gemeaux333, on 29 February 2020 - 09:51 AM, said:
And what about VR ressurecting Duke, it works with Half-Life, so I don't see why it woudn't worl with Duke, there are plenty of possibilities in Duke with VR setup, and not only punching things in aliens balls and faces !
Half Life: Alyx isn't even out yet, mate. It could be a critical failure (although it will surely make enough money to be worth doing for them.)
Radar 100 Watts, on 29 February 2020 - 10:46 AM, said:
Look at what happened with Doom 2016. Miracles can happen.
Doom 2016 wasn't a miracle though. It took dedication, hard work, love, and clever direction. id approached that game from the stance of "
THIS HAS TO BE GOOD." No experimenting, fucking around, being lazy, following the crowd of nameless FPSes coming out, etc. They took an established franchise and really thought "What made this good and what can be made relevant in a modern experience without massive deviation?"
It had to work. Doom 3 was a good game, but it deviated too much and that's why it failed to carry the franchise. Doom 2016 delivered what most people expected. And now we see in Doom Eternal, they have established trust and now they can deviate. It's a risky move, but a smart one.
DNF did the opposite of all of this. It never had a clear direction and some of the ideas had been there for 10 years with zero deviation or thought to how they even fit in the game, franchise or were even relevant to the world/time it was released in. It was just shit out. George Broussard is a profoundly talented
aesthetic director but in no way a good
project director. The game was only finished because Broussard was removed, but in spite of that, it wasn't finished properly. A middle ground with George's involvement would have produced a better game.
Ronin, on 29 February 2020 - 02:30 PM, said:
The only way forward I see would be Gearbox selling off the licence, can't see it happening though especially in these clown world times. AAA game developers would shit themselves trying to bring Duke back because of the pressure and expectation along with the main stream games media just waiting to bury anyone that tries to do anything not ticking enough woke boxes these days. You would need a new young team with balls and just the right level of naivety to pull it off. I see Randy holding on to the IP and doing nothing, even if just to spite the community that I believe he detests or maybe he just feels a moral obligation to keep a new Duke Nukem game from the world... but we all know Randy is not a moral man by any reasonable standard.
I feel many things about Randy, but one thing I don't believe to be true is that Randy hates Duke Nukem or the fan base. I believe he wants to do what is right but other forces, and his own timidity over money, prevent him from doing things he wants to do. That dude would LOVE to be the guy who made DNF Betas happen. But Take-Two is seriously holding anything DNF hostage.
Fox, on 29 February 2020 - 03:21 PM, said:
Maybe. Randy has already displayed some SJW inclination. Is he compensating for something?
Ronin, on 29 February 2020 - 03:35 PM, said:
Duke Nukem is a God fearing, masculine, nationalist, American hero archetype, powerful forces would Id' imagine would spend a lot of moolah suppressing this kind of character.
They tried to suppress DNF. But even they could not stop that hype machine.
Fox, on 29 February 2020 - 05:13 PM, said:
DNF already included that bizarre scene of Duke watching the twins being killed by alien tentacles while joking that they are "fucked"
Maybe it's worse if they try to keep Duke "edgy"
People look at this too much in a modern context. Duke 3D was edgy
for the 90's. In a world where pedophile drag queens can rub their cocks on five year olds in classrooms, pixelated gore and nipple pasties don't really stack up. Hell, the word "fuck" was even bleeped in the game!
People who complain about Duke Nukem being toxic, "edgy", etc etc are ACTUALLY protesting the return of a culture where something like that can get made and be relatively successful with little backlash, mostly amounting to people only being worried about little Tommy accidentally playing the game. No matter how annoying soccer moms were back then, they didn't want to outright ban adult materials, they were just tHiNkiNg Of ThE cHiLdRen!!11 (It's that slippery slope that led to today of course, with exploitation by malevolent forces weaponizing the soccer moms.) These SJWs realize how benign Duke Nukem actually is and want to get rid of it because benign culture is problematic for them; It can't be exploited outside of a clown world, yet benign culture is what people yearn for
in a clown world.