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Duke Nukem: War of Attrition  "Discussion thread for DT's War of Attrition mod"

User is offline   E.C.S 


View PostDeeperThought, on 17 April 2011 - 06:37 PM, said:

Drinking water does heal, but only if you have <50 health.

You can change this by editing the following line in ATTDEFS.CON:


Note that the standard USER.CON from the original game also has a line like that, but it doesn't do anything. I made it functional in my mods.

I see, thanks. Your mods are good to learn things about Con editing, specially this mod. I hope someday (and if I'm not too lazy) do a little mod of this mod.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostDeeperThought, on 17 April 2011 - 05:09 PM, said:

I have seen that glitch before, though I never associated it with holding the devastator or walking through bloodpools. When it happened to me, it was always in last level of the WOA episode, when all hell had broken loose. The scrambled graphics can also affect monsters or their shields, not just the weapon you are holding. It happens rarely, which is both good and bad (good that it doesn't happen often, but bad because it makes it hard to track down). If you save the game, quit, then load the saved game, the glitch is gone. It seems to be some kind of memory corruption and I don't see what it could have to do with this particular mod. I never mentioned it before because I thought it might be a problem with my particular video card or driver.

I quit the game, reloaded the saved game, and the glitch went away. I never seen it before, but I did just recently switch from geforce to nforce drivers, so therein may lie the explanation..

User is offline   E.C.S 


Well, I'm surviving, it's getting impossible when I have only the pistol (Also sometimes I forgot to use the holoduke or the nuke). Behind that door (see attached file) lies much robots.

DT, question: Where I can find old versions of this mod?, I'm doing some experiments and I need some code of the older versions.

Edit: And yes, I activated God mode. I was needing the jetpack to pick up something.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: duke0000.jpg

This post has been edited by E.C.S: 24 April 2011 - 12:37 PM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostE.C.S, on 24 April 2011 - 12:35 PM, said:

DT, question: Where I can find old versions of this mod?, I'm doing some experiments and I need some code of the older versions.

How old do you need?

User is offline   E.C.S 


View PostForge, on 24 April 2011 - 01:10 PM, said:

How old do you need?

Well, right now, I'm needing the 1.20 and 1.22 version. Also, the attached cons in this topic will help me.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


I'm uploading them to mediafire now, but it's going real slow. Check back in an hour for a link.

User is offline   E.C.S 


View PostForge, on 24 April 2011 - 01:57 PM, said:

I'm uploading them to mediafire now, but it's going real slow. Check back in an hour for a link.

Roger that, and thanks.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


There's still some older versions uploading if you're interested. The two you requested should be available now.

Duke Stuff

User is offline   E.C.S 


View PostForge, on 24 April 2011 - 03:09 PM, said:

There's still some older versions uploading if you're interested. The two you requested should be available now.

Duke Stuff

Thanks again, I will check this link if I need another Attrition version.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


I started playing War of Attrition again the other day, found a few more bugs and things I could improve, so now I am releasing another update. I will upload this one to Mod DB, unless a major problem is discovered. I played through random missions mode and WOA mode, and I believe it is better balanced than ever. I'm less confident about high score mode, but I'm sure it's at least as good as before. The changes I made this time are pretty small, honestly, but they have a significant positive impact on gameplay.

And...that's probably it for this project for a long time, unless I get some more inspiration. It feels very done to me right now.

Download at the Fissile Materials site, linked in my signature.

I suppose I should add a section to the documentation for known bugs/issues, because there are some. At this point they they seem to be either beyond my control (i.e. involving mysterious eduke bugs) or are not worth fixing (minor glitches caused by my code that are hard to track down). Feh, maybe next time.


I want to express my gratitude for this mod : it's absolutely great being able to replay all these old and new levels with a new twist.
One of these days perhaps I'll release the map packs I did for myself.

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


Are MIDI files not supposed to play for levels that don't have one assigned? I remember it used to just pick random MIDI files in older versions (which I liked a lot), but now Attrition seems to be doing something weird. It leaves some levels without music, but one time I played the map Streets Of Gotham and it had "shock.mid" play and the same exact MIDI played again two levels later on the map "Service". This random song playing twice is rather strange and annoying.

I just wanted to ask about this before Attrition gets old and pointless to update, since it seems that Attrition is a finished product now.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostRadar1013, on 29 April 2011 - 07:14 AM, said:

Are MIDI files not supposed to play for levels that don't have one assigned? I remember it used to just pick random MIDI files in older versions (which I liked a lot), but now Attrition seems to be doing something weird. It leaves some levels without music, but one time I played the map Streets Of Gotham and it had "shock.mid" play and the same exact MIDI played again two levels later on the map "Service". This random song playing twice is rather strange and annoying.

I just wanted to ask about this before Attrition gets old and pointless to update, since it seems that Attrition is a finished product now.

I haven't noticed this problem you are talking about. The playing of midis was never supposed to be random. All of the levels should have specific music assigned to them. If a level was released with a midi, then usually that midi is assigned to it. If you look in ATTDEFS.CON, in the section with all the "definelevelname" commands, you'll see it is followed by music definitions, which assign music to all the levels in the ordinary way.

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


Um, thanks. I realized gotham.map and shock.map both have the same MIDI for them. I assumed all the other levels had no music because I couldn't hear any (just my luck that it were the quiet ones assigned to all of them). I play Attrition (and Duke in general) at school, so I can't keep the volume up for too long. Thanks for at least responding to the utter noob I am though.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


I'm putting together a small maintenance update. Now that Muelsa has made models for the liztroop laser pistol and battlelord minigun weapons, those can be used when the player uses the HRP. I also updated the defs to use the new RPG. I have added "Done & Dusted" (by Quakis and Mikko Sandt) and "Desert Storm" (by Loke) as playable maps. I'm fixing a kicking bug that Forge has complained about. Also, when using Polymer, F7 is now an adjustable overhead camera.

Is there anything else I should be adding, changing or fixing, as long as I'm doing this?

User is offline   E.C.S 


View PostDeeperThought, on 21 May 2011 - 09:47 PM, said:

I'm putting together a small maintenance update. Now that Muelsa has made models for the liztroop laser pistol and battlelord minigun weapons, those can be used when the player uses the HRP. I also updated the defs to use the new RPG. I have added "Done & Dusted" (by Quakis and Mikko Sandt) and "Desert Storm" (by Loke) as playable maps. I'm fixing a kicking bug that Forge has complained about. Also, when using Polymer, F7 is now an adjustable overhead camera.

Is there anything else I should be adding, changing or fixing, as long as I'm doing this?

Mmm... no, nothing important to say.. But it is possible to add the option "Double monster and ammo" from Dukeplus?

And yes, I requested this before :)

This post has been edited by E.C.S: 21 May 2011 - 10:09 PM



I have a request : why don't "linking" the point amount needed to get to the boss map to the difficulty level ?
Something like 300,000 + 1 x difficulty level (or 2x, if you want a more challenging experience).

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Is it fair to say that the game is too easy, overall? I feel that vanilla Duke is actually harder. Both of you guys are asking for more challenge.

User is offline   E.C.S 


Yes you are right, don't worry is normal. When someone master a difficult, it start a need for more challenge or a different challenge. For me, that is the reason why I play mods. Dukeplus is a excellent for the lots of options to vary the game and make it more challenging.


I was thinking about the replay value when asking that, but the game is not easy at all on skill level 2 (the one I usually play).

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostHeadless_Horseman, on 25 May 2011 - 04:45 PM, said:

I was thinking about the replay value when asking that, but the game is not easy at all on skill level 2 (the one I usually play).

A lot of maps are the same at all difficulty levels (except DIG). Also, in Attrition, even if a map does have difficulty levels it doesn't matter much because if you kill fewer enemies that means you are leveling up slower, and it balances out. So in this mod the difficulty is about the same regardless of which level you pick. Perhaps thats something I should rectify in the next release.


If you link the score you've to achieve before meeting the boss to the difficulty level, an unexperienced player could start at skill 1, play let's say 10 maps + the boss map, get used to the controls / items and so on and the replay at skill level two : this time he'll play let'say 20 maps (these are all hypotetical numbers, as the score in not directly tied to the number of maps you complete), get a more challenging experience and so on.
This will make the skill level 1 a sort of "training mode" and skill 4 would be a "Journey to Hell"-type of exeperience.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


New version uploaded, available at Fissile Materials (link in sig) as usual:

1.35 06-3-11

"Done & Dusted" by Quakis and Mikko Sandt and "Desert Storm" by Loke have been added as playable maps
Models for the laser pistol and minigun by Muelsa have been added. They are only used when starting a game with the HRP bat file. Also, the rocket launcher has been fixed so that it once again displays as a model when using the HRP.
When playing using the Polymer renderer, F7 view mode is now an adjustable overhead camera (there are controls for zooming in and out listed in the keyboard configuration). There is no point in using this unless you are also using the Polymer HRP. The Polymer HRP is only recommended for smaller, simpler maps.
The Damage Amplifier is a new inventory item. It doubles the player's damage when in use.
Some lizard troopers now have the ability to project a hologram of an enforcer; the hologram cannot be harmed, but can attack with real energy weapons. The troopers are vulnerable when projecting; find and kill them to shut off the hologram. I'm really not sure how players will like that. I think it adds to the gameplay in a good way overall, but it can be annoying at times.
Fixed a lot of little bugs which are too boring to list.
Greatly reduced damage of the ball lightning monster attack and the evil Duke's big rocket attack.

I ended up leaving the difficulty settings alone. It turns out that there is an important difference between the difficulties that I had forgotten about: the player takes reduced damage when playing on less than CGS (50% damage on POC and 75% damage on LR). So if you have been playing on LR and think the mod is hard, you are officially a pussy.

User is offline   supergoofy 


There is a bug with the info screen when you finish a level and latest eduke32. Everything is very dark (black screen) and I cannot see how many enemies I killed or how many secrets I found.
The problem started around SVN r1909 of eduke32.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postsupergoofy, on 25 June 2011 - 06:54 AM, said:

There is a bug with the info screen when you finish a level and latest eduke32. Everything is very dark (black screen) and I cannot see how many enemies I killed or how many secrets I found.
The problem started around SVN r1909 of eduke32.

I know that, and I started a thread about it yesterday. I'm not sure why you are reporting it here. Maybe you think it only effects this mod?

User is offline   supergoofy 


View PostDeeperThought, on 25 June 2011 - 08:10 AM, said:

I know that, and I started a thread about it yesterday. I'm not sure why you are reporting it here. Maybe you think it only effects this mod?

Yeah, I haven't checked other mods, as I played only Attrition. That's why I reported it here as I didn't know if it was eduke32 problem or some bug with the mod.

Anyway it's really an awesome mod. Big thanks.


there is a new SVN build r1918 . This build is supposed to fix it.


r1918 fixed it, confirmed

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 25 June 2011 - 10:43 AM


User is offline   Mike Norvak 

  • Music Producer


Some guy made a review of Attrition and few Dukeplus levels:


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Thanks for the heads up! I replied to his video, pointing out a few things.

User is offline   Mikko 

  • Honored Donor


Ugh, took nearly two months (maybe 3-4 sittings) and 24 levels to finish a custom-map episode. Gonna start writing a review now.

I had actually started Attrition many times before but my interest always faded or you released some major update that implemented some major changes.

Here's how my upgrades list looked by the end of it:

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: end.jpg


User is offline   Mikko 

  • Honored Donor


Lol, took me 31 waves in the War of Attrition mode (the episode) to die, and this was in Roch Island. Pure chaos.

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