Spiker, on 26 June 2011 - 06:16 AM, said:
Also I skimmed through your addon to-do lists and they are completely illegible for me. You should really do something about that. Keep them simple like those made by Nightfright.
Sorry about that. I wrote them so that they would be an inventory of all the content, rather than a list where items are deleted when done.
I've been meaning to update them to something more user-friendly on my website, with sortable columns and content viewing, but I could never come up with an organized way (read: technology, like PHP, databases, spreadsheets, etc.) to do it.
Quick tutorial: It's a four-column chart. Status, Category, Description, Location. The keys for the symbols I use in Status and Category are contained at the top of the file. To mentally limit the list to to-do items, only pay attention to the ones with '!' and '?', and ignore the '…' and '*'. Description is either the proper name for the content in question, or a few brief words to explain what it is. Location is either the tile number or file name.