Duke Nukem: War of Attrition "Discussion thread for DT's War of Attrition mod"
#31 Posted 10 March 2010 - 10:08 PM
I'm not usually this quiet about my projects, but this mod is not very visual. Most of the time when you are playing it, it just looks like regular Duke 3D with a modified HUD. I have focused my efforts on tweaking gameplay, getting the balance right, fixing bugs and other unexciting things. I will be showing some screenshots and movies in the next few weeks, though.
#32 Posted 10 March 2010 - 10:14 PM
DeeperThought, on Mar 11 2010, 05:08 PM, said:
I'm not usually this quiet about my projects, but this mod is not very visual. Most of the time when you are playing it, it just looks like regular Duke 3D with a modified HUD. I have focused my efforts on tweaking gameplay, getting the balance right, fixing bugs and other unexciting things. I will be showing some screenshots and movies in the next few weeks, though.
Cool bananas, hope it turns out well
#33 Posted 12 March 2010 - 02:19 AM

This screen shows the weapon upgrades the player has acquired. There are 32 different types of weapon mods, and weapons receive them automatically upon leveling up from use. The display code I am using for this has the advantage of being tidy (I mean the way it is coded, not the way it looks), but there are some disadvantages to the system. Upgrades are not listed in the order in which the were received, instead there is a global ordering of upgrades (so for example BLEEDING WOUNDS is always listed before STUNS, regardless of which the weapon got first). The other disadvantage is that if an upgrade (such as + DAMAGE) has been received multiple times, it is only listed once. However, I like the fact that all of the upgrade information for a weapon can be contained within a single variable, so I'm probably going to stick with the current system.
It's very unlikely that the game would go on long enough for all the weapons to be upgraded as much as you see in the screen shot. An actual game would probably end with about half of the weapons upgraded as much as pictured, and the rest with only a few upgrades. It depends in part on which maps got randomly selected, since different maps contain different weapons. The more popular weapons (e.g. shotgun) require more experience points to upgrade, whereas some weapons (e.g. tripbombs) take vastly less to upgrade.
When starting a new game, most weapons are nerfed. For example, RPG has a lower firing rate and lower running speed. The "upgrades" for RPG that give it faster rate of fire and faster running speed merely restore it to its normal vanilla state (but of course it also receives a lot of other upgrades which eventually make it into a super weapon).
The blue pistol in the third row is the laser pistol. I still need to get a pickup sprite for it.
Leech is the final upgrade for each weapon, received when the weapon reaches level 7.
This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 12 March 2010 - 02:26 AM
#34 Posted 12 March 2010 - 02:32 AM
DeeperThought, on Mar 12 2010, 09:19 PM, said:

This screen shows the weapon upgrades the player has acquired. There are 32 different types of weapon mods, and weapons receive them automatically upon leveling up from use. The display code I am using for this has the advantage of being tidy (I mean the way it is coded, not the way it looks), but there are some disadvantages to the system. Upgrades are not listed in the order in which the were received, instead there is a global ordering of upgrades (so for example BLEEDING WOUNDS is always listed before STUNS, regardless of which the weapon got first). The other disadvantage is that if an upgrade (such as + DAMAGE) has been received multiple times, it is only listed once. However, I like the fact that all of the upgrade information for a weapon can be contained within a single variable, so I'm probably going to stick with the current system.
It's very unlikely that the game would go on long enough for all the weapons to be upgraded as much as you see in the screen shot. An actual game would probably end with about half of the weapons upgraded as much as pictured, and the rest with only a few upgrades. It depends in part on which maps got randomly selected, since different maps contain different weapons. The more popular weapons (e.g. shotgun) require more experience points to upgrade, whereas some weapons (e.g. tripbombs) take vastly less to upgrade.
When starting a new game, most weapons are nerfed. For example, RPG has a lower firing rate and lower running speed. The "upgrades" for RPG that give it faster rate of fire and faster running speed merely restore it to its normal vanilla state (but of course it also receives a lot of other upgrades which eventually make it into a super weapon).
The blue pistol in the third row is the laser pistol. I still need to get a pickup sprite for it.
Leech is the final upgrade for each weapon, received when the weapon reaches level 7.
Looking good, Vortex Of Doom? Sounds Nice
#35 Posted 13 March 2010 - 03:04 PM
#36 Posted 13 March 2010 - 11:55 PM

#37 Posted 14 March 2010 - 06:19 AM
#38 Posted 14 March 2010 - 11:14 AM
#39 Posted 14 March 2010 - 01:30 PM
All a dukefan wants! without freak or complicated things.
Does the mod hav any prop of dukeplus? like pickup items as battlelord auto cannon, etc
#40 Posted 24 March 2010 - 09:38 AM
There's a few things that I could use help with. The main one is beta testing. I have played it a lot, but I don't have enough time to do an adequate job by myself. If I had a few people who could play some episodes from beginning to end, and then report on bugs, balance issues, etc., it would be a big help. Any volunteers?
Also, I could use some help picking music for all of the included user maps (most of them did not come with any).
#41 Posted 24 March 2010 - 09:49 AM

#42 Posted 24 March 2010 - 08:48 PM
DeeperThought, on Mar 24 2010, 01:38 PM, said:
There's a few things that I could use help with. The main one is beta testing. I have played it a lot, but I don't have enough time to do an adequate job by myself. If I had a few people who could play some episodes from beginning to end, and then report on bugs, balance issues, etc., it would be a big help. Any volunteers?
Also, I could use some help picking music for all of the included user maps (most of them did not come with any).
I play an episode or two nightly anyway. I'd be happy to help test them out and report what I find from a players point of view.
#43 Posted 24 March 2010 - 09:14 PM
#44 Posted 24 March 2010 - 10:41 PM
#45 Posted 24 March 2010 - 10:52 PM
If so, I like that.
Still miss the good old DNA though.

#47 Posted 26 March 2010 - 09:17 AM
#48 Posted 26 March 2010 - 10:21 AM

#49 Posted 27 March 2010 - 09:21 AM
It wasn't supposed to be a trailer, just some random gameplay footage, but then I added some titles so it looks trailer-ish. At 6+ minutes, it's way too long for a trailer and needs editing. I'll probably make a real trailer in April.
#50 Posted 27 March 2010 - 11:11 AM

Fighting a dukebot to make it yours? A cool idea

No super shotgun? Why not?
#51 Posted 27 March 2010 - 11:22 AM
supergoofy, on Mar 27 2010, 12:11 PM, said:

Fighting a dukebot to make it yours? A cool idea

No, it just happened that I spawned a Dukebot at around the same time that I was fighting one of the evil purple Dukes. However, the expander becomes a cloner when you level it up, and you can clone enemies to fight for you.
supergoofy, on Mar 27 2010, 12:11 PM, said:
Because there are already enough weapons, and the regular shotgun becomes super enough when it's upgraded. And I don't have infinite time, and other reasons.
#52 Posted 27 March 2010 - 07:42 PM

And that thing with the expander/cloner looks very interesting. Will I be able to clone a boss?
How many maps and how many episodes do you plan to include? I hope that you will include as many as you can.
I'm interested in this mod, but I suck in beta testing, thus I didn't ask to be a beta tester. (I don't know if I can be of any help at all).
This post has been edited by supergoofy: 27 March 2010 - 07:44 PM
#53 Posted 27 March 2010 - 08:07 PM
supergoofy, on Mar 27 2010, 08:42 PM, said:

And that thing with the expander/cloner looks very interesting. Will I be able to clone a boss?
That was a useful question to ask. At the moment, only monsters that can be blown up by the expander can be cloned (because I used the genericgrowcode state as the cloning state) and it turns out that does not include any bosses. But that sucks! The expander/cloner should work on bosses, as long as they aren't pal 0. I'll change it. Unbalancing the game is not really an issue in this case, because (a) the expander is a rare weapon, and (

supergoofy, on Mar 27 2010, 08:42 PM, said:
Currently there are 73 user maps. Most of these are in the random mission episodes. You have to complete 12 randomly selected maps, followed by the boss map (for the boss map, I'm using the last map of WG's alien episode, which is damned near perfect for this mod.) At some point I will add more, and the number will probably reach at lesat 100.
#54 Posted 27 March 2010 - 09:17 PM
#55 Posted 28 March 2010 - 11:31 AM

#56 Posted 28 March 2010 - 12:24 PM
Spiker, on Mar 28 2010, 12:31 PM, said:

Wait a few hours and I'll have another update ready. As for the last battle: I have won it on CGS with the new code, but I used the expander a lot which helped tremendously. You can level up the expander from 0 to 7 in that map (just hold the expander and use nukes or the dukebot to get the first few levels). Then use it to make good clones of the enemies in the arena area and they will do a lot of the work.
This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 28 March 2010 - 12:27 PM
#57 Posted 29 March 2010 - 02:52 AM
#58 Posted 30 March 2010 - 11:36 AM

Eh, I guess the bullet holes don't look very good, now that I see it large.
For Mod DB, I need a preview image, as well as a profile header image. At the moment I don't have any ideas for them. I suppose the preview image could be made from screenshots.
I also need some ideas for finishing the mod. Specifically, I want to include some unlockable extras for getting high scores or perhaps for other achievements, but at the moment I don't know what those would be.
The mod plays very well now with hardly any bugs. It's still on track to be released in April.
This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 30 March 2010 - 11:37 AM
#59 Posted 01 April 2010 - 01:35 PM
#60 Posted 01 April 2010 - 02:57 PM
lostroamer, on Apr 1 2010, 02:35 PM, said:
I'll send you a copy as soon as I make a few more changes.