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Spicy topicless thread - enter at own risk

User is offline   Danukem 

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View PostForge, on 04 September 2022 - 08:32 PM, said:

possibly the same reason you don't get ptsd from watching a war movie

Because I wasn't actually there. You're right, it is the same reason.

User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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This was the guy...

"Tucker reports that in about 70% of the cases of children claiming to remember past lives, the deceased died from an unnatural cause, suggesting that traumatic death may be linked to the hypothesized survival of self. He further indicates that the time between death and apparent rebirth is, on average, sixteen months, and that unusual birth-marks might match fatal wounds suffered by the deceased"

So yeah, don't die unnaturally. The birthmarks thing he mentioned in the video too (I can't find it now), but in some cases there were more serious deformities.

There are also cases of where the researcher was deceived, but the sheer number of reports is truly staggering, if you really go through some of them. A lot of it is on the DOPS website itself.

View PostFox, on 04 September 2022 - 05:47 PM, said:

Reincarnated memories make no sense. The formation of memories is a complex process of the brain, which permanently rewires how your neurons operate.

"Your book references quantum physics. How do quantum theories relate to reincarnation, do you think?

I think they relate in the sense that the physical universe is not what it seems to be, from what we can tell from quantum mechanics. And at least on a quantum level, it seems to be dependent on our observation of it. Quantum physicists talk about electrons, or events being potential, rather than actual physical entities. So that there are various potentials, basically until somebody looks, and then it sort of forces the universe to make a determination about which potential is going to be actualized.

So one take-home message from that is that consciousness is not just a by-product of a physical brain but is actually a separate entity in the universe that has a big impact on things in the universe. And there are people looking at the idea of how, in a quantum way, consciousness can affect the physical brain. If you are open to that possibility, if you are truly going to consider the fact that consciousness is that separate entity in the universe, then you have to consider the possibility that consciousness is not dependent on just being a by-product of a functioning brain. It's going to continue after the brain dies."

Related, maybe?

This post has been edited by Thrice Cursed: 05 September 2022 - 02:38 AM


User is offline   Danukem 

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imo the phenomenon is a form of false memory syndrone, where people essentially make up fake memories and then believe them. In some cases the false memories are created during hypnosis, but they don't have to be. There's also apparently a lot of misrepresentation of cases claiming to involve memories of past lives. This guy spent two years debunking one of the more famous ones: http://michaelsuddut...story-debunked/

User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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View PostDanukem, on 05 September 2022 - 03:34 AM, said:

imo the phenomenon is a form of false memory syndrone, where people essentially make up fake memories and then believe them. In some cases the false memories are created during hypnosis, but they don't have to be. There's also apparently a lot of misrepresentation of cases claiming to involve memories of past lives.

I mentioned that there is occasional deception involved. It's more about the sheer number of cases for me (and the patterns). The high profile ones may be bullshit, yes.

But you know, Radar made me realize something yesterday. There is one aspect in which I have been lying to myself. Namely that the most important factor of the structure of my belief relies on these verified cases (at least where it's been attempted). The reality is that my personal stories/experiences are what ignited my interest in the supernatural, and where I go back to when people start poking holes in my evidence. Let's be clear on this, I never said the claims are irrefutable and perfect, but I guess I am also admitting that there is that personal factor which you can't translate to others, much like a psychedelic experience can't be translated by words alone.

So yeah, there you have it. Speaking of the personal encounters and whathaveyou, I have my own "past life story", which my grandmother wrote down, but I'm not gonna dissect that here. The other things that I believe, were experienced with other people. Mass psychosis? Maybe. Again, I'm not gonna go into it. I realize now the futility of transmitting these things to another person.

This post has been edited by Thrice Cursed: 05 September 2022 - 04:04 AM


User is offline   Forge 

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so when Christ returns, all the dead rise from the grave in their new bodies and the faithful go up into the air to be with Him; how would that work for a christian astronaut that perhaps died on Mars?
Would everything have to put on hold until the astronaut makes the 3 to 9 month journey (depending on where mars is at)?
Imagine the initial shock of 'waking up' then being pulled up through the martian atmosphere and into space without a shuttle or suit.

This post has been edited by Forge: 05 September 2022 - 07:41 AM


User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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Oh, I get it now.

The thing is, we know this from near death experiences. You can travel instantaneously as a soul. Think of a place and you'll be there.

Also, think more in terms of dimensions rather than physical locations. When people die, a portal opens up leading them to the beyond (or the next life). I'm sure that portal can open anywhere and still lead to the same place.

This post has been edited by Thrice Cursed: 05 September 2022 - 07:54 AM


User is offline   Forge 

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View PostThrice Cursed, on 05 September 2022 - 07:50 AM, said:

The thing is, we know this from near death experiences. You can travel instantaneously as a soul. Think of a place and you'll be there.

the popular interpretation is that when the dead rise - they will actually have a new physical body, not as a ghost/spirit - and allegedly they will rise from where their current remains are located - or at least where a fragment of them are. Such as a tooth at the bottom of the ocean that a shark pooped out.


Also, think more in terms of dimensions rather than physical locations. When people die, a portal opens up leading them to the beyond (or the next life). I'm sure that portal can open anywhere and still lead to the same place.

how it supposed to work in christianity - according to popular interpretation (2 schools)
the body is left behind - the soul goes to heaven
christ returns
the new body rises and goes up into the air to meet with christ and reunite the soul and the body.

school 2:
the soul stays with the body and 'sleeps'
christ returns
the new body is formed and the soul wakes up - then the risen go up in the air to meet with christ

This post has been edited by Forge: 05 September 2022 - 09:54 AM


User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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That's some goofy bullshit to me.

Then again, Christ seems to be a real entity. Sometimes people have bad trips or a near death experience where they're tortured by demons. I know people who have nightmares like that. Calling out to Jesus/praying seems to actually invite a being that rescues you.

This post has been edited by Thrice Cursed: 05 September 2022 - 10:56 AM


User is offline   Forge 

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View PostThrice Cursed, on 05 September 2022 - 10:53 AM, said:

That's some goofy bullshit to me.

But if we had the technology, we could break a person down to their most basic sub-atomic particle, put it in a box, shake it up, dump it out, and then put them back together with all the blotches, imperfections, and flaws removed & with all their memories intact.
Something like a star-trek teleporter.

If a being could create subatomic particles and use them to fabricate an entire universe, then re-assembling a mostly hairless monkey-like animal wouldn't be much of a challenge.

This post has been edited by Forge: 05 September 2022 - 12:35 PM


User is online   Mark 


About reincarnation. Does anyone think it might be a factor for some of the amazing child prodigies we have seen? Some as early as 1-2 years old. Or is it overly ambitious parents pushing their child from a very early age and many more of us are capable of becoming a prodigy? Maybe that combined with genetics? I'm undecided.

User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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View PostForge, on 05 September 2022 - 12:29 PM, said:

But if we had the technology, we could break a person down to their most basic sub-atomic particle, put it in a box, shake it up, dump it out, and then put them back together with all the blotches, imperfections, and flaws removed & with all their memories intact.
Something like a star-trek teleporter.

If a being could create subatomic particles and use them to fabricate an entire universe, then re-assembling a mostly hairless monkey-like animal wouldn't be much of a challenge.

OK you've convinced me.

View PostMark, on 05 September 2022 - 12:41 PM, said:

About reincarnation. Does anyone think it might be a factor for some of the amazing child prodigies we have seen? Some as early as 1-2 years old. Or is it overly ambitious parents pushing their child from a very early age and many more of us are capable of becoming a prodigy? Maybe that combined with genetics? I'm undecided.

Not looking good for deliberate practice. Genes seem to win out.

As for reincarnation being a factor... I don't think there's anyone on earth who could tell you this for sure. I guess anything's possible.

The way my "past life memory" impacts my present day life is odd. It feels like a longing for certain places and things that don't and never will exist. Always feeling like I don't belong.

I don't have any special skills per se, but there are some paintings, movies and music that really resonate with me in such a deep way that it makes me weep. They all have a Middle Eastern style.

So maybe it affects taste?

This post has been edited by Thrice Cursed: 05 September 2022 - 01:50 PM


User is offline   Fox 

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View PostThrice Cursed, on 05 September 2022 - 02:21 AM, said:

"Your book references quantum physics. How do quantum theories relate to reincarnation, do you think?

I think they relate in the sense that the physical universe is not what it seems to be, from what we can tell from quantum mechanics. And at least on a quantum level, it seems to be dependent on our observation of it. Quantum physicists talk about electrons, or events being potential, rather than actual physical entities. So that there are various potentials, basically until somebody looks, and then it sort of forces the universe to make a determination about which potential is going to be actualized.

So one take-home message from that is that consciousness is not just a by-product of a physical brain but is actually a separate entity in the universe that has a big impact on things in the universe. And there are people looking at the idea of how, in a quantum way, consciousness can affect the physical brain. If you are open to that possibility, if you are truly going to consider the fact that consciousness is that separate entity in the universe, then you have to consider the possibility that consciousness is not dependent on just being a by-product of a functioning brain. It's going to continue after the brain dies."

Related, maybe?

I think you are taking "dependent on our observation" a bit too literal.

User is offline   Jimmy 

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You people need to touch grass.

Posted Image

This post has been edited by Jimmy: 05 September 2022 - 07:57 PM


User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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View PostFox, on 05 September 2022 - 03:36 PM, said:

I think you are taking "dependent on our observation" a bit too literal.

This is not my stance, man. I don't have an opinion on everything.

User is offline   Danukem 

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View PostJimmy, on 05 September 2022 - 07:36 PM, said:

You people need to touch grass.

I touched grass in one of my former lives when I was a viking, now I'm just gonna touch my computer keyboard.

User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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I don't take any of this stuff too seriously btw and nor should anyone. It's like Forge about the Gnostics. That you need to be aware of some ancient mysteries in order to ascend to a higher plane. The universe/god(s) can get fucked if that's the case. I have to believe good people are going to a good place regardless of what they know or who they believe. If that is not the case, the whole thing is a joke to me and I'll laugh while the demons stick pitch forks up my ass for all eternity.

User is offline   Danukem 

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View PostThrice Cursed, on 05 September 2022 - 11:33 PM, said:

I don't take any of this stuff too seriously btw and nor should anyone. It's like Forge about the Gnostics. That you need to be aware of some ancient mysteries in order to ascend to a higher plane. The universe/god(s) can get fucked if that's the case. I have to believe good people are going to a good place regardless of what they know or who they believe. If that is not the case, the whole thing is a joke to me and I'll laugh while the demons stick pitch forks up my ass for all eternity.

I think I will just cease to exist, which is infinitely better than burning in hell, while also infinitely inferior than being in a good place forever. But at the same time, and somewhat paradoxically, I'm increasingly convinced that my concept of self is confused and based on illusions. I can certainly imagine myself reaching a point before I die where I accept that nothing of value is really being lost because what I have is just a transient and illusory reflection of something greater and eternal that was never under threat in the first place. Our meat urges us to be afraid, though.

EDIT: I still can't shake the gut feeling that, even if we are at peace with the shittiness of the physical world, we should still strive to make it better for humans and make humans better for themselves. Is this just genes puppeteering me? I don't know.

This post has been edited by Danukem: 06 September 2022 - 03:10 AM


User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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View PostDanukem, on 06 September 2022 - 03:04 AM, said:

Our meat urges us to be afraid, though.

Studies show that psilocybin therapy is effective in relieving emotional and existential distress at the end of life for 65-85% of terminally ill people in clinical trials, when it’s administered properly. There are no lasting negative effects and many significant and enduring positive benefits

Condition thy meat with hallucinogens.

User is offline   Radar 

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This isn't directed towards any specific person, but I'm always amused how people who reject religion as an absurdity will then consider ideas significantly more bizarre, such as reincarnation. As cliche as it might be, there's some value to the idea that if you don't have God in your life, you'll adopt mystical ideas significantly more ridiculous to fill that gap. Many such cases.

User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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The following statement not directed at anybody, but stands alone on its two feet like a man: Reincarnation is part of at least two world religions.

Just in case anybody might be wondering!

Personally, Buddhism might be spot on about everything. I certainly wouldn't ridicule them. (This statement also not directed at anybody in particular, I enjoy talking to myself)

User is offline   Forge 

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View PostMark, on 05 September 2022 - 12:41 PM, said:

About reincarnation. Does anyone think it might be a factor for some of the amazing child prodigies we have seen? Some as early as 1-2 years old. Or is it overly ambitious parents pushing their child from a very early age and many more of us are capable of becoming a prodigy? Maybe that combined with genetics? I'm undecided.

sat on it long enough.
time to wreck the thread.
maybe this is also the reason for gender dysphoria.

User is offline   Jimmy 

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You will never get off Samsara.

User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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The Hindus had it right as well:

It was through me the Creator himself gained liberating knowledge,
I am being, consciousness, bliss, eternal freedom: unsullied, unlimited, unending.
My perfect consciousness shines your world, like a beautiful face in a soiled mirror,
Seeing that reflection I wish myself you, an individual soul, as if I could be finite!

A finite soul, an infinite Goddess - these are false concepts,
in the minds of those unacquainted with truth,
No space, my loving devotee, exists between your self and my self,
Know this and you are free. This is the secret wisdom.

— Sarasvati Rahasya Upanishad

Beyond caste, creed, family or lineage,
That which is without name and form, beyond merit and demerit,
That which is beyond space, time and sense-objects,
You are that, God himself; Meditate this within yourself. ||Verse 254||

— Vivekachudamani, 8th Century CE

I find it interesting that people on heavy psychedelics essentially gain the same insight.

We're all one faggots. I'm waving my spirit tendril in your face. Do you feel it? Huh, do you feel it? Huh huh??!

User is offline   jkas789 


Jesus Christ this thread has been a ride dudes.

View PostThrice Cursed, on 21 August 2022 - 10:55 AM, said:

Think about it though. People that obsess over video games to the point where they'd sign up on a forum to talk to other likeminded individuals, aren't exactly sane. None of you are dangerous, but quite a few of you seem unwell.

OI! I take offense to that! Sure I may be a doctor and given my lifestyle am not able to have proper relationships and may be somewhat of a masochist however I still have a good relationship with my family, a somewhat stable psych, a visceral hate for: pedophiles, rapists, cartels, identity politics, normal politics, actual marxists and their ilk and the German "catholic" church; a roof above my head and a wonderful (but naggy) girlfriend.

But aside from that, yeah. A shit ton of people are crazy in this community. I don't think that is a bad thing though. I quite like both Shadow and Jimmy for different reasons. And having a forum where I can actually talk about what I think and discuss with others without being instabanned is definitely nice. Sure we may be mean assholes sometimes but that is normal human interaction. Whoever thinks that there aren't assholes irl that you have to learn to live with is wrong. Also I think that everyone here takes internet posts too seriously. You can just get off the computer people. And ignore it as well. Go out and touch grass.

Anyways as the local taco catholic here, God bless y'all I guess?

EDIT: Also I don't know what you guys mean with this place being filled with a bunch of aggressive wackos? Everyone has been super cordial to me, even in the hot threads. Even in that one thread that I made back in my earlier posts at most I got people posting passively aggressive, maybe someone calling me stupid. heck even my most recent argument with icecoldduke on the discord was minor compared to the blowout Gingis had. And IMO Gingis is a outlier, not the norm.

This post has been edited by jkas789: 11 September 2022 - 08:44 PM


User is online   ck3D 


View PostThrice Cursed, on 06 September 2022 - 05:57 AM, said:

Personally, Buddhism might be spot on about everything. I certainly wouldn't ridicule them. (This statement also not directed at anybody in particular, I enjoy talking to myself)

I tend to respect Buddhism a lot too. Although, I was really let down once after engaging in a spiritual discussion with a hardcore Buddhist who claimed some sort of particular transcendent heritage I forgot about, but seemed mystical, despite using Internet forums like the rest of us. Asking any sort of question or even suggesting or explaining alternatives was always de facto met with a steady stream of insults that looked bot-generated, and eventually that culminated with the guy telling the entire website pool of users that they and their close ones 'all deserved to be raped up the ass by his gigantic lollipop'. Made me aware of where the limit was - believing in your own state as the one of God can flirt with selfishly claiming it all for yourself, and you know most humans will be like that and so that's to be watched. Dude was banned for making threats eventually, and I'm pretty certain he never computed why and now wants to bomb all of the West or something. Pretty sure he advocated for genocide a few times and stuff, barrel o'laughs.

This post has been edited by ck3D: 11 September 2022 - 09:30 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

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View Postjkas789, on 11 September 2022 - 08:38 PM, said:

Whoever thinks that there aren't assholes irl that you have to learn to live with is wrong.

This is extremely important. It does seem that among the privileged, many people have the luxury of being able to segregate themselves in real life from those with opinions they hate. For those of us who have to be nice to the general public all the time in our jobs, that kind of segregation isn't an option. We learn how to deal productively with a wide range of people, including some assholes, but mostly including people with very different values whom we may regard as adversaries in some contexts.

I have witnessed in my lifetime a growing percentage of people become intolerant and unable to deal with opposing viewpoints in a civilized way, and I think a lot of it has to do with them being spoiled on the internet where it is easier to find echo chambers.

User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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View Postjkas789, on 11 September 2022 - 08:38 PM, said:

But aside from that, yeah. A shit ton of people are crazy in this community. I don't think that is a bad thing though.

I didn't say it was a bad thing, just that it's a real thing.

User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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I have this feeling like Dan does martial arts. I don't remember if we've talked about this at all, but when somebody is this understanding without seeming like a giant gaping vag, they usually can take care of themselves in a scuffle. Average people find disagreements physically threatening. The final argument is the physical one after all. Guns... sure, but most don't carry one around with them in the streets.

Physical confidence is super underrated I think. I mean, most MMA dudes I know are kinda right wing, but that's partly genetic, partly low IQ. If you're intelligent, you should learn to fight. At least lift weights/do something physically hard, so you're not walking around like a weak lil fag feeling threatened all the time. All that stuff leads to wanting to ban disagreeable speech, etc. Fear is the mind killer.

User is offline   Danukem 

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View PostThrice Cursed, on 12 September 2022 - 12:44 AM, said:

I have this feeling like Dan does martial arts. I don't remember if we've talked about this at all, but when somebody is this understanding without seeming like a giant gaping vag, they usually can take care of themselves in a scuffle. Average people find disagreements physically threatening. The final argument is the physical one after all. Guns... sure, but most don't carry one around with them in the streets.

Physical confidence is super underrated I think. I mean, most MMA dudes I know are kinda right wing, but that's partly genetic, partly low IQ. If you're intelligent, you should learn to fight. At least lift weights/do something physically hard, so you're not walking around like a weak lil fag feeling threatened all the time. All that stuff leads to wanting to ban disagreeable speech, etc. Fear is the mind killer.

Fear IS the mind killer, that's a good Dune reference. As a matter of fact I have been heavily involved with martial arts for many years, but I don't know how much that has influenced my dispositions about free speech etc. TBH I would say that my ability to use words is probably a bigger source of confidence than my ability to defend myself physically. I think martial arts training, especially if it is good training where you have to sometimes pit yourself against other guys who can beat you, does boost confidence but it also increases humility. You learn that some people are just going to be able to kick your ass and there is nothing you can do about it. You can get better up to a point but size and talent matter and there are just too many different kinds of combat to be good at all of them. You also get reminded that on any given day, you can get caught and put down by someone who is not as good, because you made a mistake or they got lucky. However, I don't think martial arts is necessary to learn these lessons.

I will say that, when it comes to the specific people that I tend to have serious political issues with, there are very few of them that I feel would pose a physical threat to me when I meet them in real life. I'm not referring to the wild men criminal types or opportunists -- yes many of them are quite dangerous but they are not political animals at heart. I'm also not referring to the enforcers who are just tools of the political types -- the enforcers (cops etc.) are also very dangerous.

User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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It's not so much the idea that you could kick anyone's ass, but that you have a fighting chance. Or at the very least you have an awareness of where you stand. The unknown is a big source of fear for me, personally. Everything I'm scared of, I tackle it so I know where I stand in relation to it.

Most people just don't challenge themselves that way. Exposing yourself to risk removes the fear of it. That's what martial arts training and weight lifting (and to an extent even my time in the defense forces) did for me.

I was always a wordy guy, but I was scared to get my ass beat. Now at least even if it did happen, I know what that feels like, so honestly it does allow me to take bigger risks sometimes. Gives you your balls back. As a man you're born with a pair, but life sometimes takes em away.

Maybe you never dealt with serious self esteem issues or poverty or whatever, but people who display a lot of anger that results in aggressive policies towards an adversary whether real or imagined, that's definitely a fear response. They need to confront that shit. It's much easier to do that knowing you're not a complete pushover.

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