DanM, on Aug 22 2010, 07:50 AM, said:
If you, are the copyright holder, or an employee of the copyright holder, and you do not want any of the titles available here to be distributed, then please contact us and we will remove the link immediately.
All patents and trademarks are owned by their respective holders
I really don't think there will be a problem, that site is #7 on google search for "duke it out in dc" so you don't need to go to great lengths to track it down either, as far as i know the only way to make money on it is to sell it second hand on amazon.
Whats the worse that could happen? they tell us to take it down and we do, oh noes god forbid it could help sell more gog copies

I have every BUILD add-on ever made packaged and ready to go on Dukeworld.
Necro edit: I reviewed the email in question and here is the exact quote from Anthony Campiti: "I'm sorry to say but the answer to all of your questions is No... We have long since moved past those original products." I can no longer stand by my assertion of abandonware status.