DeeperThought, on Mar 5 2011, 08:50 PM, said:
Is that true even for the red walls that can't be seen in 3D mode?
Inserting sprites in 3D mode is based on 'hitscan' with CLIPMASK1.
Forge, on Mar 6 2011, 04:16 AM, said:
Polymost makes no difference. Polmyer and 8 bit are just as far off
here's a couple screen shots(in polymer) to show how far the aim is off
this shows how far below a target i have to aim at it in order to get a lock on it with the mouse (flip it if it's above; i have to aim over it)
I'm not even at normal duke "gravity" height, i'm just a few bumps up from the floor, and the higher i get the lower i have to aim to hit the object
So the right shot shows how far you have to aim below in order to get the correct result shown in the left shot?
Forge, on Mar 6 2011, 04:16 AM, said:
btw, why aren't the hrp & polymer check boxes available on the mapster launcher when i put my autoload folder into my build directory?
Mapster just automatically assumes that's what i want since the folder is there. no options.
TX has mentioned several times that autoload is deprecated. I don't even think that Mapster32 supports it.
Gambini, on Mar 7 2011, 08:26 AM, said:
I´m sorry for this, mapster has became more stable when working on the edge of the walls limit but there are still errors. I´m in about 16360 walls and get map corruptions every once, the console says something like: Wall[15365]. NEXTWALL=16345 out of .NEXTSECTOR=2365´s bounds / suggest setting wall[15365].nextsector to 2364 / corruption level 4 had to copy it manually, there are 8 things like that in this last corruption i got.
When do they appear? Can you monitor the corruption progress with the new snapshot? It should do a check every time it creates a new snapshot now, so basically on every edit.
About the waterdrip sprite: it's really one of the annoying leftovers from Duke3D. The issue is that (the absolute value of) tile 660's y offset (in pixels) is greater than or equal its pixel height, in this case meaning that you won't see it when completely on the floor. My solution to this is to make such ill-behaved sprites have their per-sprite y offset set to the negated tile y offset. When you switch to a "good" tile, it should be cleared, but if for some reason it isn't and you're wondering why a certain sprite is off, the sprite info display in 3D mode now shows an asterisk (*) when it has a nonzero x- or y-offset.
About Forge's problem again: I can't reproduce it after all because I copied a one-sided sprite in the first place (facepalm). So apparently the weird mouse issue is responsible for everything.