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Duke It Out In D.C. HRP + Music Pack  "Coming up: New music pack by Jimmy!"

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer



That's cute, guys, but for greater justice, the different troopers should be in different locations, and maybe different poses. It's not hard -- just set it up in mapster, take a screenshot, then crop/reduce to make the avatar. It's good that everyone has a different pal. Mine is pal 16, it looks like Tom has pal 10 and Lun has pal 0.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


I'm not quite happy with the way this turned out.

Enforcer 266

Posted Image

This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 17 March 2012 - 10:31 PM


User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


HRP extract script on DUKE D.C. HRP:

-> Apparently does not match 3667_chandelier.png -> deletion candidate

Unused Polymost textures (replaced by diffuse maps):
-> Maybe worth keeping until ifdef implementation...

Adding a linefeed at the end of these DEFs would make parsing easier:

650KB cross-reference to Polymer HRP:
-> Not much. Why not put them into DCHRP to get rid of those dependencies?

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


Unnecessary duplication creates headaches over keeping things updated. Even if we eliminated all "direct" dependencies, the DCHRP is dependent on the HRP to look good. Otherwise any tiles from the main game, used both in the levels and in the menus/hud/fonts would not be highres and it would look bad.

I added the newlines to the seven def files that needed them.

This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 24 March 2012 - 01:09 PM


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


You can't run DukeDC without Duke3D, so it's only natural you can't run the DC HRP without the one for D3D. We shouldn't start duplicating contents, and it can be expected that those who have Duke3D also have the HRP for it.

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


Yesterday I gave DukeDC/HRP another go after quite some time - great job, guys!
Some parts just feel like a new game. However, some areas are way to bright in Polymer.
Are there any configuration file parameters I might change to deal with this?

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: DCtooBright1.jpg
  • Attached Image: DCtooBright2.jpg


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Et voilá! Back from the dead! ^^

Version 1.57 has been released. It will be compatible to the upcoming HRP release.

With this version, the time of different volumes for the music tracks is finally over - everything is normalized. Additionally, the tracks which have been converted from MIDI have been re-recorded with a much better soundfont, and the OGG files have a higher quality in general. While this increases the size of the HRP by 20-30 MB or so, the music sounds much better.

Since new maphacks will still be required after changing 13 models with different rotations, I have temporarily added the old models from official HRP 5.1 release. It will not stay like that, i.e. the old models will be removed again in a future release when I have the time to modify all the DC maphacks. It's a lot of work so I am hoping for your patience. :)


> Added:
- dukedc\sprites\props: 3651-3653 (trees), 3704 (painting)

> Revisions:
- dukedc\music: all tracks normalized
- dukedc\music: new recordings (with FluidR3 soundfount) for dc1_hero, dc2_therain,
, dc9_robocop3, dcsl_ominous

As a reminder:
Not much is missing to complete the pack! If you don't count the cutscene, we would still need the following highres versions of...


- 3697 (Bill Clinton tied to chair)

- 3760-3764 (burning Capitol)

- 3623 (floor sign)
- 3725 (US Armed Forces)
- 3736 ("Mummy Room")
- 3740 ("Nikki" poster)
- 3775-3778 (graffiti)

This post has been edited by NightFright: 20 December 2012 - 01:59 PM


User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


View PostNightFright, on 20 December 2012 - 05:19 AM, said:

Since new maphacks will still be required after changing 13 models with different rotations, I have temporarily added the old models from official HRP 5.1 release. It will not stay like that, i.e. the old models will be removed again in a future release when I have the time to modify all the DC maphacks. It's a lot of work so I am hoping for your patience. :lol:
Reviewed DukeDC maphacks for current (5.2*) and upcoming Duke 3D HRP available. To patch the current v1.57 DukeDC HRP ZIP, delete the highres folder and overwrite the *.mhk files with the new ones.

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


The bonus screen needs an update (or revert to the old animation frame).
Attached Image: DC-Bonus.jpg

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


OMG, I am not gonna do that again from scratch, man. It was a pain back then... xD I'll rather put the old frames back in there, that's a lot easier.

The new SVN revision has the new maphacks added and the old level stats tiles to restore the level ending screen.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 28 June 2013 - 12:43 PM


User is offline   Spiker 


So I've decided to tackle the most difficult model for this addon - Bill Clinton. I've started with the face as it's something what makes it or breaks it. Though it's not easy to make a model that would resemble someone I hope it resembles him at least a bit. Still a long way to go.

This post has been edited by Spiker: 14 July 2013 - 09:21 AM


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Facial expression is already getting there. George W. Bush did it with Leonard from Redneck Rampage... xDDDDDDD Keep goin'!

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


View PostNightFright, on 28 June 2013 - 12:15 PM, said:

OMG, I am not gonna do that again from scratch, man. It was a pain back then... xD I'll rather put the old frames back in there, that's a lot easier.

Cop-out. Maybe ask if whoever made the new one can give you a layered PSD? (I need it for NW too.) Also ask if they can fix the ooze puddle.

User is offline   Mark 


View PostSpiker, on 28 June 2013 - 12:32 PM, said:

So I've decided to tackle the most difficult model for this addon - Bill Clinton. I've started with the face as it's something what makes it or breaks it. Though it's not easy to make a model that would resemble someone I hope it resembles him at least a bit. Still a long way to go. Here it is:

Attachment twarz.png

After seeing your post I decide just for fun to do a quickie wrap a pic of Bill Clinton's face on the new Duke model.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: clint-duke.jpg

This post has been edited by Mark.: 28 June 2013 - 04:03 PM


User is offline   Spiker 


It doesn't look bad but a bit low res :)

User is offline   ---- 


View PostLeoD, on 28 June 2013 - 11:45 AM, said:

The bonus screen needs an update (or revert to the old animation frame).
Attachment DC-Bonus.jpg

Since dukes falls over to the left side (from our view) I'd say that the old anim is the way to go.

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


I can drop the PSD files for the end of level sequence. The blend files are included with the released source for the Duke model, so you can tweak them if required.

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


I don't have Photoshop, working with Paint.NET here. Anyway, I pulled it off once for the old image, I guess I can do it again. It is not needed before we release the next official HRP, anyway, so no need to hurry with it.

User is offline   Spiker 


Second attempt, this time with Duke model. It actually makes life a lot easier to use ready to go model.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: new.jpg


User is offline   Mark 


Looking better. Maybe grab and move some vertices to round off the head a little.

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


You are definitely on the right track. With the proper head shape and fine-tuning of the face, Uncle Bill is ready to call for Monica! xD

User is offline   Spiker 


I've put him into the suit :)

Attached Image: 1405.jpg

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Much better. I think it's all about the hairdo/head shape now... xD

User is offline   Spiker 


Another update. I'm using the chair from the HRP and I'm not sure how to link the textures so that I would not have to put them into DC HRP once again, anyone?

Attached Image: 1405.jpg

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


As long as you keep it a separate surface with the same UV map, you should be able to specify the original HRP path from def.


You should also release the untied Clinton, it could be useful to someone!

User is offline   Spiker 


Thanks for the tips. Billy should be now online. If someone wants this badly you can always pm me for the source.

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


"I did NOT have sex with this Cycloid Emperor!"

Superb work, man! ^^

*EDIT July 20*
I found the source file for 3240 (my customized DC level ending screen) from 2006. Luckily, I was using PSP back then and created source files (*.pspimage). I don't use that program any more, but maybe one of you can use this to put the Capitol into the new HRP image.
See attachment.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 20 July 2013 - 01:27 PM


User is offline   Spiker 


Recenlty I have added a few new textures. However I think that the graffiti textures does not have to be remade because they're big and they look good as it is, making them "highres" would not make them look better.

User is offline   Spiker 



So here it is, the burning capitol! The Duke it out in D.C. pack is almost done if you don't count the cutsceene (because none has been remade so far). Of course some art could be revised for better quality.

Posted Image

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