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Duke It Out In D.C. HRP + Music Pack  "Coming up: New music pack by Jimmy!"

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


Let me know if you need any help with the MIDI rendering step. I would recommend generating FLAC (or WAV + text files for tags) and then transcoding afterward. And remember, MP3-->anything conversion is a sin. :lol:

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


 Hendricks266, on 10 January 2017 - 11:26 AM, said:

Let me know if you need any help with the MIDI rendering step. I would recommend generating FLAC (or WAV + text files for tags) and then transcoding afterward. And remember, MP3-->anything conversion is a sin. :lol:

Posted Image


 darkprince227, on 10 January 2017 - 06:23 AM, said:

I checked a very old to-do list and it said the ending cutscene was the only thing not done yet as well as some unused textures.

In any case, I'm definately having the music pack with the mod. Like I said somewhere before, I LOVE the X-Files theme and the Fate of Atlantis music in Brown Water makes it that much more interesting.

I believe they said they wouldn't bother remaking the ending cutscene as well as the original game's because the scenes were done in such a way that nowadays it's super hard to remake them, or it would require completely changing how they're handled which involves tremendous hardcoding ?

User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


The cutscene was only added to the to-do list for completeness purposes. It was never meant to be remade and will (most likely) never be. You also don't see anyone remaking the cutscenes for the original Duke3D, so... :lol:

This post has been edited by NightFright: 11 January 2017 - 12:38 AM



True. Although somebody did try remaking the ending cutscene for Duke Caribbean at one point.

But I'm not complaining, it all looks brilliant. :lol:

User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Jimmy has created a second release candidate for the MIDIs which should be identical with the final release. I have sent you links to the files via PM. Enjoy and thanks in advance for helping with this! ^^

User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


At long last, it has happened: The DukeDC Music Pack v2.0 is released!

From the news entry on the HRP website:


What you get with this is nothing less than a completely new soundtrack for Duke It Out In D.C. with original music, composed by James "Jimmy" Paddock. This creative guy has already shown his qualities as a composer in many Doom community projects (including standalone efforts such as his "Harmony" MIDI Pack), and this debut contribution of his for a Duke3D-related game is a remarkable event that deserves acknowledgement.

Initially, I had already proposed this project to Jimmy back in 2013 (free of charge back then), but it got delayed and did not really kick off before 2016 when it turned into a commission. Until January 2017, I have worked closely with Jimmy to give him ideas about the addon levels and which atmosphere I wished to be conveyed with the music. For digitizing the MIDI files (included in the music pack and usable ingame if two lines in duke3d.def inside of the zipfile are edited), we decided to use Maxime Abbey's Arachno Soundfont for best overall quality. In my opinion, the result is absolutely fantastic. For the first time, the DukeDC levels get their own, individual tracks and feel better than ever when you play them!
Maybe some of you who were using previous versions of my music pack (featuring selected music from various artists) may have problems getting used to the different approach at first, but I am absolutely convinced you will quickly learn to love it just as much as I do!

You may download the new DukeDC Music Pack right away in the Download section or listen to the tracks on Youtube first if you are curious.

That being said, I believe this was my final contribution to the DukeDC project. With the HRP is completed and the music pack having reached its ultimate form, I don't see how it could continue beyond this. Enjoy this final effort!

This post has been edited by NightFright: 30 April 2017 - 11:00 AM


User is offline   Mark 


I don't own the DukeDC game so I can't comment on how good a fit the music is to the levels. I listened to only The Star Spangled Banner so far and liked what I heard. Musically, I have 2 small nitpicks with the song but I will probably get past them after a few listens.

This post has been edited by Mark.: 30 April 2017 - 05:20 AM


User is online   Lunick 


I decided to do some "SC-55" renditions using Patch93's soundfont here for fun https://www.youtube....xtxJv0_DAMjWcnH (still being uploaded)

User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Brandon is actually working on true SC-55 recordings as alternatives. I guess he will tell you here once they are available. In general however, note that the Arachno version is the one recommended by Jimmy.

The tracks you can listen to on Youtube are also not 100% identical to the ones in the music pack. Jimmy didn't like how some instrument volumes turned out and manually applied adjustments where necessary. Unfortunately, he couldn't provide me with flac versions of these optimized tracks in time before release, so I had to do new recordings by myself and uploaded those. Maybe I replace them later, but still the current uploads are very useful if you want to know what the music sounds like in general.

Main thing is the music pack files are the definitive versions.

Jimmy also posted info about this pack in the Doomworld forums: https://www.doomworl...n-dc-midi-pack/

This post has been edited by NightFright: 30 April 2017 - 08:02 AM


User is offline   Jblade 


Really cool stuff, thanks for commissioning this and kudos to Jimmy for doing a really good job.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


I really love these tracks. I think they hit the classic Duke3D vibe wonderfully. Great job, Jimmy! SC-55 pack will be coming soonish.

EDIT: I'd like to point out that while I am making an SC-55 pack for completion's sake, I highly recommend everyone use Jimmy's original pack as that's what it was designed for and I'm all about the authentic experience!

This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 30 April 2017 - 01:48 PM


User is online   Ninety-Six 


Sorry for the bump, but I'm having a small issue. I only downloaded this for the music (I can't run the HRP), but the ending is muted. Is there a way to fix this without running the HRP?

User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


The ending of what exactly? Of each track?

In general, HRP has nothing to do with this. Whether you run it as standalone or with any HRP is (or should be) the exact same thing.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 24 April 2018 - 09:44 PM


User is online   Ninety-Six 


I mean the ending of the episode.

User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Is it just the music or sound in general? And what exactly is affected? Level ending screens or the finale cutscene after beating the boss?

User is online   Ninety-Six 


Finale cutscene. Music and SFX are gone.

User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Open dukedc_ogg.def in the music pack, search for this line
sound { id "30" file "dukedc/sounds/dukedc.ogg" }

and comment it out by adding "//" at the beginning:
// sound { id "30" file "dukedc/sounds/dukedc.ogg" }

Save and exit (7-Zip allows you to edit files within zipfiles without having to extract them first).

The game will use the voc file from the original release then. If this doesn't work, I don't know what could be the problem.
Any way, this looks like an EDuke32 issue since nothing is wrong with the definitions. It could also be the bitrate since all sound files included with the music pack are at 128 kbps, but dukedc.ogg is 224 kbps. Maybe EDuke32 does not like that for some reason.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 25 April 2018 - 04:55 AM


User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Out of curiosity:

Load the attached file after your music pack with unedited def files and tell me if you can hear the finale sound now. It contains dukedc.ogg converted from 224 kbps to 128 kbps.

User is online   Ninety-Six 


 NightFright, on 25 April 2018 - 04:52 AM, said:

Open dukedc_ogg.def in the music pack, search for this line
sound { id "30" file "dukedc/sounds/dukedc.ogg" }

and comment it out by adding "//" at the beginning:
// sound { id "30" file "dukedc/sounds/dukedc.ogg" }

Save and exit (7-Zip allows you to edit files within zipfiles without having to extract them first).

The game will use the voc file from the original release then. If this doesn't work, I don't know what could be the problem.
Any way, this looks like an EDuke32 issue since nothing is wrong with the definitions. It could also be the bitrate since all sound files included with the music pack are at 128 kbps, but dukedc.ogg is 224 kbps. Maybe EDuke32 does not like that for some reason.

 NightFright, on 25 April 2018 - 11:15 PM, said:

Out of curiosity:

Load the attached file after your music pack with unedited def files and tell me if you can hear the finale sound now. It contains dukedc.ogg converted from 224 kbps to 128 kbps.

Neither work, unfortunately. In fact in all three cases I hear the wind SFX from Shrapnel City's finale start up, but then abruptly cut off before deathly silence follows. (And yes, I am watching the cutscene all the way through. No matter what happens, the statue scene is no sound.)

User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


OK, but then this can hardly have anything to do with the music pack. If you commented out that line in the def as stated above, the game should use the default sound (dukedc.voc) which is supposed to work for sure.

Questions that could narrow down the possibilities:
> Is there anything in eduke32.log that may indicate a problem?
> Do you have any external con files loading (especially user.con or eduke.con), e.g. in autoload dir?
> Are you running other mods (non-HRP) along with DukeDC?

This post has been edited by NightFright: 26 April 2018 - 03:26 AM


User is online   Ninety-Six 


I had an idea, hold on...

EDIT: Nope. That didn't work either.

 NightFright, on 26 April 2018 - 03:17 AM, said:

Questions that could narrow down the possibilities:
> Is there anything in eduke32.log that may indicate a problem?

Nope. The "worst" thing in the log is it stating it failed to load the rest of the HRP, which I'm not running so that's to be expected.

 NightFright, on 26 April 2018 - 03:17 AM, said:

Questions that could narrow down the possibilities:
> Do you have any external con files loading (especially user.con or eduke.con), e.g. in autoload dir?

I'm not using autoload. I do have a few loose CONs in the root folder, but exactly zero of them are the ones eDuke calls on when running one of these vanilla. The only CONs in the root are the ones that are only called on when I explicitly run a mod.

 NightFright, on 26 April 2018 - 03:17 AM, said:

Questions that could narrow down the possibilities:
> Are you running other mods (non-HRP) along with DukeDC?

Nope, I am running this straight vanilla.

A question of my own: Would it matter at all if I said I was using the version of DC that came with Megaton? I'm not running it from the Megaton directory; I copied the GRP into my eDuke root folder outside of Steam's grasp altogether.

This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 26 April 2018 - 03:51 AM


User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


That shouldn't make any difference. AFAIK they only changed the maps in Megaton, and those are included as external files. The actual groupfile contains all the unaltered assets from the original.

If you are not using the music pack at all, does the cutscene sound play then?

User is online   Ninety-Six 



Well shit.

Actually now that I think about it, I think there's always been a problem. I seem to remember it formerly just playing the Shrapnel audio as opposed to dead silence. That's a recent development, it seems...

Either way I don't know where to take this now.

User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Well, that pretty much rules out the music pack as the source of your problem, doesn't it? :P

I have to check if I get the same problem. It might be an issue with EDuke32 then. You could try with older snapshots and see if any of those fix your problem. Would be good to know which build broke this, if it's really like that.


What's up, folks?! I'm back after who knows how long.

Anyway, got a problem, I can't get DC HRP to work I've downloaded it via SVN as well as Polymer HRP and it seems I'm unable to run both at once. I downloaded the ZIP file version from the HRP page and put it in "autoload" but that
doesn't display properly either. If I have one of the files selected in the "custom game content director" what happens is what I've included in the screenshots.

Please help, I don't know what to do. :)

BTW Hope everybody's coping OK in these crazy times

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: polymer_hrp selected.png
  • Attached Image: dc_hrp selected.png


User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Normally you put both files into autoload and it should work. Important is loading order, i.e. the Duke3D file must be named so it's alphabetically listed before the DukeDC one.


 NightFright, on 18 September 2020 - 02:34 AM, said:

Normally you put both files into autoload and it should work. Important is loading order, i.e. the Duke3D file must be named so it's alphabetically listed before the DukeDC one.

All fixed, I downloaded the ZIP file versions and put them in "autoload" everything works perfectly now :) Using the SVN thingy for these HRP's wasn't a good idea

User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Always stick to the official releases if you don't know what you are doing. The DukeDC HRP hasn't seen any update since the last official release, so it's not paying off to download directly from the repo.

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