Currently working on exterior map for 'Roosevelt Blvd, FC' location in my current project. Blocked out the buildings and general layout per design from notes. The location is suppose to be very 'Los Angeles Ghetto'-esque.
Things to do:
*Model car and make variations of it for voxel convertion
*Billboard sign to break up linearity of environmental flow
*Building Textures
*Fire Escape textures and level setup
*Fill in basketball with textures and objects
*and various small other design additions
Things that need changing:
*Not satisfied with sidewalk texture. Sadly I can't do much in terms of detail since BUILD doesn't allow for scaling textures besides normal and half size. :/
*Linked fence shows too much of the surrounding area and might be bad for optimization especially since the surround area (dirt area is not explorable/off limits to player). Need to figure out a way to block player's view without destroying aesthetics.
*Need more brush/grass sprite variations, also look into a better dirt/grass texture.
Here is the basic blockout of the level. These levels are designed to be small but the gameplay will expand upon it especially since its more Adventure centric than action.
Okay made a lot more progress.
Things changed:
*Shrunk the street down to be more appropriate for a one way.
*Shrunk down opposite end sidewalk on the 'empty side since large sidewalks are only used for heavy traffic areas.
*Added voxel power lines (minus lines since sprites can't be stretched out enough...unless i'm wrong. I'm guessing a larger image will allow for larger stretching?)
*Broke up the area between parking lot and basketball court with a sort of aesthetic plant area.
*Added metal plates on the other side of the fence to block some of the view.
*Extended freeway and added some mountainy area to further break up mechanical look.
Note: The weapon is just a placeholder to move away from feeling like Duke 3d.