The Supreme Topic of Miscellaneous Knowledge "Trivia, Research, etc."
#332 Posted 06 January 2013 - 02:40 PM
#333 Posted 07 January 2013 - 11:57 AM
#334 Posted 08 January 2013 - 02:14 AM
#335 Posted 15 January 2013 - 10:50 AM
FILENAME v1.0 v1.1 v1.3d -------- ------- ------- ------- DEFS.CON 23 685 23 682 28 893 GAME.CON 70 287 71 320 99 639 USER.CON 31 770 33 407 36 960 E1L1.MAP 101 970 (same) 102 806 E1L2.MAP 103 898 104 066 (same) E1L3.MAP 156 466 156 698 (same) E1L4.MAP 184 078 (same) 184 166 E1L5.MAP 167 658 168 338 168 514 E1L6.MAP 107 030 (same) 107 222 TILES009.ART 708 811 708 217 (same) TILES012.ART 787 667 (same) 858 849 DETHTOLL.MID 8 001 (same) 7 185 SNAKE1.MID 42 689 (same) 36 088 STREETS.MID 48 147 (same) 52 051 THECALL.MID 23 413 (same) 16 764 WATRWLD1.MID 28 224 (same) 25 371
I haven't run a byte-by-byte check to see if the files with identical sizes were really identical, though. Out of the differences above, TILES009.ART starting from v1.1 added a "WARNING: ADULT CONTENT" message to the title screen, and replaced the unused crosshair sprite with the one that is used in all other versions. TILES012.ART added the level loading screen in v1.3d (earlier versions lack a loading screen altogether).
Also, here are the VOC files added in v1.3d:
2RIDE06.VOC 36 266 ALERT.VOC 3 127 BLOWIT01.VOC 16 754 CHEW05.VOC 52 255 COMPAMB.VOC 18 209 DSCREM15.VOC 10 642 DSCREM16.VOC 9 677 DSCREM17.VOC 5 529 DSCREM18.VOC 12 210 DSCREM38.VOC 13 499 EATSHT01.VOC 19 492 FACE01.VOC 31 405 GEARGRND.VOC 8 697 HAIL01.VOC 20 214 HAPPEN01.VOC 13 719 INHELL01.VOC 15 506 LETGOD01.VOC 16 172 LIZSPIT.VOC 10 761 LSRBMBPT.VOC 1 926 NOBODY01.VOC 36 937 PAIN54.VOC 2 568 PAIN68.VOC 4 536 PAIN75.VOC 4 049 PAIN93.VOC 3 712 PISSES01.VOC 27 560 PREDRM.VOC 9 664 REACTOR.VOC 5 575 RIP01.VOC 29 210 SECRET.VOC 21 393 SHRINKER.VOC 9 701 SUBWAY.VOC 9 453 SUKIT01.VOC 15 327
Most of them are Duke's one-liners and some ambient sounds. Old VOC files haven't changed from v1.0 - at least, they all have the same sizes.
Also no idea why the MIDIs were changed, but this seems to be not the first time with Apogee games.
#336 Posted 15 January 2013 - 01:25 PM
In the meantime, here is a "complete" comparison of the Duke v0.99 art which also includes stuff descriptions of changes from the other sharewares.
#337 Posted 16 January 2013 - 09:38 AM
Hendricks266, on 15 January 2013 - 01:25 PM, said:
Ah-hah, I knew I've seen the old crosshair sprite somewhere before

#338 Posted 16 January 2013 - 11:33 AM
Hendricks266, on 15 January 2013 - 01:25 PM, said:
You could add that the early RPG resemble the ROTT rocket:

#339 Posted 23 January 2013 - 11:27 AM

However, when trying to load the Come Get Some difficulty with the /s2 switch, I noticed that it would get me on a lower difficulty level instead. Using /s3 didn't help either.
I decided to investigate this, and it turns out that the difficulty levels loaded with the /s switch work as follows:
/s2 selects skill level 1
/s3 selects skill level 2
/s4 selects skill level 3
/s5 selects skill level 4
Now the fun part is, other values also load various skill levels - at least, the save/load screens indicate different values.
/s1, as you may have guessed, selects skill level 0:

As far as I can tell, it's identical to Piece of Cake.
Further on, /s0 selects skill level 255:

You can go even further by using negative values, e.g. /s-1 will result in skill level 254:

This works in the opposite direction too, /s6 selects skill level 5:

All skill levels above 4 seem to be fully identical to skill level 3.
You can also use the /q switch to turn on the "fake multiplayer" mode but v1.0 doesn't have any bot AI (as is mentioned in the supplied manual BTW). IIRC, the shareware v1.3d has a functional botmatch option but I'm not 100% sure about that.
On a somewhat related note, the early shareware versions of Shadow Warrior allow to load a similar "Single-player Comm-Bat mode" (yeah, apparently it was called the Comm-Bat mode initially, like in Rise of the Triad) but I don't remember if there are actually any bots there (Shadow Warrior shareware v1.0 and v1.1 don't run in DOSBox BTW, or at least I haven't figured out how to pull that off).
#340 Posted 24 January 2013 - 12:24 PM
/s1 selects Easy (0 on the save/load screen)
/s2 selects Medium (1 on the save/load screen)
/s3 selects Normal (2 on the save/load screen)
/s4 selects Hard (3 on the save/load screen)
/s5 selects Headache (4 on the save/load screen)
I have checked the skill levels in the beta from this video, but I'm not sure about the Easy skill being 0, since I don't have the beta.
Also, the skill thing is the same in the shareware v1.1, but is already fixed in v1.3d.
Makes one wonder if the levels in v1.0 and v1.1 have residual support for the skill level 0, i.e. are there any items or monsters that absent (or present) only on this skill level?
I've also skimmed through the CON files of v1.0 and v1.1. One thing of interest is this, although it's not related specifically to the shareware releases but to the Enforcer thing we have discussed earlier:
So apparently it was supposed to eat the player after all I guess?
Notably, v1.1 changes Pig Cop hit points from 120 to 100:
// Enemy strengths (hit points). define TROOPSTRENGTH 30 define PIGCOPSTRENGTH 100
Other changes between v1.0 and v1.1 I have detected are:
- RPG_WEAPON_STRENGTH increased from 120 to 140
- CHAINGUN_WEAPON_STRENGTH increased from 7 to 9
- HOLODUKE_AMOUNT increaed from 1600 to 2400
Also added the following text lines:
definequote 0 AUTO AIMING definequote 1 MANUAL AIMING / SNIPER MODE!
Somehow I don't remember auto aiming could be turned off in Duke3D..?
Other strings added:
definequote 12 USED STEROIDS definequote 20 CROSSHAIR OFF definequote 21 CROSSHAIR ON definequote 22 YOU'RE TOO GOOD TO BE CHEATING! definequote 44 MOUSE AIMING OFF definequote 45 MOUSE AIMING ON definequote 112 CLIPPING: ON definequote 113 CLIPPING: OFF definequote 114 !!! INCORRECT VERSION !!!
#341 Posted 24 January 2013 - 07:44 PM
TROOP = Predator Trooper (Assault Trooper)
PIGCOP = Pig Cop
LIZ = Lizard Man (Enforcer)
JELLY = Jellyfish (Octabrain)
RECON = Recon Patrol Vehicle
TURRET = Organtic
ROTTURRET = Rotate Turret
DRONE = ???
SNAKE = Snake Head (Sentry Drone)
FATGUY = Fat Guy (Assault Commander)
Arguably the "CAPTAIN" was meant to be used by the Assault Captain (instead the game doubles the Assault Troopes strength), however the CAPTSPINNINGPLAYER value is used by the Assault Commander melee attack, so I guess it could also be a duplicate strength for it.
This post has been edited by Fox: 24 January 2013 - 07:44 PM
#342 Posted 24 January 2013 - 08:26 PM
Fox, on 24 January 2013 - 07:44 PM, said:
TROOP = Predator Trooper (Assault Trooper)
PIGCOP = Pig Cop
LIZ = Lizard Man (Enforcer)
JELLY = Jellyfish (Octabrain)
RECON = Recon Patrol Vehicle
TURRET = Organtic
ROTTURRET = Rotate Turret
DRONE = ???
SNAKE = Snake Head (Sentry Drone)
FATGUY = Fat Guy (Assault Commander)
Arguably the "CAPTAIN" was meant to be used by the Assault Captain (instead the game doubles the Assault Troopes strength), however the CAPTSPINNINGPLAYER value is used by the Assault Commander melee attack, so I guess it could also be a duplicate strength for it.
I'd imagine the "DRONE" would be where the Sentry Drone would have been before the Snakehead was removed/replaced.
#343 Posted 25 January 2013 - 01:47 AM
This post has been edited by Fox: 26 January 2013 - 05:17 AM
#344 Posted 25 January 2013 - 07:03 AM
MrFlibble, on 24 January 2013 - 12:24 PM, said:
/s1 selects Easy (0 on the save/load screen)
/s2 selects Medium (1 on the save/load screen)
/s3 selects Normal (2 on the save/load screen)
/s4 selects Hard (3 on the save/load screen)
/s5 selects Headache (4 on the save/load screen)
I have checked the shareware v1.0, and skill 0 is indeed a different skill level with even less enemies than on Piece of Cake. Here's some examples:
On skill level 1, there's a Trooper near the armour, but none on skill level 0:

The Trooper in the surveillance camera room near the snack stand is also missing:

As is the Trooper in the fire extinguisher room with an Atomic Health (there's no Pig Cop on easier difficulty settings there but the Trooper is present on Piece of Cake):

Similarly, there is no one near the secret area with the RPG in the projector room (one Trooper on Piece of Cake):

And no enemies in the secret room with the air vent entrance (IIRC it also has one Trooper on Piece of Cake, and two on Come Get Some):

At the start of level 2, the Trooper is also missing:

There are more enemies that are not present on skill level 0 throughout the levels (I have walked around level 2 a bit more but you get the picture already so I didn't make any more screenshots). I haven't noticed any extra items that would appear on this skill level (does Duke3D have skill-dependent items anyway?), or other behaviour changes (more ammo for pickups?).
It's quite evident why this skill level was nixed, it isn't essentially easier than Piece of Cake but there are so few enemies it's just plain boring. Also, most enemies that were removed are in secret and/or optional areas, and it probably doesn't make much of an impact for beginners who may miss many of the secrets anyway.
#345 Posted 27 January 2013 - 12:18 PM
Fox, on 16 January 2013 - 11:33 AM, said:

Hmm, Duke Nukem 3D shareware v1.0 and above already has the same rocket sprite as in the final version, with the red wings. The beta versions sure looks cooler though

#346 Posted 27 January 2013 - 12:20 PM
#347 Posted 29 January 2013 - 09:51 AM
FILENAME v1.0 v1.1 v1.2 ------------ --------- --------- --------- TILES000.ART 2 244 435 (same) 2 398 035 TILES009.ART 274 899 (same) 387 580 TILES010.ART 498 520 (same) 506 712 TILES011.ART 89 145 (same) 121 065 TILES019.ART 2 063 813 2 062 385 2 011 673 TILES020.ART 450 184 (same) 578 184 TILES021.ART (absent) (absent) 26 432 COMMIT.DAT 743 743 (absent) AD5.VOC (absent) (absent) 2 427 DRIP.VOC 11 457 (same) 50 516 TNKIDLE.VOC 10 785 (same) 11 421 TNKRUN.VOC 12 321 (same) 41 762 SWPLOCK.TXT 3 357 (same) 3 527 $BULLET.MAP 170 614 170 118 172 022 $DOZER.MAP 261 234 261 146 260 682 $SHRINE.MAP 214 290 209 998 (same) $WOODS.MAP 303 686 304 162 306 054 DEMOS.RUN 22 (same) (absent) SWCODE.SYM 122 184 122 544 138 960 SWDATA.SYM 69 732 69 696 76 392 E1L01.MID 37 623 37 525 (same)
The only difference in the art files between v1.0 and v1.1 is that the info the new Shadow Warrior newsgroup was added to one of the splash screens. As for the art additions in v1.2, here goes:
- TILES000.ART - added a panoramic sky panel with a mountain, probably Mount Fuji
- TILES009.ART - added the dart sprites as shuriken replacement for the censored British version
- TILES010.ART - added ceiling lamp textures for the normal and broken state
- TILES011.ART - added the rotating Yin Yang symbol (v1.0 and v1.1 only have the rotating shuriken symbol)
- TILES019.ART - changed the info screens; changed the beta Lara Croft image to the one used in the full release
- TILES020.ART - added the strategy guide and Game Gateway ads
- TILES021.ART - the graphics for the boss health and air meters (this was entirely absent in v1.0 and v1.1)
It is interesting to note that while the ordering information and credits screens were updated in v1.2, the help screens remain the same as in the older versions and use the old font. The only difference is that the two of the registered weapons have swapped number keys.
Here are the ordering information and game credits screens from v1.0:
Also, between v1.0 and v1.1, most if not all of Lo Wang's speech was edited, apparently to increase sound volume. Here's the rather lengthy list:
Another interesting thing is that both v1.0 and v1.1 of Shadow Warrior have recorded self-running demos, like most other games of the time; for some reason, those were removed in v1.2.
#348 Posted 02 February 2013 - 03:20 PM
Back to Duke3D shareware versions, it turns out that v1.3d also has skill level 0. They fixed the switch values in that version so it requires a /s0 switch to use this skill. About the registered version 1.3d I have no idea, as well as whether the registered levels actually have any items or monsters that are available throughout all skill levels, including 0, while others start with skill level 1. I think it's quite possible that since this skill level was dropped, they could've been making registered levels without regard of this skill setting.
The shareware version 1.3d also doesn't have proper botmatch, since the bot AI was either not implemented yet (DN3DHELP.EXE in v1.0 and v1.1 only mentions the fake multiplayer mode as a means of testing the maps without the need to start a real MP game) or not included in the shareware release altogether.
This post has been edited by MrFlibble: 11 February 2016 - 11:49 AM
#349 Posted 03 February 2013 - 01:24 AM
Don't post about either of these on 3DR's forums because it will be deleted posthaste.
#350 Posted 03 February 2013 - 07:17 AM
Hendricks266, on 03 February 2013 - 01:24 AM, said:
I remember playing the beta version a bit some time ago (it didn't want to work properly at first so I had to launch it by loading the first level from the command line), but I have deleted it since. One thing I remember very clearly is that the staring location in level 1 and the secret room that is near the gold key (and is a reference to the secret apartment in Duke3D's E1L1) were swapped. Also, you can't switch between single and dual UZIs once you pick the second one, just like in v1.0/1.1. Another thing, IIRC, the fists are on button 1, while the katana and the shurikens share button 2. The fist attack also includes the animation of Duke's mighty foot, albeit in brown pants, and the animation of Lo Wang striking with his palm (this one) is used along with the animation of him hitting with close fists (as in the regular versions). There's a clip of Lo Wang saying "Come get some!" (I suppose it's COMEGET2.VOC from your list), which is used rather frequently as a random attack sound, however it was removed from v1.0 onwards.
Now I'm not sure about levels 2 and 3, but level 4 in the beta certainly is very different from v1.0*. For starters, the dojo area apparently was supposed to be the boss battle arena (I haven't completed that level so I can't tell for sure), and the sign says "Dojo of the Sumo" instead of "Dojo of the Serpent", which might suggest that the sumo boss was in fact intended for the shareware episode. IIRC you start somewhere in the dark woods area and you're supposed to get inside the dojo building to proceed.
I also remember that level 3 is called "Temple of the Anime", but its general layout doesn't seem to have changed a lot compared to the beta version.
Level 2 - can't remember but the level name is also somehow different - starts you in a different location, already outside the collapsed tunnel. I think it might be the same location as one of the starting locations for the multiplayer mode (available with the -commbat# switch).
If I get around to play the beta more, I'll sure check what other differences there might be.
Hendricks266, on 03 February 2013 - 01:24 AM, said:
Nice to know you have such a rare historical version

BTW, do you perchance have the shareware CD version of SW? I wonder what version that release could be (CD audio issues are already mentioned in v1.0's SWHELP.EXE, but those could easily be leftovers from the registered Duke3D's help file).
*That is, unless I screwed something up and was actually loading levels in fake multiplayer mode; I played the beta quite a while ago, but now I think that maybe level 4 as I remember it was more or less similar to what you get if you load it in v1.0 and higher with the -commbat# switch.
#351 Posted 03 February 2013 - 07:26 AM
MrFlibble, on 03 February 2013 - 07:17 AM, said:

SHADOW WARRIOR(tm) Version 1.2 Copyright (c) 1997 3D Realms Entertainment This is a version of Shadow Warrior(tm) supplied to Shel Mann/Wizard Works 8/10/97. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE! <Press any key to continue>
1997-04-03 11:53 AM 40,495,207 sw_r09b.grp 1997-05-13 12:00 PM 25,702,245 sw_s10.grp 1997-05-26 12:10 PM 25,833,456 sw_s11.grp 1997-08-10 05:01 PM 47,539,335 sw_r12pre.grp 1997-08-25 12:20 PM 26,056,769 sw_s12.grp 1997-08-25 12:20 PM 47,536,148 sw.grp 1997-08-25 07:20 AM 47,536,148 sw_r12uk.grp 1997-09-11 03:05 PM 26,056,769 sw_smac.grp 1998-01-28 09:43 AM 48,698,128 wt.grp
Compare sw_r12pre.grp to sw.grp (r 1.2).
MrFlibble, on 03 February 2013 - 07:17 AM, said:
I don't have this CD, but I would suggest asking Litude, a 3DR forumgoer.
#352 Posted 03 February 2013 - 12:04 PM
One more thing I have remembered about the SW beta is that instead of the Koi pond area in level 1 there's a complex room-over-room structure (IIRC it has three floors one over another) that caused a serious drop in framerate even in 320x200 resolution. I'm not sure, but it has some kind of a fountain at the bottom level (which replaces the underwater part of the pool), and a ramp that leads to the upper level, although I'm not sure from where exactly. Maybe some rooms that remain in the final version of this map have also switched places to allow for this. The bottom part probably was connected to the diner area, or maybe to one of the lower luggage transport belt areas (where the remote control for the microcar is located).
Hendricks266, on 03 February 2013 - 07:26 AM, said:
1998-01-28 09:43 AM 48,698,128 wt.grp
Hmm, and what's the wt.grp? Wal-Mart version?
#353 Posted 03 February 2013 - 07:09 PM
#354 Posted 03 February 2013 - 08:33 PM
The RPG actor will have an .extra that ranges from 140 to 147. If the value of RPGBLASTRADIUS is set to zero, then the damage will equal the .extra times two minus one (range from 279 to 293). However it is a bit more complicated since RPGBLASTRADIUS doesn't equal zero, and the damage also varies depending of the .clipdist of the actor that receives the damage.
From the tests I have performed, if the actor has a .clipdist of 0 the damage will range from 140 to 293, and if he .clipdist is at the limit of 255 it will range from 70 to 220. For most of the enemies the default .clipdist is 80 and the damage range from 140 to 220 if auto-aiming is on, and from 140 to 293 if it is turned off. For big bosses which .clipdist is 164, the damage is beetween 140 and 220 with auto-aim and 70-220 without it.
So it is all confusing. I guess it could be said that the damage ranges from 70 to 293 in general, although it varies from enemy to enemy and I am not sure about how to calculate the average damage. The mean damage is 180 with auto-aim, and 181 without it. I guess that makes sense since it takes about six RPG shots to kill a Battlelord Sentry.
#355 Posted 04 February 2013 - 06:20 AM
I also think that the room-over-room section I mentioned above that was replaced with the Koi pond in v1.0 actually goes two storeys down from the area near the lobby. I also remember the design gave me the impression of a more realistic environment, but it was probably scrapped because the ROR structure negatively affected game performance.
#356 Posted 06 February 2013 - 07:21 PM

This one is titled "Menu_Nuke_Saving_Data" - maybe for a Save Game feature we didn't get? I may upload the PNGs of these in the resources thread.

A higher resolution menu nuke thing; Menu_Rotating_Nuke I believe this one is normally used;

(An animated flag of the USA, see video)
MenuBkgrdFlag - don't think this is used

rpgdisplay (1-3) - something to do with the RPG, heat seeking?

rpgdisplay_armed - Nuke, ala Shadow Warrior? I want it and I want it now!

tripminedisplay - Perhaps they were going to have different modes once?
I also found some alternate versions of the logo like this;

There's a low-res version with less stars on the flag, more on this later.
Edit 2: Here are all the smacker textures (except four from Capture the Babe) in one video;
Things to note;
> The computer screens state the height of the aliens among other things, this interests me as I have never seen detailed profiles of Duke's enemies like this.
> Possible tribute to Allen H. Blum III in news broadcast (the scroller at the bottom)?
> Blood also used Smacker Textures, hence the cutscenes in that game have the .SMK extension. In DNF they use the .BIK extension.
This post has been edited by High Treason: 06 February 2013 - 11:05 PM
#357 Posted 06 February 2013 - 08:27 PM

This post has been edited by Fox: 06 February 2013 - 08:28 PM
#358 Posted 06 February 2013 - 08:46 PM
The nuke is actually in the game somewhere, saw a YouTube video on it.
This post has been edited by Lunick: 06 February 2013 - 08:46 PM