatural members of the team.
Can you fight as the AMC Squad, and take care of this threat? Will you scour the battlefield, find and aquire research and equipment and tackle the threat strategically, or just run in guns blazing? Will you choose to play as Sangluss, A warlock with great power who overcame a dark past? Or as Merlijn, the knight from Holland who wields ancient weaponry to deadly effect? Mikko, the Cybernetic leader of MS Corp industries, brings a range of deadly and hi-tech weaponry to the battlefield whereas Highwire relies only on good old fashioned guns (Preferably russian made!)
To those of you who played Imagination World and beat episode 4, if you copy the iw_complete.amctc file into the data directory in your AMC TC folder you'll unlock the 1911 and Jackhammer from IW for use when you play as James in the AMC TC

Please note that for the best experience, play this in Classic mode, Polymost does have support with widescreen functionality but Classic is what the vast majority of the team designed it in. Polymer is not supported.