Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach Plus "Now Duke Plus-compatible!"
#91 Posted 21 August 2010 - 05:25 PM
#92 Posted 21 August 2010 - 06:11 PM
#93 Posted 21 August 2010 - 10:45 PM
DeeperThought, on Aug 22 2010, 02:13 AM, said:
Thanks for replying

#94 Posted 04 September 2010 - 11:54 PM
However, something I didn't see until I looked at your to-do list, is that Life's a Beach has about half of the sprites/art replaced, and that Nuclear Winter only has about a quarter of the sprites/art replaced. So any other new users, if you see stuff that's in lower quality, they haven't been done yet.
Sure would be great to see them complete though. It's too bad you haven't had more help, especially with the smaller size of these projects.
#95 Posted 05 September 2010 - 12:26 AM
#97 Posted 05 September 2010 - 12:04 PM
BrentNewland, on Sep 5 2010, 02:54 AM, said:
However, something I didn't see until I looked at your to-do list, is that Life's a Beach has about half of the sprites/art replaced, and that Nuclear Winter only has about a quarter of the sprites/art replaced. So any other new users, if you see stuff that's in lower quality, they haven't been done yet.
Sure would be great to see them complete though. It's too bad you haven't had more help, especially with the smaller size of these projects.
Thanks for the sentiments. The to-do lists are slightly misleading because all the art for one specific enemy or HUD weapon is listed under one label, and these require much more effort than your average texture.
That being said, the HRPs are pretty much on par in terms of relative work. NW does not have any new HUD stuff, and the modifications to existing enemies are much simpler than Caribbean's. However, 0 out of 6 new enemies for NW are done, while 2 out of 2 new enemies are done for Caribbean.
Duke!ZONE 2 also heavily borrows from NW and vice-versa because they were both made by SillySoft. So a lot of effort could be put to use twice.
#98 Posted 21 January 2011 - 06:01 PM
To start, the CON files have been gutted to become the closest thing to mutators EDuke32 currently support. This will allow you to run the game with the original CON files, Jonah Bishop's Unofficial CON Fixes, your own personal CON set, and just about anything else in theory.
Multi-platform support has been added to some degree, but it is not complete. An install.sh file is in the works, with help from AL13N.
To address complaints that Vaca+ clutters up the EDuke32 directory with its rigid batch file, the directory structure and and batch file have evolved to be less rigid, more modern, and also contribute to cross-platform compatibility. The batch file will detect EDuke32 0-2 folders above it, and automatically change directory, without ever introducing files to the root. I'm not sure how well it will work in all situations, so if you have problems, don't hesitate to contact me and I will fix it.
In line with the mutators, Duke Plus "support" has been added. I say "support" in that the game will load with DP, but any number of things are either unfinished or not implemented. This will require changed both here and in DP. For example, brand new monsters do not have any DP-specific code, but monsters with changes in the add-on do have this support. Ideally, some solution must be found for this other than copypasting large amounts of code from DP into the wrapper CONs. Footstep sounds for new textures are not implemented, and DP must remove/branch the Duke D.C.-specific sounds from its code.
To view changes to the SVN in a web-based interface, go here: http://svn.eduke32.c...pname=vaca_plus
To download the full pack, see The Commander's excellent SVN tutorial.
Point your SVN client here: http://svn.eduke32.com/vaca_plus/
This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 21 January 2011 - 06:02 PM
#99 Posted 23 January 2011 - 06:29 PM
If you install with the Cd it gets an error with the *ips map files. The Batch file converts *.ips to *.map but gives an error and batch file closes.
If I use Vacation.grp from old install of Vaca_Plus it has this Error(s) found in file VacaEduke.con Do you want to use the internal
EDuke32 2.0.0devel 20100704
Application parameters: /xVacaEDuke.con /hvacation.def /jvaca_plus /gVACATION.GRP /gduke3d_hrp.zip /ghrp_update.zip
Using CON file 'VacaEDuke.con'.
Using DEF file: vacation.def.
Using C:/Eduke32/ for game data
Using vaca_plus/ for game data
Windows Vista (build 6.0.6002) Service Pack 2w/ nedmalloc.dll
Initializing DirectDraw...
Searching for game data...
Using 'duke3d.grp' as main game data file.
Using file 'VACATION.GRP' as game data.
Using file 'duke3d_hrp.zip' as game data.
Using file 'hrp_update.zip' as game data.
Compiling: VacaEDuke.con (497 bytes)
Including: EDUKE.CON (41 bytes)
Including: GAME.CON (98720 bytes)
Including: CBDEFS.CON (36087 bytes)
Including: CBUSER.CON (45646 bytes)
Including: SOUNDS.CON (5192 bytes)
Including: BEACHBAL.CON (2144 bytes)
BEACHBAL.CON:52: warning: empty `ifcansee' branch
Including: SEAGULL.CON (2149 bytes)
GAME.CON: In actor `AMMO':
GAME.CON:918: warning: expected state, found define.
GAME.CON:1923: warning: found `else' with no `if'.
GAME.CON: In state `pigshootenemystate':
GAME.CON:2819: warning: found `else' with no `if'.
Including: DRAGON.CON (6018 bytes)
Including: BEACHBTH.CON (3052 bytes)
Including: BEACHBAB.CON (5273 bytes)
BEACHBAB.CON:97: warning: empty `ifcansee' branch
Including: Vacation.con (10269 bytes)
Including: VacaDefs.con (727 bytes)
Including: VacaUser.con (11511 bytes)
VacaUser.con: At top level:
VacaUser.con:218: error: parameter `VOL4_1' is undefined.
VacaUser.con:219: error: parameter `VOL4_2' is undefined.
Including: VSounds.con (5133 bytes)
Including: VBeachBall.con (3440 bytes)
VBeachBall.con:24: warning: duplicate action `BBB' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:25: warning: duplicate action `BBI' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:27: warning: duplicate move `BALL0' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:28: warning: duplicate move `BALL1' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:29: warning: duplicate move `BALL2' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:30: warning: duplicate move `BALL3' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:31: warning: duplicate move `BALL4' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:32: warning: duplicate move `BALL5' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:33: warning: duplicate move `BALL6' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:34: warning: duplicate move `BALL7' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:36: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALLRANDOM' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:37: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALLI' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:39: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALLR' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:40: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALL1' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:42: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALL2' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:43: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALL3' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:44: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALL4' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:45: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALL5' ignored.
VBeachBall.con:46: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALL6' ignored.
Vacation.con: In state `babechecksquished':
Vacation.con:386: error: state `random_ooz' not found.
Including: VSeagull.con (5531 bytes)
VSeagull.con:28: warning: duplicate action `SEAGULLFLY' ignored.
VSeagull.con:33: warning: duplicate move `SEAGULLSPEED' ignored.
VSeagull.con:34: warning: duplicate move `SEAGULLATTACK' ignored.
VSeagull.con:37: warning: duplicate ai `AISEAGULLFLY' ignored.
VSeagull.con:38: warning: duplicate ai `AISEAGULLATTACK' ignored.
VSeagull.con: In state `seagullcode':
VSeagull.con:186: error: parameter `ACTOR_GROWING' is undefined.
VSeagull.con:240: warning: duplicate action `ASEAGULLSHIT' ignored.
VSeagull.con:242: warning: duplicate move `SEAGULLSHITSPEED' ignored.
VSeagull.con:244: warning: duplicate ai `AISEAGULLSHIT' ignored.
Including: VDragon.con (8994 bytes)
VDragon.con:28: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONBOUNCE' ignored.
VDragon.con:29: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONBOUNCE2' ignored.
VDragon.con:30: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONSHOOT' ignored.
VDragon.con:31: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONSHRUNK' ignored.
VDragon.con:32: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONGROW' ignored.
VDragon.con:33: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONFROZEN' ignored.
VDragon.con:34: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONDEAD' ignored.
VDragon.con:35: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONDYING' ignored.
VDragon.con:37: warning: duplicate move `DRAGONSPEED' ignored.
VDragon.con:38: warning: duplicate move `DRAGONFLEE' ignored.
VDragon.con:39: warning: duplicate move `DRAGONSTOPPED' ignored.
VDragon.con:40: warning: duplicate move `DRAGONBACK' ignored.
VDragon.con:41: warning: duplicate move `DRAGONSHRUNKSPEED' ignored.
VDragon.con:43: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONFLEE' ignored.
VDragon.con:44: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONBOUNCESEE' ignored.
VDragon.con:45: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONBOUNCE' ignored.
VDragon.con:47: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONFLEE2' ignored.
VDragon.con:48: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONBOUNCESEE2' ignored.
VDragon.con:49: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONBOUNCE2' ignored.
VDragon.con:51: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONSHOOT' ignored.
VDragon.con:52: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONSHRUNK' ignored.
VDragon.con:53: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONGROW' ignored.
VDragon.con:54: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONDYING' ignored.
VDragon.con: In state `DRAGONHITSTATE':
VDragon.con:197: error: parameter `ACTOR_GROWING' is undefined.
Including: VBeachBather.con (5135 bytes)
VBeachBather.con:25: warning: duplicate move `BEACHBATHERSPEED' ignored.
VBeachBather.con:27: warning: duplicate action `BEACHBATHER' ignored.
VBeachBather.con:28: warning: duplicate action `BEACHBATHERACTION' ignored.
VBeachBather.con:30: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBATHERIDLE' ignored.
VBeachBather.con:31: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBATHERSHRUNK' ignored.
VBeachBather.con:33: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBATHERFROZEN' ignored.
VBeachBather.con: In state `BEACHBATHERSTATE':
VBeachBather.con:179: error: parameter `ACTOR_GROWING' is undefined.
Including: VBeachBabe.con (6400 bytes)
VBeachBabe.con:24: warning: duplicate move `BEACHBABEWALKSPEED' ignored.
VBeachBabe.con:25: warning: duplicate move `BEACHBABERUNSPEED' ignored.
VBeachBabe.con:26: warning: duplicate move `BEACHBABESHRUNKSPEED' ignored.
VBeachBabe.con:29: warning: duplicate action `BEACHBABEWALK' ignored.
VBeachBabe.con:30: warning: duplicate action `BEACHBABERUN' ignored.
VBeachBabe.con:31: warning: duplicate action `BEACHBABEFROZE' ignored.
VBeachBabe.con:33: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBABEROAM' ignored.
VBeachBabe.con:34: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBABEWANTDUKE' ignored.
VBeachBabe.con:35: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBABERUNAWAY' ignored.
VBeachBabe.con:36: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBABESHRUNK' ignored.
VBeachBabe.con:37: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBABEGROW' ignored.
VBeachBabe.con:38: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBABEFROZEN' ignored.
VBeachBabe.con:41: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBABEFLEE' ignored.
VBeachBabe.con: In state `BEACHBABESTATE':
VBeachBabe.con:228: error: parameter `ACTOR_GROWING' is undefined.
Found 74 warning(s), 7 error(s).
Uninitializing DirectDraw...
This post has been edited by Skulldog: 23 January 2011 - 07:23 PM
#100 Posted 23 January 2011 - 07:59 PM
I'd like to know more about the errors you are getting with the CD installation. Tell me what the batch files say. Enclose them in code tags.
This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 23 January 2011 - 08:00 PM
#101 Posted 23 January 2011 - 08:52 PM
It's getting late. I'll give more details tommrow.
#102 Posted 23 January 2011 - 11:39 PM
Using C:/Eduke32/ for game data Using vaca_plus/ for game data Using file 'VACATION.GRP' as game data. Using file 'duke3d_hrp.zip' as game data. Using file 'hrp_update.zip' as game data.
This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 23 January 2011 - 11:41 PM
#103 Posted 24 January 2011 - 06:28 AM
╔═══════════ ════════════ ════════════ ════════════ ═════╗
║ Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach Plus Batch Launcher ║
╚═══════════ ══════╤═════ ════════════ ╤═══════════ ═════╝
│ By Hendricks266 │
└─────────── ──────┘
You are playing Sunstorm Interactive's Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach with the
various enhancements of Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach Plus, maintained by
Error: You don't have VACATION.GRP in your directory.
You don't have the SSI files in your directory.
What is the drive letter that your Caribbean CD is in? d
3 file(s) copied.
--------- by |---
| Sunstorm Interactive Inc. |
Raiding moonbases, wiping out armies of Pigcops, and slaughtering alien
queen's can take it's toll on a guy, even a tough guy like Duke Nukem!
So after liberating L.A, and giving the alien hordes a whipping they won't
forget, our hero Duke decides it's time to take it easy for awhile, put his
feet up, and soak up some rays under the hot carribean sun. That's right, it's
time for a little vacation, Nukem style!
Unfortunately, it seems some lucky aliens collected a little too many frequent
flyer miles! They have decided the hot climate of the carribean is the perfect
place to set up a new breeding ground, and begin slaughtering the hapless
tourists in the area, laying eggs everywhere! When Duke arrives and sees the
situation, he decides it's time to put on the hurt, and this time it's
personal! After all, they did interrupt his vacation, and now he's really
gonna make 'em pay! Duke grabs his towel, sun lotion, and shotgun and heads
for the beach!
New Levels
Caribbean Catastrophe - Begin your fabulous caribbean vacation here at
the Sunny Beach Resort! Soak up some rays, then boogie the night away
at the fabulous rotating hotel disco!
Market Melee - The Pig Cops have thrown our hero Duke into the
nearest third world prison cell! It's up to Duke to break out
and make 'em pay....while getting some summer gift shopping done
on the side!
Mr. Splashy's - What better place to have a blast than Mr. Splashy's
Super Happy Fun Park? It seems the bad guys have reserved the park
for their own use, so it's time for a little line jumping Nukem style!
But we warn you, you may get wet!
The Wavemistress - What would a trip to the Caribbean be without a
little ocean cruise? Hop aboard the Wavemistress for a rowdy good
time on the waves, but it looks like your cruise director is a
Pig Cop!
Lost Lagoon - Duke makes it a habit to never go south of the border
without fitting in some good old fashioned jungle adventuring. Pack
your backpack and head deep into the bush for an adventure you
won't forget. But remember, the jungle doesn't give up it's secrets
Voodoo Caves - Getting back to civilization wasn't as easy as Duke
thought! It's time to find out if all those rumours about voodoo
tribes were true. However, with all the aliens about, having a pin
stuck in your body may be the least of your worries!
The Alien Remains - What dark, sinister new base have the aliens
constructed in this sunny paradise? What evil now lurks beneath
the calm waves of this tranquil eden? Let's just say it's so
mind numbingly awful you'll just have to find out for yourself.
Secret Level - You'll have to find it!
Included with the game are four Dukematch-only levels:
Inflatable Sea Monster
Watch out for this happy-go-lucky sea creature who is really
just full of hot air! But be careful, he can pack a punch as
he merrily bounces along his way.
Not so much a monster as an annoyance. Although nothing adds
ambience to a day at the beach like the relaxing sound of
seagulls. Just try to stay out from underneath them!
New Weapons
Sandle Foot
Squirt Gun
Super Soak'em
Water Repeater
Coconut Launcher
Pineapple Bomb
Voodoo Ring
Tiki Trip Mine
Ice Crusher
New Items
Banana Bunch
Crate of Bananas
Sun Tan Lotion
Sun Glasses
Shiny Pearl
Hot Sauce
Scuba Gear & Snorkel
Bouncing Beach Ball
Beach Bathers
╔═══════════ ════════════ ════════════ ════════════ ═══╗
║ Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach Plus Installation ║
╚═══════════ ═════╤══════ ═══════════╤ ════════════ ═══╝
│ By Hendricks266 │
└─────────── ──────┘
Error: VACATION.GRP could not be opened
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
Map patching will now begin.
Press any key to continue . . .
ECHO is off.
vaca1.map: No such file or directory
vaca2.map: No such file or directory
vaca3.map: No such file or directory
vaca4.map: No such file or directory
vaca5.map: No such file or directory
vaca6.map: No such file or directory
vaca7.map: No such file or directory
vacasl.map: No such file or directory
vacadm1.map: No such file or directory
vacadm2.map: No such file or directory
vacadm3.map: No such file or directory
vacadm4.map: No such file or directory
Patching complete!
Scanning directory for potential problems.
Press any key to continue . . .
╔═══════════ ════════════ ════════════ ════════════ ═════╗
║ Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach Plus Batch Launcher ║
╚═══════════ ══════╤═════ ════════════ ╤═══════════ ═════╝
│ By Hendricks266 │
└─────────── ──────┘
You are playing Sunstorm Interactive's Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach with the
various enhancements of Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach Plus, maintained by
Error: You don't have VACATION.GRP in your directory.
You do have the Caribbean SSI file in this directory, but it has not been
extracted. It will now be unpacked.
Press any key to continue . . .
unpackssi - .SSI File Unpacker
Copyright © 2003 Jonathon Fowler
This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
File is SSI Version 2
File: ..\VACA15.SSI
Description: It's time for a little vacation, Nukem style! However the aliens
picked the Caribbean as a perfect place to start their new under
base. So grab your towel and shotgun and head for the beach, Duk
Run Filename: CARIB.EXE
Unpacking CARIB.EXE (17632 bytes)...done
Unpacking VACADM1.MAP (18818 bytes)...done
Unpacking VACADM2.MAP (18478 bytes)...done
Unpacking VACADM3.MAP (43866 bytes)...done
Unpacking VACADM4.MAP (23778 bytes)...done
Unpacking DEFS.NOC (36087 bytes)...done
Unpacking GAME.NOC (98716 bytes)...done
Unpacking USER.NOC (45647 bytes)...done
Unpacking DEMO1.OMD (4995 bytes)...done
Unpacking DEMO2.OMD (4995 bytes)...done
Unpacking DEMO3.OMD (4995 bytes)...done
Unpacking MOD.PCS (145 bytes)...done
Unpacking UNMOD.PCS (150 bytes)...done
Unpacking VACATION.PRG (22201375 bytes)...done
Unpacking HACK.SCP (0 bytes)...done
Unpacking UNHACK.SCP (0 bytes)...done
1 file(s) moved.
╔═══════════ ════════════ ════════════ ════════════ ═══╗
║ Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach Plus Installation ║
╚═══════════ ═════╤══════ ═══════════╤ ════════════ ═══╝
│ By Hendricks266 │
└─────────── ──────┘
Error: You don't have all the *.ips files in your directory.
Aborting installation.
Map patching is required for Vaca+ to function correctly.
Press any key to continue . . .
Note: From here, it will just exit.
Looks like it is trying to read Vacation.grp before it is finished being made. It does make a Vacation.grp.
Maybe it needs a time delay pause before trying to check, read, or extract files from the Vacation.grp.
#104 Posted 24 January 2011 - 03:21 PM
#105 Posted 24 January 2011 - 07:08 PM
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>del /f /q vaca6.ips
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>del /f /q vaca7.ips
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>del /f /q vacasl.ips
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>del /f /q vacadm1.ips
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>del /f /q vacadm2.ips
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>del /f /q vacadm3.ips
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>del /f /q vacadm4.ips
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>echo Do not delete this file! You will be force to reinstall
Vaca+ and repatch the maps. 1>vacaflag30.h266
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>attrib +r vacaflag30.h266
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>echo Patching complete!
Patching complete!
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>cd ..
C:\DUKE3D>echo Scanning directory for potential problems.
Scanning directory for potential problems.
C:\DUKE3D>if exist vaca1.mhk goto mhkfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist vaca2.mhk goto mhkfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist vaca3.mhk goto mhkfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist vaca4.mhk goto mhkfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist vaca5.mhk goto mhkfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist vaca6.mhk goto mhkfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist vaca7.mhk goto mhkfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist vacasl.mhk goto mhkfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist vacadm1.mhk goto mhkfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist vacadm2.mhk goto mhkfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist vacadm3.mhk goto mhkfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist vacadm4.mhk goto mhkfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist dcava0r.mhk goto mhkfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist dcava1.mhk goto mhkfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist _vacazoo.mhk goto mhkfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist TILES000.ART goto artfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist TILES003.ART goto artfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist TILES005.ART goto artfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist TILES006.ART goto artfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist TILES007.ART goto artfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist TILES008.ART goto artfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist TILES009.ART goto artfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist TILES010.ART goto artfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist TILES012.ART goto artfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist TILES014.ART goto artfound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist Vacation.con goto confound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist VacaEDuke.con goto confound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist VacaDefs.con goto confound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist VacaUser.con goto confound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist VacaDP.con goto confound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist VacaDPCode.con goto confound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist VacaDPXXX.con goto confound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist VSounds.con goto confound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist VBeachBabe.con goto confound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist VBeachBall.con goto confound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist VBeachBather.con goto confound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist VDragon.con goto confound
C:\DUKE3D>if exist VSeagull.con goto confound
Press any key to continue . . .
C:\DUKE3D>goto restart
C:\DUKE3D>title Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach Plus Batch Launcher
C:\DUKE3D>set dir=C:\DUKE3D
C:\DUKE3D>set vacaver=30
C:\DUKE3D>set hrp=
C:\DUKE3D>set hrpu=
C:\DUKE3D>echo ╔═══════════ ════════════ ════════════ ════════════ ═════
╔═══════════ ════════════ ════════════ ════════════ ═════╗
C:\DUKE3D>echo ║ Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach Plus Batch Launcher
║ Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach Plus Batch Launcher ║
C:\DUKE3D>echo ╚═══════════ ══════╤═════ ════════════ ╤═══════════ ═════
╚═══════════ ══════╤═════ ════════════ ╤═══════════ ═════╝
C:\DUKE3D>echo │ By Hendricks266 │
│ By Hendricks266 │
C:\DUKE3D>echo └─────────── ──────┘
└─────────── ──────┘
C:\DUKE3D>echo You are playing Sunstorm Interactive's Duke Caribbean: Life's A B
each with the
You are playing Sunstorm Interactive's Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach with the
C:\DUKE3D>echo various enhancements of Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach Plus, main
tained by
various enhancements of Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach Plus, maintained by
C:\DUKE3D>echo Hendricks266.
C:\DUKE3D>if not exist eduke32.exe goto eduke32check
C:\DUKE3D>if not exist vaca_plus\ goto nodir
C:\DUKE3D>if not exist duke3d.grp echo Warning: You don't have Duke3D.grp in you
r directory.
C:\DUKE3D>if exist VACATION.GRP move VACATION.GRP vaca_plus\
C:\DUKE3D>cd vaca_plus
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>if not exist VACATION.GRP goto novacagrp
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>echo Error: You don't have VACATION.GRP in your directory.
Error: You don't have VACATION.GRP in your directory.
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>if exist VACA15.SSI goto ssi1
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>echo You do have the Caribbean SSI file in this directory, b
ut it has not been
You do have the Caribbean SSI file in this directory, but it has not been
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>echo extracted. It will now be unpacked.
extracted. It will now be unpacked.
Press any key to continue . . .
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>md vaca15ssi
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>cd vaca15ssi
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus\vaca15ssi>..\utils\windows\win32\ unpackssi.exe ..\VACA15.SSI
unpackssi - .SSI File Unpacker
Copyright © 2003 Jonathon Fowler
This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
File is SSI Version 2
File: ..\VACA15.SSI
Description: It's time for a little vacation, Nukem style! However the aliens
picked the Caribbean as a perfect place to start their new under
base. So grab your towel and shotgun and head for the beach, Duk
Run Filename: CARIB.EXE
Unpacking CARIB.EXE (17632 bytes)...done
Unpacking VACADM1.MAP (18818 bytes)...done
Unpacking VACADM2.MAP (18478 bytes)...done
Unpacking VACADM3.MAP (43866 bytes)...done
Unpacking VACADM4.MAP (23778 bytes)...done
Unpacking DEFS.NOC (36087 bytes)...done
Unpacking GAME.NOC (98716 bytes)...done
Unpacking USER.NOC (45647 bytes)...done
Unpacking DEMO1.OMD (4995 bytes)...done
Unpacking DEMO2.OMD (4995 bytes)...done
Unpacking DEMO3.OMD (4995 bytes)...done
Unpacking MOD.PCS (145 bytes)...done
Unpacking UNMOD.PCS (150 bytes)...done
Unpacking VACATION.PRG (22201375 bytes)...done
Unpacking HACK.SCP (0 bytes)...done
Unpacking UNHACK.SCP (0 bytes)...done
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus\vaca15ssi>move /y VACATION.PRG ..\VACATION.GRP
1 file(s) moved.
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus\vaca15ssi>cd ..
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>rd /s /q vaca15ssi
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>goto novacagrp_done
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>if not exist vacaflag30.h266 goto extract
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>if not exist vaca1.map goto extract
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>echo ╔═══════════ ════════════ ════════════ ══════
╔═══════════ ════════════ ════════════ ════════════ ═══╗
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>echo ║ Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach Plus Inst
allation ║
║ Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach Plus Installation ║
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>echo ╚═══════════ ═════╤══════ ═══════════╤ ══════
╚═══════════ ═════╤══════ ═══════════╤ ════════════ ═══╝
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>echo │ By Hendricks266 │
│ By Hendricks266 │
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>echo └─────────── ──────┘
└─────────── ──────┘
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>if not exist vaca1.ips goto noips
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>echo Error: You don't have all the *.ips files in your direc
Error: You don't have all the *.ips files in your directory.
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>echo Aborting installation.
Aborting installation.
C:\DUKE3D\vaca_plus>echo Map patching is required for Vaca+ to function correctl
Map patching is required for Vaca+ to function correctly.
Press any key to continue . . .
#108 Posted 14 April 2011 - 01:34 PM
And, Hendricks, why you don't use hires cutscenes?
texture 3758 { pal 0 { file "vacation/textures/3758.png" } normal { file "highres/textures/1097_n.png" parallaxbias 0 parallaxscale 0.03 } specular { file "highres/textures/1097_s.png" } detail { file "highres/detail/alien.png" xscale 0.15 yscale 0.15 } }
Attached File(s)
sprites.rar (1.52MB)
Number of downloads: 556
This post has been edited by empyrock: 15 April 2011 - 03:00 AM
#109 Posted 10 June 2011 - 02:59 PM
#110 Posted 10 June 2011 - 06:42 PM
#111 Posted 12 June 2011 - 12:40 AM
empy, on 14 April 2011 - 01:34 PM, said:
And, Hendricks, why you don't use hires cutscenes?
I can't believe I missed this post from two months ago! I added your new tiles (with much thanks!), but if you look at the palettes of your 24-bit->8-bit conversions, all 256 colors are filled, which means that the image processor filled up all available color slots and had to discard some, therefore there is quality loss. Some of the originals also had alpha translucency, and that is lost when colors are indexed. I did optimize the sandals myself by removing the filler alpha channel.
Even though chicken made highres versions of the cutscenes (in the vacation/extra folder), I can't add them because the ANMs don't have a replacement mechanism yet. If any coding guru with the time and patience has code to display an end-of-episode slideshow, I may add them that way. Maybe.
This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 12 June 2011 - 12:41 AM
#112 Posted 12 June 2011 - 08:09 AM
EDuke32 2.0.0devel r1850 Compiled Mar 19 2011 11:00:46 Application parameters: -jC:/DUKE3D/vaca_plus -jC:/DUKE3D -gvacation.grp -hvacation.def -xVacaEDuke.con Using DEF file: vacation.def. Using CON file 'VacaEDuke.con'. Using C:/DUKE3D/ for game data Using C:/DUKE3D/vaca_plus/ for game data Using C:/DUKE3D/ for game data Windows XP (build 5.1.2600) Service Pack 2 Initializing DirectDraw... Searching for game data... Checksumming vacation.grp... Done Using C:/DUKE3D/nwinter/ for game data Using 'duke3d.grp' as main game data file. Using file 'autoload/duke3d.grp/duke3d_hrp.zip' as game data. Using file 'autoload/duke3d.grp/eduke32_mus.zip' as game data. Using file 'autoload/duke3d.grp/hrp_update.zip' as game data. Using file 'autoload/duke3d.grp/maphacks.zip' as game data. Using file 'autoload/duke3d.grp/xxx_lite.zip' as game data. Using file 'vacation.grp' as game data. Compiling: VacaEDuke.con (427 bytes) Including: EDUKE.CON (41 bytes) Including: GAME.CON (98716 bytes) Including: DEFS.CON (36087 bytes) Including: USER.CON (45647 bytes) Including: SOUNDS.CON (5192 bytes) Including: BEACHBAL.CON (2144 bytes) BEACHBAL.CON: In actor `BEACHBALL': BEACHBAL.CON:52: warning: empty `ifcansee' branch Including: SEAGULL.CON (2149 bytes) GAME.CON: In actor `AMMO': GAME.CON:918: warning: expected state, found define. GAME.CON: In actor `ORGANTIC': GAME.CON:1923: warning: found `else' with no `if'. GAME.CON: In state `pigshootenemystate': GAME.CON:2819: warning: found `else' with no `if'. Including: DRAGON.CON (6018 bytes) Including: BEACHBTH.CON (3052 bytes) Including: BEACHBAB.CON (5273 bytes) BEACHBAB.CON: In state `BEACHBABEWANTDUKESTATE': BEACHBAB.CON:97: warning: empty `ifcansee' branch Including: Vacation.con (10936 bytes) Including: VacaDefs.con (725 bytes) Including: VacaUser.con (11541 bytes) VacaUser.con: At top level: VacaUser.con:218: error: parameter `VOL4_1' is undefined. VacaUser.con:219: error: parameter `VOL4_2' is undefined. Including: VSounds.con (5133 bytes) Including: VBeachBall.con (3440 bytes) VBeachBall.con:24: warning: duplicate action `BBB' ignored. VBeachBall.con:25: warning: duplicate action `BBI' ignored. VBeachBall.con:27: warning: duplicate move `BALL0' ignored. VBeachBall.con:28: warning: duplicate move `BALL1' ignored. VBeachBall.con:29: warning: duplicate move `BALL2' ignored. VBeachBall.con:30: warning: duplicate move `BALL3' ignored. VBeachBall.con:31: warning: duplicate move `BALL4' ignored. VBeachBall.con:32: warning: duplicate move `BALL5' ignored. VBeachBall.con:33: warning: duplicate move `BALL6' ignored. VBeachBall.con:34: warning: duplicate move `BALL7' ignored. VBeachBall.con:36: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALLRANDOM' ignored. VBeachBall.con:37: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALLI' ignored. VBeachBall.con:39: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALLR' ignored. VBeachBall.con:40: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALL1' ignored. VBeachBall.con:42: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALL2' ignored. VBeachBall.con:43: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALL3' ignored. VBeachBall.con:44: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALL4' ignored. VBeachBall.con:45: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALL5' ignored. VBeachBall.con:46: warning: duplicate ai `AIBALL6' ignored. Vacation.con: In state `babechecksquished': Vacation.con:405: error: state `random_ooz' not found. Including: VSeagull.con (5645 bytes) VSeagull.con:28: warning: duplicate action `SEAGULLFLY' ignored. VSeagull.con:33: warning: duplicate move `SEAGULLSPEED' ignored. VSeagull.con:34: warning: duplicate move `SEAGULLATTACK' ignored. VSeagull.con:37: warning: duplicate ai `AISEAGULLFLY' ignored. VSeagull.con:38: warning: duplicate ai `AISEAGULLATTACK' ignored. VSeagull.con: In state `seagullcode': VSeagull.con:195: error: parameter `ACTOR_GROWING' is undefined. VSeagull.con:249: warning: duplicate action `ASEAGULLSHIT' ignored. VSeagull.con:251: warning: duplicate move `SEAGULLSHITSPEED' ignored. VSeagull.con:253: warning: duplicate ai `AISEAGULLSHIT' ignored. Including: VDragon.con (9529 bytes) VDragon.con:28: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONBOUNCE' ignored. VDragon.con:29: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONBOUNCE2' ignored. VDragon.con:30: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONSHOOT' ignored. VDragon.con:31: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONSHRUNK' ignored. VDragon.con:32: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONGROW' ignored. VDragon.con:33: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONFROZEN' ignored. VDragon.con:34: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONDEAD' ignored. VDragon.con:35: warning: duplicate action `DRAGONDYING' ignored. VDragon.con:37: warning: duplicate move `DRAGONSPEED' ignored. VDragon.con:38: warning: duplicate move `DRAGONFLEE' ignored. VDragon.con:39: warning: duplicate move `DRAGONSTOPPED' ignored. VDragon.con:40: warning: duplicate move `DRAGONBACK' ignored. VDragon.con:41: warning: duplicate move `DRAGONSHRUNKSPEED' ignored. VDragon.con:43: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONFLEE' ignored. VDragon.con:44: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONBOUNCESEE' ignored. VDragon.con:45: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONBOUNCE' ignored. VDragon.con:47: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONFLEE2' ignored. VDragon.con:48: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONBOUNCESEE2' ignored. VDragon.con:49: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONBOUNCE2' ignored. VDragon.con:51: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONSHOOT' ignored. VDragon.con:52: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONSHRUNK' ignored. VDragon.con:53: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONGROW' ignored. VDragon.con:54: warning: duplicate ai `AIDRAGONDYING' ignored. VDragon.con: In state `DRAGONHITSTATE': VDragon.con:196: error: parameter `ACTOR_GROWING' is undefined. Including: VBeachBather.con (5074 bytes) VBeachBather.con:25: warning: duplicate move `BEACHBATHERSPEED' ignored. VBeachBather.con:27: warning: duplicate action `BEACHBATHER' ignored. VBeachBather.con:28: warning: duplicate action `BEACHBATHERACTION' ignored. VBeachBather.con:30: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBATHERIDLE' ignored. VBeachBather.con:31: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBATHERSHRUNK' ignored. VBeachBather.con:33: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBATHERFROZEN' ignored. VBeachBather.con: In state `BEACHBATHERSTATE': VBeachBather.con:176: error: parameter `ACTOR_GROWING' is undefined. Including: VBeachBabe.con (6356 bytes) VBeachBabe.con:24: warning: duplicate move `BEACHBABEWALKSPEED' ignored. VBeachBabe.con:25: warning: duplicate move `BEACHBABERUNSPEED' ignored. VBeachBabe.con:26: warning: duplicate move `BEACHBABESHRUNKSPEED' ignored. VBeachBabe.con:29: warning: duplicate action `BEACHBABEWALK' ignored. VBeachBabe.con:30: warning: duplicate action `BEACHBABERUN' ignored. VBeachBabe.con:31: warning: duplicate action `BEACHBABEFROZE' ignored. VBeachBabe.con:33: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBABEROAM' ignored. VBeachBabe.con:34: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBABEWANTDUKE' ignored. VBeachBabe.con:35: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBABERUNAWAY' ignored. VBeachBabe.con:36: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBABESHRUNK' ignored. VBeachBabe.con:37: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBABEGROW' ignored. VBeachBabe.con:38: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBABEFROZEN' ignored. VBeachBabe.con:41: warning: duplicate ai `AIBEACHBABEFLEE' ignored. VBeachBabe.con: In state `BEACHBABESTATE': VBeachBabe.con:221: error: parameter `ACTOR_GROWING' is undefined. Found 74 warning(s), 7 error(s). Uninitializing DirectDraw...
#113 Posted 12 June 2011 - 08:55 AM
Including: GAME.CON (98716 bytes)
Including: DEFS.CON (36087 bytes)
Including: USER.CON (45647 bytes)
Including: SOUNDS.CON (5192 bytes)
Including: BEACHBAL.CON (2144 bytes)
Including: DRAGON.CON (6018 bytes)
Including: BEACHBTH.CON (3052 bytes)
Including: BEACHBAB.CON (5273 bytes)
I feel like this is a common problem. I will be adding something to the batch file to recognize when this happens.
This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 12 June 2011 - 08:56 AM
#114 Posted 12 June 2011 - 10:52 AM
Hendricks266, on 12 June 2011 - 08:55 AM, said:
Including: GAME.CON (98716 bytes)
Including: DEFS.CON (36087 bytes)
Including: USER.CON (45647 bytes)
Including: SOUNDS.CON (5192 bytes)
Including: BEACHBAL.CON (2144 bytes)
Including: DRAGON.CON (6018 bytes)
Including: BEACHBTH.CON (3052 bytes)
Including: BEACHBAB.CON (5273 bytes)
I feel like this is a common problem. I will be adding something to the batch file to recognize when this happens.
I haven't copied those files into the Eduke folder, they are definitely not in there
#115 Posted 12 June 2011 - 11:21 AM
#116 Posted 12 June 2011 - 12:18 PM
Hendricks266, on 12 June 2011 - 11:21 AM, said:
Ah yes it works now, thanks a lot! Would you be able to do the same with Nuclear Winter? I can play it normally but i get the same error with the NWDP.con or NWDPXXX.con file when trying to run it with Duke Plus
This post has been edited by CyanFire: 12 June 2011 - 12:19 PM
#117 Posted 12 June 2011 - 12:37 PM
#118 Posted 15 June 2011 - 09:24 AM
It keeps telling me that access is denied when it tries to execute the bspatch.
And when i click yes when it asks if i want to execute the bspatch, a window appears for 1 second and shuts down.
I have Windows 7 64 bit if that may help solving the problem.
#119 Posted 15 June 2011 - 09:36 AM
#120 Posted 16 June 2011 - 05:11 AM
Mateos, on 15 June 2011 - 09:36 AM, said:
Yes, yes and another yes.
I tried to keep clicking yes to allow execution, well i think that worked but i am not sure.
I've played it for a while and it seems all good.
I still have 1 problem, the Nuclear Winter's intro video has been replaced by the Red Alert intro video.
How do i revert this to its defaults ?
This post has been edited by themaniacboy: 16 June 2011 - 05:12 AM