3dwizard, on Sep 3 2010, 08:53 PM, said:
Hey, would it be considered extreme to call that DNF reveal live stream, THE WORST and most amateurish piece of broadcast ever to be made by human kind?
Would I also be extreme if I said that I hated that arrogant high pitched, loud mouth fat geek of a presenter?
She was terrible and she managed to annoy me just for existing and living on the same planet as I am. I won't even go into details about how much she annoyed me with her style of fake enthusiasm and her high pitched voice always yelling and being so confused and exaggerating all the time about various shit that nobody seemed to care for...
But the worst anger that this stream has produced me aside from the OBVIOUSLY broken microphone, was that FUCKING RETARDED CAMERAMAN.
Did anybody else notice how he fucking managed to avoid every single little interesting thing in that demo while he filmed people playing demos?
I was literally going WTF every 5 seconds when I saw how he was FUCKING spinning in one foot with his gay ass motherfucking low quality camera.
That mother fucker did not care AT ALL about DNF. I could even hear his thoughts saying. "Omfg at all these ugly nerds here playing this piece of shit game.
Why the fuck do I have to film this shit game and why the fuck is all this commotion for a videogame?"
Man I seriously lost weight and years of sanity because of how much that stream managed to piss me off!
What the bloody hell are you going on about....every single goddamn thing you just bitched about has absolutely no validity whatsoever- were you even watching the same stream as I was? There was only one stream, no??
For real- with each moronic point you just made, it seemed as though you were attempting to pull shit further and further out of your ass.
For starters, the presenter was in no way arrogant, high pitched or fat. Nor was she any of the other negative adjectives you savagely threw in her direction. I found her to be cute, entertaining, informative, and efficient- everything I'd want from someone in her position. In fact, I'll admit that I found her to be so attractive and charming that I was *almost* split between the Duke footage and her....

She also seemed to genuinely be intrigued and interested by the game, so how you're coming up with the "fake enthusiasm" shit is far beyond me.
You might also need a hearing aide, 3dwizard, if you're going to bitch about the audio quality as well. I had zero problems understanding anything that was being said, and even if I missed word or two, all the juicy info and tidbits were repeated over and over, so such a thing was never an issue.
Finally your quips about the cameraman......how do you know he "avoided" all the good stuff? He was simply trying to get as much varied footage as possible. Rather than sit by one monitor and watch as one player shoots the same gun at one monster for ten minutes, wouldn't you rather see as much of the game as possible?? He did as good a job as he possibly could have, no complaints there from me.
And wtf are you fucking psychic, saying you can read his thoughts?? How the fuck can you determine someone's attitude about, well, ANYTHING, judging from a video feed SHOT BY THEM. No, voice, no facial expressions, no nothing to base your retarded assessment upon.
You seriously need to take a fucking chill pill; for me watching that feed was the most excitement and happiness I had experienced in quite some time....and I don't live anywhere near an unfulfilling life.
The only thing that pissed me off was your irrational, hyperbole-laced rant which failed to conform with anything resembling reality. Sheesh.