Mapster32 problems and bugs "Please post them exclusively here"
#31 Posted 28 October 2009 - 10:10 PM
#32 Posted 28 October 2009 - 10:35 PM
As for fullscreen... eh, I dunno, I have half a mind to remove fullscreen from the UI entirely and leave it up to end users to enable it via the .cfg and deal with whatever strange problems show up due to its use on different system configurations, at least until an OpenGL based 2D mode is available. I think the constant mode switching when changing from 2D to 3D mode in fullscreen is horrible and recommend everyone use windowed mode instead. It just works better.
#33 Posted 28 October 2009 - 11:13 PM
TX, on Oct 29 2009, 05:05 PM, said:
The system I map on here has 1gb of ram. I get the same results on my PC at home, which has 2gb of ram. Would that undo/redo code cause the problem even if I didn't use it? Because recently I've just been adding polymer lights and it still happens.
TX, on Oct 29 2009, 05:05 PM, said:
The only reason I want to use fullscreen 2d/3d is because Mapster operates smoother that way. 3d mode not so much, but 2d mode for sure. In windowed 2d mode, the mouse has a noticeable 'chop' while in motion, while conversely it is perfectly smooth in fullscreen. I'm not sure why this is, but it's something I've always noticed (even with other games). I'm sure there's a technical reason for that, I just don't know what it is.
But otherwise I do agree that swapping between 2d and 3d modes for mapster is a bit... harsh.
*edit* That choppy feeling I mention isn't anywhere near as obvious on an LCD. Just figured I'd state that in case anyone looks for evidence of what while using one and doesn't really notice it. The effect is reduced, but still apparent.
This post has been edited by Sobek: 28 October 2009 - 11:15 PM
#34 Posted 29 October 2009 - 04:34 AM
DeeperThought, on Oct 29 2009, 12:10 AM, said:
Mapping in 32 bit. No models, no HRP. I didn't have this problem with the pre-polymer release snapshot, but I think I like the extra zoom in too much to switch back.
TX, on Oct 29 2009, 12:35 AM, said:
As for fullscreen... eh, I dunno, I have half a mind to remove fullscreen from the UI entirely and leave it up to end users to enable it via the .cfg and deal with whatever strange problems show up due to its use on different system configurations, at least until an OpenGL based 2D mode is available. I think the constant mode switching when changing from 2D to 3D mode in fullscreen is horrible and recommend everyone use windowed mode instead. It just works better.
I have 4 gigs ram. I'll try mapping in windowed mode and see if I still have the same problems. Is there a setting in the cfg to adjust the size of the windowed box? Mapster is kinda small on my screen in that mode.
Windows XP 64bit
2.0 dual core
4 gig ram
Nvidia Geforce 7100
This post has been edited by Forge: 29 October 2009 - 04:40 AM
#35 Posted 29 October 2009 - 04:37 AM
This post has been edited by Marked: 29 October 2009 - 04:37 AM
#37 Posted 29 October 2009 - 06:05 AM
Ran mapster in windowed mode with pretty much the same results. I also had the task manager up and to the side so I could see what was going on. The ram load never changed, stayed around 24 mb, but the cpu load shot up to 94% and fluctuated between the low 90s to the mid 40s.
The freezing was less dramatic in windowed mode, but it still did it. I don't mind windowed mode, but that sector/wall info box in the bottom left has got to go because it takes up too much screen. I just need to figure out how to get rid of it.
This post has been edited by Forge: 29 October 2009 - 06:06 AM
#38 Posted 29 October 2009 - 03:21 PM

This post has been edited by Marked: 29 October 2009 - 03:23 PM
#40 Posted 30 October 2009 - 12:05 PM

#41 Posted 30 October 2009 - 03:01 PM
#42 Posted 30 October 2009 - 03:16 PM

#43 Posted 30 October 2009 - 07:28 PM
TX, on Oct 30 2009, 05:01 PM, said:
I never had any problems with the snapshots prior to the polymost release. I'm using mapster in the same way, so the main difference between the current one and the previous one is that "status display". I think that's the culprit that's causing the problems.
Personal preference is that it also gets in the way when I'm drawing and moving vertices so it's annoying anyway.
#44 Posted 01 November 2009 - 12:56 PM
Forge, on Oct 29 2009, 02:34 PM, said:
Yes, at the top of mapster32.cfg, or "vidmode xres yres" at the console.
Marked, on Oct 30 2009, 01:21 AM, said:

TX, on Oct 31 2009, 01:01 AM, said:
The strange thing here is that it appears to be use both cores (since you started out at 50%, I assume that this is one core at the max.). I've also observed this when running under Polymer in Windows. Ideally though, the editor should run at the minimum framerate IMO, i.e. only respond to events.
#45 Posted 01 November 2009 - 01:25 PM
#46 Posted 01 November 2009 - 02:54 PM

#47 Posted 01 November 2009 - 05:01 PM
Helixhorned, on Nov 1 2009, 02:56 PM, said:
Basically the same settings that are in the drop down box when mapster first launches. Even manually adding the numbers into the config file won't let me get a resolution over 1064 X 600. Still too small of a windowed box when zooming in close to move vertices and having that sector/wall info pop up box appear over what I'm trying to work with and blocking my view.
So assuming that the previous versions of mapster also used 100% of my CPU (since it's to be expected), why then is this one bogging my system down?
Plagman, on Nov 1 2009, 03:25 PM, said:
Not using polymer.
Marked, on Nov 1 2009, 04:54 PM, said:
My system bogs even if I'm getting a high frame rate.
Marked, on Nov 1 2009, 04:54 PM, said:

Me too.
This post has been edited by Forge: 01 November 2009 - 05:05 PM
#48 Posted 02 November 2009 - 05:29 PM
Had to restart to get everything running smooth enough just to use a damn web browser. And it's not like this system is in shit shape either... It may only have 1gb of ram & a 160gb hdd, but I maintain it as good as new, same as all my systems.
#49 Posted 02 November 2009 - 06:10 PM
switching 2d to 3d takes alot longer and its more prone to crashing
my biggest problem at the moment is when i use shift + numpad to move a texture it has a high chance of crashing with some c+ 2008 error BS, rendermode 3 & 4 but rendermode 3 will last alot longer than r4 when resizing
so annoying, i have to save like crazy when texturing.
#50 Posted 02 November 2009 - 06:32 PM
DanM, on Nov 2 2009, 08:10 PM, said:
switching 2d to 3d takes alot longer and its more prone to crashing
my biggest problem at the moment is when i use shift + numpad to move a texture it has a high chance of crashing with some c+ 2008 error BS, rendermode 3 & 4 but rendermode 3 will last alot longer than r4 when resizing
so annoying, i have to save like crazy when texturing.
I've always used rendermode 3. I move my textures with my mouse and align them with "." and that hasn't really given me too many problems. But I do get some serious bogging when I use my keypad + or - to adjust my shading, or when I copy a wall texture with the tab key and start pasting it to new walls.
Funny thing is, I can switch to 3d mode and cruise back and forth in the map all day long with no problems, but once I start adding or removing things (in 2d or 3d), that's when I start encountering lag.
#51 Posted 02 November 2009 - 07:07 PM
#52 Posted 02 November 2009 - 10:57 PM
maybe something to do with undo?
that mapster tex shift with mouse is nice, i can see that being very useful

#53 Posted 03 November 2009 - 06:58 AM
DanM, on Nov 3 2009, 01:57 AM, said:
maybe something to do with undo?
I make a habit of saving my map as soon as I open it in mapster as "mapname_backup.map". That way if mapster crashes or corrupts the map, I may lose some work, but it's not so devastating that I can't recover. I've found that the backup.map and autosave.map may get corrupt if a mapster crash is caused by the main map getting corrupt. Sometimes the "map_crash.map" in the hard drive's topmost directory is saveable, but I wouldn't depend on it.
As far as mapster crashes and lags, I haven't used the undo/redo option once so that shouldn't be causing me any problems. I think it has something to do with how the program uses resources to redraw the screen. I can switch from 2d to 3d and back all day long, I can zoom around the map in 2d or 3d all day long with virtually no problems, but as soon as I add to, take away from, or modify the map in any way then I experience the lag. I finally got a crash the other day when I was pasting wall textures. It didn't just shut down mapster, it rebooted my entire system.
#54 Posted 03 November 2009 - 08:53 AM
If you're still getting reboots like that after making sure BSOD displays are enabled, I would look at the power supply first.
Anyway, as for the lag... yeah, if undo/redo was causing it when you started to modify the map is when you would start seeing the lag. What are your system specs? Does the lag only happen when you make the changes to the map, with everything being fine while you're only looking around? Does the lag get progressively worse as you make more and more changes? The undo/redo feature works by creating an extra copy of specific parts of the map structure in memory every time things are altered. I guess I need to implement a maximum memory usage for the feature but I need more information on the problems first.
#55 Posted 03 November 2009 - 11:20 AM
TX, on Nov 3 2009, 11:53 AM, said:
If you're still getting reboots like that after making sure BSOD displays are enabled, I would look at the power supply first.
Anyway, as for the lag... yeah, if undo/redo was causing it when you started to modify the map is when you would start seeing the lag. What are your system specs? Does the lag only happen when you make the changes to the map, with everything being fine while you're only looking around? Does the lag get progressively worse as you make more and more changes? The undo/redo feature works by creating an extra copy of specific parts of the map structure in memory every time things are altered. I guess I need to implement a maximum memory usage for the feature but I need more information on the problems first.
As an afterthought; the reboot only happened once and I was pasting textures when it occurred. Since I was hitting the enter button it's possible that my firewall or antivirus updated and asked for the system to be restarted. The reboot never happened before and hasn't happened since.
2.0 dual core
windows xp 64
4 gig ram
Nvidia geoforce 7100
The lag only happens when I make changes to the map. Everything is fine if I'm only looking around. Switching back and forth between 2d and 3d does not cause lag. The frequency of the lags are directly related to the amount of changes made. The duration of the lags appear to remain within a constant range (5 to 15 seconds).
#56 Posted 25 November 2009 - 04:51 AM
#58 Posted 27 November 2009 - 03:57 PM
#59 Posted 27 November 2009 - 04:21 PM
Spiker, on Nov 28 2009, 10:27 AM, said:
It's been this way for me for a long long time now. I seem to recall it having being brought up in some old thread and someone said it was a known issue, so I assumed a fix was in the works. Guess I just adapted to it since then and 'forgot'.
I also noticed that it's sometimes impossible to target a sprite with your cursor under the Polymer rendering path in Mapster32 (it acts as if there's nothing under your cursor). If you change setrendermode back to 3, you can instantly target the sprite and everything is as it should be.
#60 Posted 27 November 2009 - 05:39 PM
The selection in Polymer is also somewhat integrated into the renderer and is something Helixhorned came up with that also works very well most of the time. Polymost, however, is where things get iffy, as it uses simple hitscan() functionality to try and determine what is being aimed at.
As you guys have noticed, this is not fantastic, but it's about as good as Polymost is ever going to get. It was a lot worse before Hunter_rus messed with it so at least you have that. Polymer will eventually get a reworking of its selection system to make it work about as well as classic does.