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Duke Nukem: War of Attrition  "Discussion thread for DT's War of Attrition mod"

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


Now try it with auto-aim turned off

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postsupergoofy, on 12 July 2012 - 05:06 AM, said:

check this

Either there are two different customized Attrition projects going on, or I had seen an earlier version of this. I like about 50% of the changes. One thing I wonder about is the UT killing spree bonuses: what do they give you? And why does it seem like there is no timer on the bonus? He keeps getting the bonuses even though lots of time is passing between kills.

It looks like at least 90% of his changes are cosmetic. So after I do the next gameplay update, I'll ask again for his version and try to incorporate the best of his changes.

User is offline   supergoofy 


This modification of Attrition (I do not mean the original Attrition v1.40, but the one that is shown in the yutube video) reminds me a little of Naferia's Reign: Invasion of the Dark Mistress

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 13 July 2012 - 05:46 AM


User is offline   Player Lin 


View Postsupergoofy, on 13 July 2012 - 05:36 AM, said:

This modification of Attrition (I do not mean the original Attrition v1.40, but the one that is shown in the yutube video) reminds me a little of Naferia's Reign: Invasion of the Dark Mistress

Hm, me too.

But for some reasons, I would like play original WoA and NR:IotDM more than that modded WoA mod. :(

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 13 July 2012 - 06:07 AM


User is offline   supergoofy 


Personally I like Attrition the way it is now. Maybe few improvements are needed here and there.

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 13 July 2012 - 07:41 AM


User is offline   king karl 


Hi iv been playing WOA and duke plus since their first versions i still enjoy them but i thought of a few ideas to keep them fresher

1. can you add the liztrooper from imperium (the one with the cape and claws) to the random selection of liztroops that might show up a little later on? i realize they might not always be able to climb the way they did in imperium but they would be nice to see.

2. there was a 3d model for a large 2 legged mech that i think appeared in imagination world 2? it would also make a great enemy for late in the game

3. this last one might not be possible or just take alot of time but it would be great if WOA came with a "random maps" folder and any map i placed in that folder would be added to the pool of random maps. that way i can compile my own list of playable usermaps

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postking karl, on 19 July 2012 - 09:40 PM, said:

1. can you add the liztrooper from imperium (the one with the cape and claws) to the random selection of liztroops that might show up a little later on? i realize they might not always be able to climb the way they did in imperium but they would be nice to see.

That's a badass enemy, to be sure, but adding it would probably not be worthwhile. Besides greatly increasing the file size of the mod, it would require a lot of additional coding in order to make it compatible with all of the special abilities and other AI enhancements that Attrition enemies can have. Also, I'd be concerned about a jarring contrast in graphics between that and every other enemy in the game.

View Postking karl, on 19 July 2012 - 09:40 PM, said:

2. there was a 3d model for a large 2 legged mech that i think appeared in imagination world 2? it would also make a great enemy for late in the game

Honestly, I think that model is crap. It's an old md2 with few animations, and animates poorly IIRC.

View Postking karl, on 19 July 2012 - 09:40 PM, said:

3. this last one might not be possible or just take alot of time but it would be great if WOA came with a "random maps" folder and any map i placed in that folder would be added to the pool of random maps. that way i can compile my own list of playable usermaps

I have wanted to do something like that for a long time, but it would require source code changes so that episodes can be defined dynamically based on directory searches. I have requested this a few times, but have been rebuffed, so it's not going to happen any time soon.

Here's what I do plan:

--Add some new maps and get rid of some old ones that aren't as good.
--Have just one random missions episode with a random final boss map (having 3 is redundant and cluttered)
--Add a "best of" episode that is non-random with some story and scripted events
--Add some new 8-bit enemies (and do it right, giving them lot of variants)
--Add a few more weapon upgrades and enemy abilities

And if I'm feeling more ambitious:

--Add a menu that gives the player some control over upgrades (e.g. stat points)
--Add a second character with an entirely different set of weapons, OR allow Duke to choose a set of weapons from a larger selection

User is offline   supergoofy 


what about an option to continue to next episode when finished one and keeping the stats and upgrades?

User is offline   Jblade 


Just an FYI, the level limit was increased to 64 maps per episode instead of 32 - you might of already seen that but I thought I'd post just incase you missed it.

User is offline   Player Lin 


View Postsupergoofy, on 20 July 2012 - 08:31 AM, said:

what about an option to continue to next episode when finished one and keeping the stats and upgrades?

Isn't High Score Challenge episode is enough? It's just endless episode like forever(LOL), and unless you died and not save your game recently or just give up, it won't ended.

Unless you want the autosaving or something that don't have in the 4th episode, but I guess they're not really problems when you can save your game whenever...

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 20 July 2012 - 09:18 AM


User is online   Mike Norvak 

  • Music Producer


What about including the new monsters from total meltdown? PSX rips Like the pigcop variants and the shark drone

This post has been edited by Norvak: 21 July 2012 - 10:03 AM


User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostNorvak, on 21 July 2012 - 09:57 AM, said:

What about including the new monsters from total meltdown? PSX rips Like the pigcop variants and the shark drone

I suppose I could. Has anyone cut those into individual frames yet?

I wish there were variants of the liztroops. The most common enemy in the game, and also the one with the most varied gameplay (jetpacking, cloaking, etc.) But I won't complain about having 3 different pigcops.

User is offline   supergoofy 


A bug of eduke32 :

Sometimes after lots of saving and loading, especially loading (I die a lot), eduke32 exits without a message when I try to load a savegame.

I'm using the latest eduke32 r2846 but this happened at least 2-3 times with older eduke32 builds.

It happened again today so I thought I should mentioned it. Also today I used Polymer renderer. But I'm almost sure that it happened with Polymost too.

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


Please post the log, surely there's something interesting there...

Also, we occasionally forget to bump savegame versions after introducing an incompatibility, so for 100% safety only save and load from identical revisions. In general, failure to load a game that was properly saved is a bug, of course.

User is offline   king karl 


View PostTrooper Dan, on 21 July 2012 - 11:01 AM, said:

I suppose I could. Has anyone cut those into individual frames yet?

I wish there were variants of the liztroops. The most common enemy in the game, and also the one with the most varied gameplay (jetpacking, cloaking, etc.) But I won't complain about having 3 different pigcops.

perhaps you could include models from the nuclear winter or lifes a beach liztroops? i like the santa hat one!

User is offline   tomo 


Hay im new to the forums ive encounted this weird bug playing attrition im using the polymost hrp and the zpacks alternative laser pistol when i get the bleeding wounds upgrade insted of showing bleeding wounds it shows the laser pistol instead ive tried deleting textures cache but that doesnt do the trick any ideas whats causing this.Thanks

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: eduke32 2012-11-05 20-14-06-76.png
  • Attached Image: eduke32 2012-11-05 20-14-28-91.png


User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


View Posttomo, on 05 November 2012 - 01:33 AM, said:

Hay im new to the forums ive encounted this weird bug playing attrition im using the polymost hrp and the zpacks alternative laser pistol when i get the bleeding wounds upgrade insted of showing bleeding wounds it shows the laser pistol instead ive tried deleting textures cache but that doesnt do the trick any ideas whats causing this.Thanks
I'm 98.3% sure this is a Z-Pack issue. To be continued in "my" thread...

User is offline   Valherran 


Sorry for a bump of an ancient thread, but is this MOD going to be worked on again? I posted alot of bugs in the MODDB page a while back, but got no feedback from them. :-(

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostValherran, on 10 March 2013 - 05:40 PM, said:

Sorry for a bump of an ancient thread, but is this MOD going to be worked on again? I posted alot of bugs in the MODDB page a while back, but got no feedback from them. :-(

Yeah, sorry about that. I do plan to work on it again, but I don't know when it will happen. I'm having trouble deciding how ambitious I want to be with it. Believe it or not, I think about it several times a week. If you don't mind, post the bugs here in this thread, because I seldom go to Mod DB.

The next release will most likely be an update with only bug fixes, some new maps, and minor feature updates. Beyond that, there are many possibilities. More enemy types, enemy mod types, and weapon upgrades are obvious possibilities. I would also like to give the player some build choices, and that's where things get complicated. Should there be assignable stat points? Skill points? Right now it's all based on weapon XP and pickups. I've also considered the possibility of having an alternative weapon set, and/or allowing players to choose how their weapons evolve.

User is offline   Valherran 


Yeah, sure thing, copied from MODDB:

I came back to this and ran into some things while playing the 1.40 version:

1. I have been getting killed often by the walls and doors in all of the maps. Running into them a certain way causes me to go through them and get squished.

2. Evil Dukes are able to pass through certain terrain that would normally be unaccessable or would cause the player to squish.

3. Death Rage will consume all medical pickups if walking over them while it is active and not heal you. Using a Med-kit will cause it to consume the entire kit and not heal you as well.

4. Having Death Rage or a Shield active causes rare and unexplainable glitches when holding a fully charged alt fire on the Laser Pistol.

5. Using the alt fire for the Pistol causes it to consume 1 extra bullet.

Some requests I would like to make as these occurrences are extremely annoying and can get you killed:

1. Can you code the game to NOT auto switch to Med-kit when picking up medical supplies from the ground? It is extremely annoying, especially when I am fighting a boss with a Damage Amp selected, it has gotten me killed a load of times.

2. Can you add a customizable auto save timer? The game auto saves too frequently, and the massive screen freeze that occurs causes me to get killed often. Such as throwing my aim into a random direction and have me move somewhere I did not intend to move, it is really bad.

War of Attrition Mode Bugs:

1. Killing the last monster on the last wave of the level, using the Battlelord's Chaingun, causes the firing animation to keep going until the score screen appears. (Nothing major)

2. Killing Alien Drone variants, or Alien Queen variants with the Cloner/Expander, causes the monster count and pointer to glitch. Basically it forces you to kill your own minions in order to complete the wave/level.

3. Blue Alien Drones under your control will sometimes attack you in retaliation when experiencing bug #2.

4. Evil Dukes under your control do not die after every wave.

5. Blue enhanced Evil Dukes sometimes clip through walls. This only seems to occur in WoT mode.

6. Most enemies often shoot at walls in the direction you are in, but you are no where near their line of sight.

7. Enemies armed with explosive projectiles often kill themselves. This mainly occurs with bug #6.


The next release will most likely be an update with only bug fixes, some new maps, and minor feature updates. Beyond that, there are many possibilities. More enemy types, enemy mod types, and weapon upgrades are obvious possibilities. I would also like to give the player some build choices, and that's where things get complicated. Should there be assignable stat points? Skill points? Right now it's all based on weapon XP and pickups. I've also considered the possibility of having an alternative weapon set, and/or allowing players to choose how their weapons evolve.

OMG yes! I do miss the old character building from DNWMD, the stat points is a good idea too, chosen evolutions would make life easier in some maps, and the alternate weapon load out idea would kick so much ass! ^^

User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostValherran, on 10 March 2013 - 10:14 PM, said:

2. Can you add a customizable auto save timer? The game auto saves too frequently, and the massive screen freeze that occurs causes me to get killed often. Such as throwing my aim into a random direction and have me move somewhere I did not intend to move, it is really bad.

I would just shut down it, tell that Autosave to go the f***ing hell with itself and use F2 or quicksave to get rid of that stupid autosave problems...

And it works well......unless you forgot to save your damn game. :angry:

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 12 March 2013 - 02:03 AM


User is offline   Valherran 


View PostPlayer Lin, on 12 March 2013 - 02:03 AM, said:

I would just shut down it, tell that Autosave to go the f***ing hell with itself and use F2 or quicksave to get rid of that stupid autosave problems...

And it works well......unless you forgot to save your damn game. :angry:

Lol, I know, I pretty much had to turn it off because of the issues I was having. I was hoping it could at least be set to auto save at the beginning of each level.

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Thanks for the bug reports. I think that some of those have already been fixed in my build, but I will review them all. About auto-save: I can add a third option so the player has a choice between OFF, ON LEVEL START, and FREQUENT.

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Tonight I worked on this and fixed about half of the listed bugs. :angry:
Hopefully I'll get more time to work on it tomorrow.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


When the new netcode is finished and bug free, would Attrition be adapted for it to enable coop? It would be cool to do a high score challenge like that, or maybe something long term that you could return to and play over multiple sessions.

Then again I suppose Attrition is more of a singleplayer experience. Dukeplus on the other hand...

User is offline   Valherran 


View PostTrooper Mick, on 12 March 2013 - 11:09 PM, said:

When the new netcode is finished and bug free, would Attrition be adapted for it to enable coop? It would be cool to do a high score challenge like that, or maybe something long term that you could return to and play over multiple sessions.

Then again I suppose Attrition is more of a singleplayer experience. Dukeplus on the other hand...

Speaking of Duke Plus, will this mod ever incorporate it's menu of goodies from it? I would love to have those customized settings such as doubling of monsters etc for Attrition. ^^

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostTrooper Mick, on 12 March 2013 - 11:09 PM, said:

When the new netcode is finished and bug free, would Attrition be adapted for it to enable coop?

Sounds like a good idea. But since a lot of the upgrades are drop based, I would want to make them player-specific (like Diablo 3 where drops are only visible to the intended player). Because it sucks when someone hogs all the loot.

View PostValherran, on 13 March 2013 - 03:42 AM, said:

Speaking of Duke Plus, will this mod ever incorporate it's menu of goodies from it?

It would be too much trouble to incorporate that type of menu while maintaining the balance and gameplay that I want.

User is offline   Valherran 


View PostTrooper Dan, on 13 March 2013 - 07:08 AM, said:

Sounds like a good idea. But since a lot of the upgrades are drop based, I would want to make them player-specific (like Diablo 3 where drops are only visible to the intended player). Because it sucks when someone hogs all the loot.

It would be too much trouble to incorporate that type of menu while maintaining the balance and gameplay that I want.

Coop mode would be soooo great. ^^

The Duke Plus menu could strictly be a "use at your own risk" feature? If not I guess I can live with that...

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


I have done a lot of work on this in the last few days. I will upload an open beta this weekend for anyone who would like to give feedback. The biggest thing that I have done for this next version so far is added an entirely new enemy. Normally that wouldn't be a lot of work, but in this mod, every enemy has lots of variants that have to be coded as well. I have also fixed bugs, added some new levels and streamlined the episode selections.

User is offline   Valherran 


I am interested in the BETA test, sign me up! ^^

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