Spicy topicless thread - enter at own risk
#61 Posted 22 August 2022 - 05:37 AM
#62 Posted 22 August 2022 - 06:24 AM
Thrice Cursed, on 22 August 2022 - 05:19 AM, said:
1) I didn't mean that wanting to connect is the sign of unsanity, it's more the particular obsession with video games which culminates in going even deeper into it with other people. If you're obsessed and also completely isolated, that's probably worse, yes, but compared to average people who only play occasionally and choose not to engage with the community, no.
2) No, not everyone is crazy like people here. This is a tiny population and yet almost everyone seems to have problems, just like on Doomworld. IRL or even on larger internet forums that are more general and less niche based, you see that much less.
It's not a value judgment on my part like you're all worthless maniacs. I'm a maniac too. I'm as much part of this as anyone else.
As for Avenger I guess I found him funny, that's all. But it doesn't matter anymore now that he's gone. I'm not crying, you're crying!
I would relativize point number two (but am fine with agreeing to disagree), that's just not my personal experience at all. I think some people are just really good at repressing or hiding their personality for whatever reason may concern them and depending on context, and some way more so than others. And as far as online presence, I wouldn't be surprised if between those normal-looking users on popular platforms and insane-looking users on niche websites there actually were a huge overlap.
This post has been edited by ck3D: 22 August 2022 - 06:26 AM
#63 Posted 22 August 2022 - 06:37 AM
Forge, on 22 August 2022 - 05:37 AM, said:
Wasn't around for that but I miss the old internet days in general. Everyone's either a complete lunatic now or a repressed PC cuck. We used to have more safe middle ground.
#64 Posted 22 August 2022 - 07:09 AM
#65 Posted 22 August 2022 - 08:06 AM
Radar, on 22 August 2022 - 07:09 AM, said:

#67 Posted 22 August 2022 - 11:56 AM
#68 Posted 22 August 2022 - 12:57 PM
Radar, on 22 August 2022 - 11:56 AM, said:
Oh you're a top loon. Most of the religious folk are. Ever experienced visions, heard voices?
#69 Posted 22 August 2022 - 01:04 PM
#70 Posted 22 August 2022 - 01:16 PM
#71 Posted 22 August 2022 - 02:04 PM
Also take note that insults need to be directed towards the faith and not a valid character attack. My faith is on God; my flaws are on me.
#73 Posted 23 August 2022 - 12:44 AM
#74 Posted 23 August 2022 - 01:53 AM
Radar, on 22 August 2022 - 01:04 PM, said:
Not trying to sound ironic or anything here, I'm genuinely curious - how do you think this works? I've always thought heaven is the ultimate state of endless happiness, joy and satisfaction. So how can you have more of that? And what about people who don't get more rewards, are they jealous or slightly less happy with their eternity?
#75 Posted 23 August 2022 - 02:45 AM
#76 Posted 23 August 2022 - 03:29 AM
This post has been edited by ck3D: 23 August 2022 - 03:29 AM
#77 Posted 23 August 2022 - 09:40 AM
Fox, on 23 August 2022 - 12:44 AM, said:

>doesn't understand the atoning work of Christ
Aleks, on 23 August 2022 - 01:53 AM, said:
>wasn't here for the many pages worth of eschatological debate between MusicallyInspired and myself
We just had a small recap of this a few pages ago. Basically, most believers don't believe that the afterlife is a one-way ticket straight into what you might call "heaven", but rather that there are a few stops along the way. Most notably, a 1000 year reign of Christ on earth. Even after death, "heaven" (what is theologically referred to as New Jerusalem) is quite a ways off.
Aleks, on 23 August 2022 - 01:53 AM, said:
In heaven, the sinful flesh of man is shed, and thoughts of jealousy and envy don't exist unless they are explicitly willed. What would happen if someone willfully sinned in heaven? I don't know. We saw what happened when Lucifer tried it. But I'm not sure the scripture is clear on what would happen if we did, or if it's even possible.
#79 Posted 23 August 2022 - 12:20 PM
Radar, on 23 August 2022 - 09:40 AM, said:
Quite sure you are going to hell
#80 Posted 23 August 2022 - 03:39 PM
Aleks, on 23 August 2022 - 01:53 AM, said:
You can only get into Super Heaven if you have the pre-order DLC
#81 Posted 02 September 2022 - 06:55 AM
Aleks, on 23 August 2022 - 01:53 AM, said:
the 'rewards' a certain person seems infatuated with are symbolic - since everything a person's done is put to the test of flame and only the things done for the glory of the lord remain. Those glories are turned into crowns - which are then tossed at the feet of the lord. So they don't even get to keep their rewards.
Some sects believe that if enough glories and crowns are earned, then they get to be part of an elite group of 144,000 souls that get a seat at the lords table.
The new jerusalem (heaven) has numerous floors, like a high-rise apartment building, but on the scale of monstrous cities stacked on top of one another. Some sects believe that the more glories a person earns, the higher up in the city tier they get to dwell - with the goal being to dwell in the penthouse / top layer.
I'd rather live on the bottom floor, or out by the gatehouse.
After the 1k reign of the christ, the earth is destroyed and hell once again breaks out, starting the cycle of deity chess over from scratch.
Seems going to heaven earns you the opportunity to participate in the next iteration of 'what does god pull out of his ass this time'
As far as what happens to the people on the losing side of the game. Not sure. God doesn't seem to be a graceful winner and it's implied the losers get to spend eternity with annoying internet influencers and reality tv celebs.
This post has been edited by Forge: 02 September 2022 - 07:07 AM
#82 Posted 02 September 2022 - 08:11 AM
#83 Posted 02 September 2022 - 01:24 PM
I mean...Forge isn't saying anything about what he actually believes, he's just reporting on a particular belief system
#85 Posted 02 September 2022 - 09:29 PM
Radar, on 02 September 2022 - 02:22 PM, said:
But in that case shouldn't you upvote it for boosting your heaven points?
#86 Posted 02 September 2022 - 10:09 PM
Danukem, on 02 September 2022 - 09:29 PM, said:
I took his post as being directed towards God. I may be misremembering, but I do think I remember Forge mentioning that he's Christian. For a believer, that level of flamboyancy towards God is concerning.
Also, even it was directed towards me, I obviously don't take kindly to insults. I think it's common sense that people are affected by what people say. My post before, though true in a sense, was somewhat of a tongue-in-check comment directed towards someone who was trying to bait me.
#87 Posted 03 September 2022 - 02:10 AM
#88 Posted 03 September 2022 - 07:34 AM
Radar, on 02 September 2022 - 10:09 PM, said:
i see
but when someone else does it
#89 Posted 03 September 2022 - 08:18 AM
#90 Posted 03 September 2022 - 08:32 AM
Radar, on 03 September 2022 - 08:18 AM, said:
your opinion. As pretentious as it is.
God designed humans with a built in trojan; intentionally since He is God after all. Humans didn't have to exploit the weakness in the system, but it was put there by divine design. Oh-noes cover the children's ears if someone is a bit cynical about it.
Lets discuss patch 1.0 when he tried to drown everyone and kill the O/S.
Then it took a few more thousand years to issue Christ patch 4.0.
You have absolutely no clue what God intends to do with us once the millennial reign is over, the world ends, and hell breaks out of it chains. The 'authorized' bible ends on that note.
Pretty sure He has other projects planned. We probably aren't even the first project. Your self-centered self-absorbed view of God catering to and revolving around your soul is just as disturbing as any fabricated blasphemy you wish to hoist on me.
I have zero doubts in God's plan. I have no idea what the entire playbook looks like and I'm not pretentious enough to speak for Him - that's for Him to judge. I just trust Him and the set of instructions I was given, and I play my role.
You are the kind of person that gives Christians a bad reputation.

This post has been edited by Forge: 03 September 2022 - 08:42 AM